Carolana was named in honor of who?
King Charles
Carolana was first explored by who?
Sir Robert Heath
Established in 1663 after the restoration in England
8 men who supported King Charles II were granted a ______ to Carolina
Who were the eight lord proprietors?
Edward Hyde, George Monck, William craven, John Berkeley, George carteret, William Berkeley, John colleton, and Anthony Ashley cooper
Carolina included all of present day _______, __________, and _________ and all land west to the ________ Ocean.
South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia - Pacific
When did the exploration of Carolina begin?
August 1663
Did Carolina fail or succeed????
The settlement failed within three years
Charlestown became successful when and why? And cause of whom?
1670 at Albemarle Point. Lord Anthony Ashley Cooper
What was the main motivation to make Charles town succeed
________ payments would be paid annually by settlers in Charles town
Proprietors commissioned who to write the fundamental constitutions of America?
John Locke
The FCA guaranteed what? And what did it help do?
Religious freedom and helped attract more settlers to Carolina
Englishmen from the colony of Barbados brought what
A well developed slave system
Where else did the people come from to settle in the British colony in SC?
France, Switzerland, Germany, Scotland, Ireland
What two tragedies in London had an effect on the settlement of Carolina
The bubonic plague outbreak and the great fire of London
Originally located at Albemarle point on the West Bank of the Ashley river on a bluff
Charles town
Lacked organization and became overpopulated
Charles town
Lords proprietors ordered town to be moved
Charles town
Where did they move charleston to.
From the Ashley river to oyster point in 1680
was a walled fortress city
Charles town
The what controlled all branches of government and was made p of three groups
Grand council (1st: representatives and proprietors, 2nd: elected by Carolina nobility, 3rd: smallest group which consisted of freemen of the colony)
Carolina government before 1682
Controlled through the grand council
Carolina government after 1682
Representative democracy
When was the jury system created?
After Carolina changed to a representative democracy
When did they create the commons house of assembly that provided a voice for the people?
After Carolina changed to a representative democracy
Most colonies attempted to provide a __________
Representative democracy
By 1700, the goose creek men controlled what?
The commons house of assembly
Two political and religious factions emerged
Goose creek men and dissenters
Revolution of 1719
Goose creek men and dissenters team up to overthrow proprietors
——— grew between the colonists and proprietors
How did colonists feel by the proprietors?
Proprietors did not protect them from attacks by Spanish, Indians, or pirates. T or F
The council protested to the ______.
The king made Carolina a ———- in 1729
Royal colony
King appointed a ———
Royal governer
More stable than proprietary government
Royal government
Lieutenant governer
Royal government
Bicameral legislature
Royal government
Describe the royal council.
Had responsibilities that are today divided among three branches
Describe the commons house.
Most members part of low country elite
Wealthiest in all the colonies
Prosperous planters, lawyers, and merchants
What was the primary crop of the northern area? Southern Area?
Rice - southern
Northern Carolina did have good sea ports. T or F
F. Northern Carolina did NOT have good seaports
Because northern Carolina did not have good seaports, they relied on who?
They kept ties with Virginia so hey could a hip tobacco from virginia ports
Low country
Coastal area from the beach to about fifty miles inland
The rest of South Carolina
Township plan
1729 royal governer Robert Johnson created twelve townships
Why were the townships created?
- To attract more white settlers, especially to the upcountry
- Served as a buffer from Indians and Spanish attacks
- SC became one of the most ethnically diverse
Describe Blackbeard
Real name: Edward teach
Notable blockade of charleston
What did Blackbeard do that mad him so bad?
Kidnapped several notable people for ransom, not for money but medicine. Charles town official negotiated with him and got the prisoners back when they gave him the medicine.
Steed bonnets nickname
The gentleman pirate
Describe what happened to the gentleman pirate.
- SC governer Robert Johnson ordered for his capture
- Colonel William Rhett captured him and others at Cape a Fear River
He was hanged in Charles town with other pirates
Year of the war with the Tuscarora Indians in NC
War with the yamasee Indians in SC
Lasted longer than any other Indian war
Yamasee war
Many retreated to Florida and Georgia
Yamasee war
Allowed mor land to be opened for settlement
Yamasee war
What did the yamasee war teach the colonists?
They were responsible for their own protection and they should treat Native Americans better in order to avoid future wars.