Food product development Flashcards
What are the 7 stages of food development?
- Concept generation
- Concept screening
- Prototype production
- Product testing
- First production run
- Marketing plan
- Product launch
What happens during the concept generation part of product development?
The development of new ideas. Trial existing products to see what makes them popular. Cost, portion size, flavour and appearance are all considered at this point.
What happens during the concept screening part of product development?
Taking best ideas forward, discarding any ideas which may not fit the brief or are too costly.
What happens during the prototype production part of product development?
Making up examples of what product will look like and ensure product will meet needs of target group, make changes if required.
What happens during the product testing part of product development?
Testing prototypes with range of consumers through tasting panels. Eliminate or make changes to product.
What happens during the first production run part of product development?
Product is processed for the first time in full production. Ingredients can be changed at this point.
What happens during the marketing plan part of product development?
Advertising campaign is developed to promote product.
What happens during the product launch part of product development?
Product is now on sale
What are the 4 Ps of marketing?
What is the disassembling of a product?
Taking apart a product to find out what each individual ingredient in the product does. Done to give an idea on why a product is successful or unsuccessful.
What are the 4 stages of disassembling a product?
1- Make form to ask questions
2- disassemble product
3- take food product apart and weigh different parts
4- compare the results from each product disassembled