Food Habits Flashcards
What are animals that eat a variety of different foods or food species called? What is another name for them?
Polyphages. They are generalists.
What are animals that eat only one kind of food or food species called? What is another name for them?
Monophages. They are specialists.
What are animals that eat only one category of food all of its adult life called?
What are animals that may change the category of food eaten though seasons of the year or during period of food scarcity called?
What defines a carnivore?
They eat all animal products, not just muscle meat
What do predators do? Give an example of one.
catch live prey. coyote
What do scavengers do? Give an example of one
find dead prey. turkey vulture
What do planktonivores eat? Give an example of one.
eat plankton. carribean flamingo
What do spongivores eat? Give an example of one.
eat sponges. green sea turtle
What do crustacivores eat? Give an example of one.
eat shrimps and crabs. oyster catcher
What do insectivores eat? Give an example of one.
eat insects. tree swallow
How do insectivores deal with the exoskeletons?
some egest exoskeltons, some remove part of the exoskeleton and some have chitinase to digest it
What do myrmecophages eat? Give an example of one.
eat ants and termites. aardvark
What do Mulluscivores eat? Give an example of one.
eat snails, clams, mussels, oysters, squid and slugs. snail kite
What do piscivores eat? Give an example of one.
eat fish. common loon
True or false - the fat content of a fish does not change seasonally
false. it does.
What do sanquivores eat? Give an example of one.
Eat blood. vampire bat
What do carnivores eat?
eat reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds.
What do omnivores eat?
eat a wide variety of feed stuffs, both animals and plant
Are omnivores seasonal consumers?
What do herbivores eat?
eat ALL plant products (ex. leaves, stems, roots, fruit, nectar, bark) and ALL plant groups.
What are monocotyledons? Give examples of a few
grasses, wheat, rice, only have one leaf
What are dicotyedons? Give examples of a couple
have two leaves, shrubs, trees
What do grazers eat? Give three examples of grazers.
eat mainly grass and some forbs. cattle, buffalo, Canada goose
What are forbs?
non-woody plants at ground level
What do browsers eat? Give three examples of browsers
eat leaves, buds, shoot, twigs. porcupine, deer, elephant
What do intermediate animals eat? Give two examples of intermediates.
both graze and browse. goats and caribou
What is Hoffman’s equivalent to grazers? What do they do?
Grass/Roughage feeders. Eat grass and more fibrous plant material
What is Hoffman’s equivalent to intermediates? What do they do?
Intermediates. both graze and browse.
What is Hoffman’s equivalent to browsers? What do they do?
Concentrate Selectors. Select easily digestible, highly nutritious and low fibre foods such as buds and young leaves
What do folivores eat? Give an example of one.
eat leaves. sloths
What do mycophages eat? Give an example of one.
eat fungi. long-nosed potoroo
What do lichenophages eat? Give an example of one.
eat lichens. caribou
What do frugivores eat?
eat succulent or dry fruit.
What defines succulent fruit? Give an example of an animal that eats succulent fruit.
high in sugar, vit C and low in Ca. black bear
What defines dry fruit? Give an example of an animal that eat dry fruit.
nuts and is high in fat. eastern grey squirrel
What do granivores eat? Give an example of one.
Eat seed, grains. deer mouse
What do nectarivores eat? Give an example of one.
eat nectar. ruby-throated hummingbird
What do nectarivores feed their young?
What do pollenophages eat? Give an example of one.
eat pollen. some tropical bats
What nutrient is pollen rich in?
What do nectarivores and pollenophage obligates eat? Give an example of one.
ONLY nectar and pollen and does not eat insects! Honey possum
What do gumnivores eat? Give an example of one.
eat gums and exudates. marmosets
When does a diurnal animal eat? What is the disadvantage to being a diurnal eater?
during the day.
can be seen by predators
When does a nocturnal animal eat? How have animals adapted to eating at this time? What is the advantage to being a nocturnal eater?
during the night
enhanced sight and hearing
cannot easily be seen by predators and it’s cool in the deserts
When do crepuscular animals eat? What animals usually eat at this time?
At dawn and dusk, cool times in hot climates.
grazers and browsers
What 4 mammalian orders eat ONLY animal material?
Monotremata (echidnas and platypus), tubulidentata (aardvark), pholidota (pangolins), macroscelidea (elephant shrew)
What 5 mammalian orders eat ONLY plant material?
lagomorphia (rabbits, hares), perissodactyla (horses, rhinos, tapirs), proboscidea (elephants), sirenia (manatees, dugongs), hyracoidea (hyraxes)
What type of carnivores are the coyote and wolf?
facultative carnivores