Forces of Unity and Division Flashcards
- good feelings and pride toward ones own country
- americans were proud of their new country
- the US became a constitutional nation
Why was there a sense of nationalism in the US after the war ended?
The US won a war against one of the most powerful nations in the world and they were proud of it.
What happened in 1803?
The Louisiana Purchase
What did the Louisiana Purchase do for America?
- doubled the size of the country
- “only” $15 million
- it created a reputation as a strong, independent nation
Who earned recognition as he defeated the Spanish and Native Americans in Florida?
General Andrew Jackson
Why did the US annex Florida
Spain had been attacking US lands so Florida became a US territory
Who else did the US defeat besides GB?
the Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean Sea who had been attacking American trade ships
What was the most notable victory?
the War of 1812 against the British
What two men became heroes (and later presidents)?
Andrew “Old Hickory” Jackson and William Henry Harrison
Why did the Battle of New Orleans happen even after the war ended?
No one fighting in the war knew the war had ended because news did not travel fast back then so the war occurred AFTER the war had ENDED (Jackson)
In 1807, Congress passed this act in order to stop American trade with both Britain and France. How did this act affect America?
Embargo Act - the embargo devastated the American shipping industry
Who was the South Carolina War Hawk leader who was elected to Congress?
John C. Calhoun
What did John C. Calhoun urge? and what became of this urge?
- urged congress to declare war on GB
- in 1812, the US declared war on GB and invaded Canada where the American army was defeated
- in 1814, a British army attacked Washington, DC and set fire to the capital and, later known as, the White House
Explain the end of the War of 1812.
- treaty that ended the war brought no exchange of lands
- the war brought a new surge of nationalism
- the Federalist Party died as a result of their opposition to the war
After the war ended, what did Democratic-Republicans begin to support?
They began to support Federalist policies including a protective tariff and the national bank.