Food Safety Flashcards
Needs oxygen to grow
Does not need oxygen to grow
Single-celled organisms present in the air, soil, on animals and humans
Best before date
Used on low-risk foods
When preparing food microorganisms can transfer from raw to cooked food, causing infection
Danger zone
Bacteria multiply quickly between 5ºC and 63ºC
Direct cross contamination
When the blood and juices of raw foods drip onto cooked foods e.g putting raw meat above cooked foods in the fridge
Proteins that speed up chemical reactions
Food Poisoning Bacteria
Pathogenic bacteria, harmful
Food Spoilage
Damage to food caused by the natural decay of food or by contamination by micro-organisms
Food Spoilage Bacteria
Bacteria that cause food to go bad but do not usually cause food poisoning
Freezer Burn
Greyish-white marks appear on food when it has been packaged badly, food dehydrates and, although safe to eat, will change colour, texture and flavour
Freezer temperature
Needs to be -18ºC
Fridge temperature
Law states 8ºC, recommended 0-5ºC
High risk foods
Foods which are the ideal medium for the growth of bacteria or micro-organisms e.g raw eggs, fish, cooked meat + poultry, yoghurt, cooked rice
Indirect cross contamination
When bacteria is transferred during handling or preparation e.g from hands, work surfaces, equipment or clothing
Low risk foods
Foods which have a long shelf life, e.g dried foods
Tiny living things e.g bacteria, yeast + moulds which all cause food spoilage; can only be seen through a microscope
Pathogenic bacteria
Harmful bacteria which can cause food poisoning
Perishable foods
Foods which spoil very quickly + must be kept in the fridge e.g meat, milk, fish
Shelf life
How long a food product can be kept safely + remain of high quality
Use by date
Used on high risk foods
When microorganisms cannot reproduce
Natural decay
As soon as a plant food is harvested, or animal food slaughtered, changes take place inside the food which causes it to spoil