Food Comodities: Bread, Cereal, Flour, Oats, Rice Flashcards
What type of food is bread?
What ingredients are needed to make bread?
Flour, Water, Yeast
How can bread be made more interesting to eat?
Different ingredients added
What section of the Eatwell guide does bread fit in?
Where could bread be stored - could be more than one answer?
Bread box /airtight container
What are staple foods?
Staple foods are usually starchy foods that grow well and can be stored for consumption throughout the year.
What is a cereal called when left in its natural form?
Whole Grain
What is an essential element in a healthy diet?
Help reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes and control blood cholesterol
What is the term cereal used to describe?
Edible grasses
Name five types of cereals.
1) Oats
2) Maize
3) Barley
4) Rice/Rye
5) Wheat
Where does flour come from?
Different types of cereals
What is strong flour used for?
Strong Flour—used in bread making and comes from winter wheat, which is a hard wheat
What is weak flour used for?
Weak flour—used in cake and biscuit making and comes from spring wheat.
Name four types of flour?
Wholemeal, Granary, Stone-ground, Organic, Rye Flour, Oat Flour, Barley Flour
What does the term extraction rate mean?
How much wholegrain has been used
Why should we store flour in airtight containers?
To prevent weevils
What is wheat used for primarily?
Describe the term Endosperm?
The main part of the grain, a starch and protein supply.