Foreign relations Flashcards
Where did the British attack in Russia
They went to the north to Murmansk, to blockade trade to Russia through the Baltic Sea
Where did the U.S troops go?
11,000 went to Vladivostok in the east
Where did the Japanese go?
Eastern Siberia
What happened in the south with France and Britain?
They blocked trade to Russia through the Black and Caspian Seas.
Why did the allies want to get involved in the conflict initially?
They wanted Russia back in the war so that they had another ally against Germany so they wouldn’t concentrate their troops onto France
Why did the Allies want to help with weapons?
The Allies sent Russia many weapons in WW1 and didn’t want the Bolsheviks using them.
Why did the Alliss intervene after WW1?
They wanted to help the Whites to combat Bolshevism
Why was the attempt at helping the Whites ineffective?
They didn’t want to fight in another war because they just came from WW1.
They also didn’t communicate well and didn’t know who to ally with
What was the effect of foreign intervention?
The battles were too small scale to have any large effect on the outcome
The Japanese in Siberia were large but had no effect on the war
They did help the Whites initially
Foreign intervention was one of the reasons for the Whites losing the war?
Could this be a question
What was the Comintern?
An international organisation that tried to promote Marxism and spread proletariat revolution globally.
Who came to the Comintern congress?
When was Comintern created?
In 1919
What were the key issues risen at the first Comintern congress?
Lenin promoted the soviet system as the best war of spreading Marxism
What was the delegates opinion about the first Comintern congress?
Positive, even though there was the Spartacist uprising in Germany, they still thought that there would be a world wide communist revolution
When was the second Comintern congress?
End of 1920
What were the key issues risen at the second Comintern congress?
Lenin’s 21 conditions that were the requirements to be a Comintern member
What was the delegates opinion about the second Comintern congress?
Mixed because some didn’t like the conditions but others thought that the Bolsheviks would win the war
When was the third Comintern congress?
In 1921
What was the delegates opinion about the third Comintern congress?
The recovery of the bourgeoisie in countries like Poland and Germany
What were the key issues risen at the third Comintern congress?
Disappointed, they expected revolutions and instead got bourgeois democracies. So Russia was the only Bolshevik country in the world
What happened to Poland in
It became its own country And were trying to get more territory from
Russia and Russia was do in the same.
What happened with Russia and Poland in 1919
The Poles and Bolsheviks had a conflict
Who did the Poles ally with in 1920?
They allies with the Ulraism to take Kiev from the Bolsheviks
What happened at Warsaw?
The Bolsheviks pushed the Poles to Warsaw but then Poland won
When was the Riga treaty made?
Early 1921
What was the Rapallo Treaty
It was between Russia and Germany because they were isolated by the other countries in the League of Nations
What was the key terms of the Treaty
Russia and Germany would both take pay compensation for WW1
Their form diplomatic relations opened
Mutual goodwill was stressed in commercial and economic relations
German my could carry out military training in Russia
Why was Germany being allowed to have troops in Russia important?
In the Treaty of Versailles they couldn’t have a large army, so now they could still grow their army and keep it big
What was the Zinoviev letter?
A letter from Zinoviev was published by newspapers asking the British Communist party to infiltrate the Labour Party to bring Leninism to Britain
What was the affect of the Zinoviev letter?
It soured relations and made Britain more hostile towards Russia, so they were less friendly