Foreign affairs end of Thatcher and Major Flashcards
What was 1989 known as?
‘The year of miracles’ as communism collapsed across easter Europe
How did communism collapse?
Poland announced it was holding free elections + Gorbachev said USSR wouldn’t intervene
Defied Brezhnev Doctrine as soviet govt. had intervened in domestic affairs of other communist states
Promoted wave of free elections by communist states and communism collapsed
What were Thatcher and Reagan’s impact in the ending of Cold War?
They forced Gorbachev (much more moderate) to realise that the USSR was no longer strong enough to compete and that they were willing to negotiate with Gorbachev so the Cold War could end peacefully
How was Thatcher viewed by Germany?
They’d didn’t like her as she opposed reunification and feared rise of German superstate in Europe
Wasn’t invited to 10 year anniversary of collapse of Berlin Wall when other leading figures were
What dominated post WWII international relations?
Initially Cold War but war broke out again after
Hussein (Iraq’s president) attacked Kuwait in ‘90 and in ‘91 B + US expelled Iraqi forces from Kuwait but Hussein still remained leader
What happened in the Balkans after communism collapsed in 1989?
Yugoslav president, Milosevic moved from communism to Serbian Nationalism
‘91, North Slovenia declared independence Yugo. + other countries followed so Yugo. broke up
Violent clashes between Serbia + Croatia (2 largest states)
What did EU and UN try to do to combat initial tensions in the Balkans?
Tried to come to peaceful solution, Douglas Hurd (Foreign Sec.) thought B could make positive contribution
Efforts failed as unclear wether trying to maintain a multi-ethnic Yugo. of if allowing it to break up
What happened with the Bosnian War?
War broke out in ‘92
‘Ethnic cleansing’ carried out, killing thousands of Muslims and setting up concentration camps
What did Major do in response to Bosnian War?
Held EU + UN conference and UN peacekeeping force set up
Vance-Owen (former foreign sec. who helped set it tup) Plan aimed for lasting settlement
Major praised for efforts but has little impact + US still reluctant to get involved
Sarajevo siege
War carried on for 3 more years, Sarajevo under constant siege
Massacre at Sabrenica killed 10,000 ppl, 7,000 men + boys
British and European intervention ineffective and B turned to Clinton to intervene
US involvement
Military power of NATO essential to get Balkan leaders to negotiate
NATO > UN as UN dependent on member states to provide troops but NATO had unified central command under US leadership
How did events in the Balkans end?
US air strikes on Serbian forces led to peace conference in Ohio + treaty signed in Paris Dec ‘95 guaranteeing Bosnian independence protected by UN force w/ economic support from international community
World position after Balkans
EU’s centre of gravity shifted east and B’s place in EU was being questioned
NATO had to find new role post Cold War and US dominance still unchallenged
B’s ‘special relationship’ still strong
Europhiles when Major became Prime Minister
Kenneth Clarke
Chris Prattern
Eurosceptics when Major became Prime Minister and their response to Maastricht Treaty
Maastricht Treaty gave them chance to voice their concerns
What was included in the Maastricht Treaty?
Expansion of EEC, it turning into EU + plans for a single currency
Treaty agreed Dec ‘91 + signed Feb ‘92
How did Major opt out of some Maastricht Treaty terms?
Major had good relationship w/ European leaders, especially G leader Kohl, enabling him to opt out of single currency and social chapter
What would the Social Chapter have meant for Britain?
Would have brought in max. working hours (48) and weeks
Better working rights for part-time
Major opposed this as The Social Chapter would represent the socialist nightmare of regulation from which Margaret Thatcher liberated Britain.
Also feared employers’ costs would increase, threatening their competitiveness and raising unemployment
Rebels against Major
‘93 rebel MPs blocked Major’s attempt to ratify MT
Won by threatening vote of no confidence which if he’d lost would result in g.e and Tories behind in polls so couldn’t afford this
Still made Major look weak as he couldn’t silence them
What happened once Treaty was ratified?
Ratified after 18 months, still divisions over Europe
Sceptics continued opposing Major’s European policies and threat of Party Whip didn’t deter rebels
Anti-Europe feeling in country, Anti-Federalist League formed ‘93 (later UKIP), Major’s govt. was weakened