Foot & Ankle Flashcards
Describe the layers of the muscles of the foot and list their contents.
- flexor digitorum brevis
- abductor hallucis
- abductor digit minimi
- quadratus plantae
- lumbricals (4)
- adductor hallucis
- flexor hallucis brevis
- flexor digiti minimi brevis
- plantar interossei (3)
- dorsal interossei (4)
- extensor hallucis brevis
- extensor digitorum brevis
Name the relative position of the tendons that pass posterior to the medial malleolus.
Tom, dick, and very nervous harry
Tibialis Anterior
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Name the axon functions found in the peripheral nerves of the foot and ankle
Identify the segmental innervation of the skin of the foot and ankle using a dermatome map.
Describe the path taken by and the location of muscular branch origin of the tibial nerve in the foot.
Tibial n: gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris, popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus
Trace a single red blood cell from the abdominal aorta to the toes by naming every vessel the cell passes through.
Trace a single red blood cell from the toes back to the R atrium by naming every vessel the cell passes through.
Describe the territory and path of drainage for lymph node groups of the foot and ankle.
Popliteal node drains the foot and ankle
Describe the locations where one would take the medial malleolar and dorsalis pedis pulses.
Dorsalis Pedis: posterior to the medial malleolus
Name the primary motions that occur at the joints of the foot and ankle.
Distal talofibular: syndemosis Talocrural: hinge Subtalar: plane Tarsometatrarsal: plane Metatarsophalangeal: ellipsoidal Interphalangeal: hinge
Identify the ligaments that are closely applied to joint capsules and motions restricted.
Talocrural Fibrous Capsule: tibia and melleoli to trochlear surface of talus
Medial Collateral (Deltoid): stabilize joint and resists forced eversion
Lateral: stabilize joint and resist forced inversion
Long Plantar: calcaneus and cuboid to metatarsal (plantar aspect)
Plantar Calcaneocuboid: calcaneus to cuboid (plantar aspect)
Plantar Calcaneonavicular: supports medial longitudinal arch
Name the synovial joint classification for the joints at the foot and ankle.
Distal talofibular: syndemosis Talocrural: hinge Subtalar: plane Tarsometatrarsal: plane Metatarsophalangeal: ellipsoidal Interphalangeal: hinge
Describe the arrangement of the tarsal bones.