Foreign Trade Flashcards
Scheme for working out whether the product originated in a Contracting Party
- Contracting Party exports to Contracting Party (Appendix I, Art. 2(1))
- Wholly obtained in Contracting Party (Appendix I, Art. 2(1)(a))
sufficient working or processing (Appendix I, Art. 2(1)(b))
How do I find out who is a Contracting Party?
Art 2(1) Contracting Party means those listed in Article 1(3)
Art 1(3) - “as listed in the preamble”
–> See Preamble
Where is wholly obtained in a Contracting Party defined
Appendix I, Art. 4
What are the steps to determining if there is sufficient working or processing (simplest case)?
- Minimal treatment? No! (required by Art 5(3), defined in Art 6)
- Sufficiently worked or processed - Art 5(1) says must fulfill conditions in Annex II
a. Preference criteria:
- “use ex Chapter 86” or “use heading 8608, alternative method in column 4”
- write condition; instead of “materials”, write “non-originating materials”
b. Preference determination:
- ex works price:
- % of ex-works price = €x
- “The value of the non-originating materials used may not exceed €x”
c. Determination of non-originating materials:
- add non-originating materials (from outside EU)
- < €x
Conclusion: EU originating product
What are the steps to determining if there is sufficient working or processing and the determination of input materials without origin leads to a conclusion it is not an EU originating product (for chapter 86 only) so only column 3
Write: > €x, so not an EU originating product HOWEVER application of cumulation
d. Determination of non-originating materials using cumulation (Appendix I, Art 3):
- add non-originating materials using cumulation
- > or < than €x
- not an EU originating product
What are the steps to determining if there is sufficient working or processing and the determination of input materials without origin using cumulation leads to conclusion of not an EU originating product with heading 8608?
- “BUT application of column 3 criteria” using tolerance Art. 5(2) of the Attachment
Apply previous steps again, BUT condition must say:
“Manufacture in which the value of all non-originating materials used does not exceed 40% of the ex-works price
AND value of the non-originating materials from heading 8608 used must not exceed 10% of the ex-work price of the product”.
Repeat preference determination, determination of non-originating materials and determination of non-originating materials using cumulation with first condition –> Condition fulfilled, BUT
e. Value of non-originating materials from heading 8608 < 10% of the ex-work price of the product - ex-work price =
- 10% of ex-work price = €y
–> The value percentage of the non-originating materials from heading 8608 used may not exceed €y - Non-originating materials from heading 8608 used: calculate
- > or < €y
Conclusion: (not) EU originating product
If not EU originating product –> “Third country customs clearance is necessary in country X”
What do I need to consider when applying Annex II % condition to materials?
- Consider accessories, spare parts and tools included in price (Appendix I, Art 8)
- Don’t consider neutral elements: energy and fuel, plant and equipment, machines and tools, goods which neither enter into the final composition of the product nor are intended to do so (Appendix I, Art 10)
- Sets: see Appendix I, Art 9
How does tolerance work in the Regional Convention?
Tolerance for non-originating materials (in contracting parties, not including EU) not exceeding 10% ex works price of product (e.g. if originating material must be from other headings);
it can’t exceed Appendix II percentages (Art 1(2) and Appendix I, Art 5(2))
What do I need to consider for cumulation of origin?
- Contracting Party 1 (EU) sells material to Contracting Party 2.
- Contracting Party 2 sells product using the material to Contracting Party 1 (EU).
In Contracting Party 2 (exporting Country):
1. No working or processing –> product retains origin in Contracting Party 1 (Appendix I, Art 3(4)
2. “Insufficient working or processing” AND value added is LESS than value of materials originating in other Contracting Party –> product originates in Contracting Party which accounts for highest value of originating materials used (Appendix 1, Art 3(3))
3. “Insufficient working or processing”, value added is GREATER than value of materials originating in other Contracting Party –> originates in Contracting Party 2 (Appendix I, Art 3(3))
4. More than “insufficient working or processing” but less than “sufficienty worked or processed” –> material originates in Contracting Party 2 (Appendix I, Art 3(1) or 3(2) depending on where materials are from)
How is “value added” defined?
Ex-works (product) price minus customs value of materials originating in other Contracting Parties outside the EU (Appendix 1, Art 1)
Wie untergliedert man die Zollbelastung bei der Einfuhr?
