Forebrain - 2.27.17 Flashcards
Frontal lobe has __ major parts. The __-___ is used for ___ ___, ___ and ___ ___ __. The ___ half is the __ __ and used for movement.
Frontal lobe has 2 major parts. The pre-frontal is used for conscious thinking, higher cognitive function and decision making. The caudal half is the motor cortex and used for movement.
___ lobe is the most caudal part of the cerebral cortex.
The front half of the ___ lobe is somatic sensation. The caudal half is for ___, but it is mixed with the body map.
The front half of the parietal lobe is somatic sensation. The caudal half is for vision, but is it mixed with the body map.
A significant portion of the parietal lobe is believed to function in visuospatial processing, such as self-awareness of the location of one’s body parts. This allows you to walk around without stubbing your toe on all types of objects because you are unconsciously aware of the location of your toes and feet as you walk.
The posterior side of the parietal lobe processes visual input and works to coordinate hand and eye movement.
If you were to close your eyes, you would still know where your limbs are in space. What part of the brain is responsible for this?
The part in the PL where somatosensory (front) and visual (posterior) part meet.
A significant portion of the ___ lobe is believed to function in visuospatial processing, such as self-awareness of the location of one’s body parts. This allows you to walk around without stubbing your toe on all types of objects because you are unconsciously aware of the location of your toes and feet as you walk.
A significant portion of the parietal lobe is believed to function in visuospatial processing, such as self-awareness of the location of one’s body parts. This allows you to walk around without stubbing your toe on all types of objects because you are unconsciously aware of the location of your toes and feet as you walk.
___ lobe is dedicated to hearing, but a lot of it is vision and association cortex where mutiple sensations come together and get analyzed.
Temporal lobe is dedicated to hearing, but a lot of is it vision and association cortex where mutiple sensations come together and get analyzed.
Which sulcus separates the frontal and parietal lobes?
Central sulcus
The sulcus that separates the frontal+parietal from the lateral lobe is the __ sulcus
The sulcus that separates the frontal+parietal from the lateral lobe is the lateral sulcus
In the occpital is the ___ sulcus. The reason it is important is because this is where infromation from the __ is projected into the brain. Our image of the outside world takes shape first in this sulcus.
In the occpital is the calcarine sulcus. The reason it is important is because this is where infromation from the retina is projected into the brain. Our image of the outside world takes shape first in this calcarine sulcus.
___ gyrus is a major cortical area for the limbic system and deals with emotion, decision making, learning and memory, etc.
Cingulate gyrus is a major cortical area for the limbic system and deals with emotion, decision making, learning and memory, etc.
____ gyrus is a major cortical area of the limbic system and has to do with emotion, learning, memory and decision making
Cingulate gyrus is a major cortifal area of the limbic system and has to do with emotion, learning, memory and decision making
____ gyrus and ___ sulcus delineate the limbic system in the temporal lobe.
Parahippocampal gyrus and rhinal sulcus delineate the limbic system in the temporal lobe.
The ___ is part of the cortex that is buried underneath the __ and __ cortex. If you pull the lips apart (the __ and ___), then you can see the ____. It is underneath the ___ sulcus.
The insula is part of the cortex that is buried underneath the frontal and temporal cortex. If you pull the lips apart (the frontoparietal operculum and temporal operculum), then you can see the insula. It is underneath the lateral sulcus.
The insula has many important functions. Probably the most important is what is in front of the green line. This is important for our internal body and our bodily state (how we feel about ourselves).
The __ ___ cortex is part of the cortex that sticks out over the eyes. This is a limib cortexx and it is important for decision making lie “should I do somethign now or do somethig later?”
The orbital prefrontal cortex is part of the cortex that sticks out over the eyes. This is a limbic cortex and it is important for decision making like “should I do something now or do somethig later?”
“Should I do something now, or should I do something later?”
Which part of the brain is responsible for this type of reasoning?
The orbital pre-fronal cortex.
___ is for emotional learning, and the __ is for declarative memory that is learning of facts and events are hiding underneath the parahippocampal gyrus.
Amygdala is for emotional learning, and the hippocampus is for declarative memory that is learning of facts and events are hiding underneath the parahippocampal gyrus.
The __ is like a little bump that you can almost see on the medial side ofthe parahyppocampal gyrus. Anything that causes pressure in the forebrain will push the the ___. This causes ____ herniation.
The uncus is like a little bump that you can almost see on the medial side ofthe parahyppocampal gyrus. Anything that causes pressure in the forebrain will push the the uncus. This causes uncal herniation.
The fornix is a major fiber tract that leads to the ____ and goes down into the hypothalamus.
The fornix is a major fiber tract that leads to the hippocampus and goes down into the hypothalamus.
The cortex is a sheet of ___ that surround the __.
The cortex is a sheet of cells that surround the forebrain.
The cortex is highly organized. There are ___ of cells that run perpindicular to the cortical surface called cortical columns. These columns are teh functional unit of the cortex. In teh top right of
The cortex is highly organized. There are columns of cells that run perpindicular to the cortical surface called cortical columns. These columns are teh functional unit of the cortex. In teh top right of