Forbidden Degrees and consent issues Flashcards
Stubing v Germany (2012)
Sibling punished for marriage and intercourse.
B v UK (2006)
Former Father and Daughter in-law unable to get married unless former souses were both to die. Impaired their right to marry under art. 12 ECHR.
Long v Long
Mental incapacity not always enough to render a marriage void.
Johnston v Brown
(Drugs and Alcohol) You have to be so much under the influence that you have no idea what is going on.
Lang v Lang
Husband only got married because he was told to be the father of their baby but later found out he was not. Marriage voidable on grounds of error.
Sohrab v Kahn
Mother of bride threaten to commit suicide and send her away to live in another country if she did not marry. Voidable under duress.
Mahmud v Mahmud
Man forced into marriage by his family. Voidable under duress.
Edinburgh City Council
Accusation of forced marriage dismissed due to lack of evidence.
Sham marriage:
Orlando v Castelli
2 Roman Catholics only married so the man could stay in Glasgow longer. They did not cohabit, have sexual relations or see each other as their spouse. Woman brought nullity and man did not defend.