Foot And Knee Flashcards
What is 1st position?
Heels together and toes out. Should see inner thighs and knees are out.
What is parallel?
Toes and knees facing forward
What are cues for 1st position?
Pull sit bones together; heels together; squeeze inner thighs together.
What is 2nd position?
Start from 1st and then separate. Knees in line with ankle.
What are cues for 2nd position?
Fire external rotaters; squeeze glutes
What are cues for rele ve?
Ball of foot should be connected all of the way across. Watch what the ankles do.
What are cues for rele ve parallel?
Ankles need to touch and whole outside border of foot; make ankle and shin long and flat; knees over second toe
What are cues for rele ve 2nd position?
Draw sit bones together; minimize range of motion (if they can’t keep everything stable); stabilize pelvis; knees turned out at hip; use toes well and lengthened; knees over ankle; weight on pinky toe or wherever will bring balance to foot. Form is way better than range of movement!
What is a plié?
Knees come forward…out of the line
What is a squat?
Knees stay in line with ankle and hips go back
What is a lunge?
Back knee directly under or slightly behind hip; 90 degree angle with front knee
What is squat and cues?
Toes under bar; straighten arms; knees in line with ankle; pull away from bar; sternum in line with shoulder caps; thighs parallel to ground; arm in line with bar (wrist and shoulder).
What are bony landmarks for plié?
Ear, shoulder, rib, hip, ankle
What is T position and cues?
Wide arms; push into bar with hands; 1st position; push hips to center of room; torso perpendicular to floor; hips need to stay forward; standing leg not locked out; when bend and extend should still travel over toe; work inner thigh by leaning over and creating a good line with the standing leg.
What is pronation of the feet and how to strengthen?
Rolling inward; strengthen bottom and inside of the foot and ankle; strengthen lateral rotation in hips
What supination of feet and how to strengthen?
Weight on outside; put more weight on2nd toe joint (toward inside of foot); strengthen outside of lower leg and ankle.
What is medial rotation of the femur and how to strengthen?
Inward rotation of the thigh; engage lateral hip rotators and hamstrings; stretch adductors and hip flexors; work in turned out position.
What is lateral rotation of the legs and how to strengthen?
Outward rotation of the thigh; strengthen medial rotators and adductors; stretch lateral hip rotators; work in parallel positions
How to strengthen knee flexion?
For reduced flexion, stretch hip flexors and quadriceps, strengthen hamstrings. For reduced extension, stretch hamstrings, strengthen hip flexors and quadriceps. See this a bit in lengthened position.
How to strengthen hyperextension?
Soften knee and pull patella up; flex knees when working - feel back of leg work; strengthen hamstrings, outside of calf muscle; don’t lock out knee
How to strengthen bowlegs?
Strengthen hip rotators; May need to work with feet slightly turned out; put a towel between inner thighs in parallel position. Watch the external rotation.
How to strengthen knock knees?
Weak inside of knees, tight outside of leg; stretch Tensor Fascia Lata; strengthen inner side of knee. Over time this will be better
What is proper leg alignment? Bony landmarks
Center of hip, center of knee, center of shin bone, 2nd toe
What are the three parts of the foot?
Hindfoot, midfoot, forefoot
What is the Hindfoot and what does it do?
The talus and heel bone. The Hindfoot absorbs shock and displaces it forward and from side to side.
What is the midfoot and what does it do?
The midfoot comprises the small bones in the foot between the heel and the toes. The midfoot also helps dissipate force from side to side.
What is the forefoot and what does it do?
The forefoot consists of the toes. The forefoot adapts further to the terrain and pushes the foot off for the next step during walking.
What are the two parts of the ankle?
The true ankle joint and the subtalar joint.
Where is the true ankle joint and what is its function?
Lies immediately below the tibia and fibula. It functions as a shock absorber
Where is the subtalar joint and what is its function?
It is just below the true ankle joint and above the heel bone is the talus bone, and below that is the subtalar joint. This joint helps displace force from side to side.
What is dorsiflexion?
A normal function of the foot and ankle. It involves flexing or pulling the foot and toes up and back toward the shin to maintain alignment throughout the body. Overpronation limits dorsiflexion, causing the foot to push down and forward rather than up and back. Limited dorsiflexion impairs all weight-bearing activities from standing to squatting, walking and running
What is the primary function of the knee?
To link the upper and lower leg by way of a hinge joint. The knee allows a small degree of movement from side to side; however, it’s main functions are flexion and extension.
What is the anatomy of the foot?
One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet. Each foot has 26 bones, 32 joints, 56 ligaments, and 38 muscles. The foundation of your body is clearly a structure designed for very complex movement.