Food Processing And Production Flashcards
Artificial Additives
Made in lab e.g blackcurrant food colouring used in jam - Amaranth (E123).
Accelerated Freeze Drying - AFD
Food quickly frozen + then placed into vacuum under reduced pressure. Heat vaporises ice, via sublimation, to steam + dries food e.g coffee granules + soup.
Sterilised, preserves food without using preservatives/chilling.
Type of phytochemical e.g E300 + scientists have proved that stop carcinogens from attacking cells + reduces risk of cancer.
Blast Chilling
Reduces temperature of food to below 3 degrees Celcius within 90 minutes, so reduced time in danger zone + used in commercial kitchens e.g custard + ready meals.
Bulk Sweeteners
Artificial sweetener - have similar level of sweetness to sugar.
Chemical Raising Agent
Examples: baking powder/bicarbonate of soda.
Coeliac Disease
Medical condition caused by allergy to protein gluten present in cereals wheat, barley + rye.
Food cooked to 70 degrees Celcius. Portioned. Chilled (within 30 minutes). Chilled to 3 degrees Celcius within 90 minutes + store for 4-5 days below 5 degrees Celcius. Reheat to 70 degrees Celcius internal temperature. E.g ready meals.
Condensed Milk
Evaporated, sweetened + tinned. Very thick, sweet + yellow. Uses: Millionaires Shortbread, Caramel + Banoffee Pie.
Solid substance formed from coagulation of milk + rennet.
Cryogenic Freezing
Liquid nitrogen used at -190 degrees Celcius e.g prawns, raspberries + strawberries.
Removing moisture to prevent microorganism growth. Must be stored in cool, dry place. Generally cheaper + easier to transport + store + foods have longer shelf life e.g bananas.
E Number
Number given to food additives by EU to say that it’s regularly tested + safe to eat.
Substances that stop oil + water separating e.g lecithin in egg yolk.
Evaporated Milk
60% water removed + tinned. Milk becomes brownish colour + caramelised flavour.
Extraction Rate
Amount of whole grain that has been used in making of flour.
Addition of nutrients to food product to replace those lost during processing/improve its nutritional value.
Flour Fortification
Iron, Calcium, Vitamin B1 + 3 are added by law to white plain/soft flour in order to match nutrition of wholemeal flour.
Functional Foods
Foods that have health promoting properties over + above their nutritional value.
Protein in flour.
Group of mixed grains ready to be grinded.
Milk forced at high pressure through small holes to stop larger fat globules from floating to top of milk.
Intense Sweeteners
E.g saccharin (E954) low calorie sweetener. Enhances natural flavour for processed foods.
Lactic Acid
Added to products e.g olives to give them longer shelf life.
Friendly probiotic bacteria.
Modified Atmosphere Packaging, MAP
Internal atmosphere of package changed to slow microorganism growth. Fresh foods in peak condition, package, air ‘gas flushed’ with combination of gas, hermetically sealed. E.g meat products + vegetables for salads.
Modified Starches
Starches that have been structurally altered e.g ready meals to prevent sauces separating.
Natural Additive
Come from food e.g purple beetroot juice added to yoghurt, sweets + drinks to give colour.
Natural Identical Additive
Same as natural but made in lab e.g Benzoic acid (E210) - preservative that occurs naturally in many plants.
Heat milk up to 72 degrees Celcius for 15 seconds to kill pathogenic bacteria, which could cause food poisoning, + then it’s cooled to under 5 degrees Celcius.
Improves gut health as indigestible good bacteria feeds digestive system. E.g leek, onions + asparagus.
Primary Processing
Changing basic food (raw material) to preserve it/prepare it for sale/cooking e.g milling wheat into flour.
Contains friendly bacteria to maintain healthy digestive system + strengthens immune system. E.g yogurts + pickles.
When yeast fills dough with gas, causing it to rise + aerate.
Compounds produced by plants that scientists think reduces risk of cancer + formation of carcinogens. E.g Antioxidants.
Starter culture used in cheese production.
Secondary Processing
Using primary processed food e.g flour to make it into another product.
Spray Dry
Produces dry powder by rapidly drying with hot gas.
Help to prevent mixtures separating.
Helps to reduce absorption of cholesterol. E.g fruits, vegetables + vegetable oil.
104 degrees Celcius for 40 minutes. Destroys all microorganisms + enzymes. Extends storage. UHT + Canning are sterilisation methods. E.g milk + fruit juice.
Helps to reduce absorption of cholesterol. E.g fruits, vegetables + vegetable oil.
Strong Flour
Highest gluten content, needed in bread making + flaking choux pastry.
Modified starches are often used as thickeners in food products.
Ultra Heat Treated (UHT)
135 degrees Celcius for 1 second. Destroys all microorganisms + store at room temperature up to 6 months. Once open treat as fresh. E.g milk, fruit juice + pouch sauces.
Ultra Processed Foods
Commonly linked to NOVA system in fourth category. Foods that have been industrially processed + contain unusual ingredients e.g additives + preservatives.
Liquid part of curd.
Vacuum Pack
Air removed + package sealed. Anaerobic conditions. E.g meat/products, fish + pasta.
Biological raising agent used in bread.
Potential cancer-causing substances.
Advantages of Cook-Chill Industrial Preservation
Little waste, saves energy in home, available in single portions, nutrients not destroyed, consistent quality + fewer additives needed during manufacture, no skill required + larger range of fresh foods.
Anaerobic Conditions
Without oxygen.
Milling Wheat
Wheat to Flour
Milk to Butter
Milk to Cream
Milk to Yoghurt
Milk to Cheese
Flour to Bread
Flour to Pasta