- Regelzollsatz
- Wert- oder mengenmäßig eingeschränkte Zollvergünstigungen
a. Zollkontingent
i. Lizenzkontingent
ii. Zollkontingent im Windhundverfahren
b. Zollplafond - Zeitlich aber nicht wert- oder mengenmäßig eingeschränkte Zollvergünstigung
i. Zollaussetzung
Was ist eine Lizenzkontingent?
- Wert- oder mengenmäßig eingeschränkte Zollvergünstigungen
- Mit der Erteilung der Einfuhrlizenz an Firmen ist die Anwendung der Zollvergünstigung garantiert
- Danach, Regelzollsatz
Was ist eine Zollkontingent im Windhundverfahren?
- Eine Zollkontingent
- Reservierung von Kontingentsmengen is nicht möglich.
- First come, first served
Was ist eine Zollplafond?
• Wert- oder mengenmäßig eingeschränkte Zollvergünstigungen
• Anders bei einem Zollkontingent führt das Erreichen des Plafonds nicht automatisch zum Wegfall der Zollvergünstigung:
1. Amtsblatt: Plafond
2. Plafond wird erreicht
3. Mit einer Rechtsverordnung der Europäische Kommission wird die Aufhebung der Vergünstigung bekannt gegeben
4. Tritt in Kraft (3 Tage später)
5. Regelzollsatz
Was ist eine Zollaussetzung?
- Zeitlich aber nicht mengen- oder wertmäßig eingeschränkte Zollvergünstigung
- Die Europäische Gemeinschaft gewährt aufgrund von Verträgen oder autonom (ohne vertragliche Verpflichtung), zolltarifliche Abgabenvergünstigungen bei der Einfuhr, die zu einer Zollermäßigung bis hin zum Zollsatz 0% führen.
What are import duties?
Customs duties payable on the importation of goods - Art. 5(20)
- Customs (third country customs, preference customs)
- Anti-dumping customs
- Import VAT
- Consumer taxes (mineral oil, alcohol, tobacco tax and electricity tax)
What customs procedures are there?
- Release for free circulation - collection
- Export
- Special procedures:
- Transit, comprising external and internal transit
- Storage, comprising customs warehousing and free zones
- Specific use, comprising temporary admission and end-use
- Processing, comprising inward and outward processing
What is the Transit customs procedure?
Transporting goods from one country, going through another country and selling it in a third country.
e.g. arrives in Holland, goes to Germany –> customs duties payable to Germany, not Holland.
What is the inward processing customs procedure?
Further processing of the goods in the EU before being re-exported and sold outside the EU
What is the outward processing customs procedure?
Further processing of the goods outside the EU before being re-imported and sold in the EU –> only pay customs on value added
What are the advantages of the customs warehousing (Zollagerverfahren) customs procedure?
Only pay customs when you sell the goods (interest advantage), time for inward processing stops
What is needed for determination of the amount of customs to pay?
- Customs tariff
- Origin
- Customs value
What governs the international customs value?
WTO Valuation Agreement
In order, what methods are used to determine the customs value of goods?
- Transaction value of the imported goods
- Transaction value of identical goods
- Transaction value of similar goods
- Deductive value
- Computed value
- Fall-back method
How to determine whether you can use the transaction value of the imported goods for the customs value?
- Bestehen Verwendungs- / Gebrauchsbeschränkungen - Art. 70(3)(a) UCC–> Ja –> ZW-Ermittlung nach Art 74(2)a-d; 74(3) UCC
- Bestehen besondere Kauf- oder Preisbedingungen - Art. 70(3)(b) UCC –> Ja –> Ist Berichtigung des Rechnungspreises möglich? –> Nein, ZW-Ermittlung nach Art 74(2)a-d; 74(3) UCC.
- Besteht Erlösbeteiligung - Art. 70(3)(c) UCC–> Ja –> Ist Berichtigung des Rechnungspreises möglich? Nein, ZW-Ermittlung nach Art 74(2)a-d; 74(3) UCC
- Besteht Verbundenheit - Art. 70(3)(d) UCC–> Ja –> Presibeeinflussung? –> Ja –> Ist Berichtigung des Rechnungspreises möglich? Nein, ZW-Ermittlung nach Art 74(2)a-d; 74(3) UCC.
Ansonsten, Art. 70 -Transaktionswert +/ ./. (Art. 71, 72)