Food Chem Flashcards
Why are sugars called polyhydroxy sugars?
Because sugars (carbohydrates) have a hydroxyl group and either an aldehyde or a ketone group
Sucrose (a disaccharide), also known as table sugar is composed of ____ + ____
glucose and fructose
Give examples of disaccharides
Sucrose, Lactose, Maltose (most abundant)
Also known as milk sugar
Also known as malt sugar
Lactose is made up of ____ + _____
glucose and galactose
Maltose is made up of ____ + _____
Glucose and glucose
What is a trisaccharide?
it is a carbohydrate composed of 3 monosaccharides
Oligosaccharides are composed of ______ monosaccharides
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Where are the most abundant disaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose) found?
Sucrose - found in most fruits and veg
Lactose - found in milk and dairy products
Maltose - found in malted drinks
Monosaccharides are joined together by the ______.
Glycosidic bond/linkage
Polysaccharides can either be ______ or ______.
Homopolysaccharides or heteropolysaccharides
Give examples of Homopolysaccharides
starch and cellulose
Give examples of Heteropolysaccharides
pectins, gums
Monosaccharides are simple sugars composed of ____ carbons in a chain
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Monosaccharides with an aldehyde group at C1 are called _____, while those with a ketone group at C2 are called ______
aldoses, ketoses
What does the R/S configuration mean, also the D/L configuration
R/S configuration, also known as the D/L configuration is used to describe the steriochemistry of sugars.
R configuration or Dextro means (+) sign
S config or Levo means (-) sign
All naturally occurring sugars have what configuration?
R configuration; naturally occurring sugars are D-sugars
Where is the -OH group located in naturally occurring sugars?
OH is located FARTHEST from the carbonyl group and at the RIGHT in a Fischer projection
D-glucose is readily metabolized by the body while L-glucose is not
What is the most abundant type of aldoses?
a type of reaction involving water
Glucose is made from what?
reaction between homopolysaccharides
Glucose is made from the hydrolysis of starch and cellulose
identify the type of reaction involving water
Galactose is made from what?
rxn with heteropolysaccharides
Galactose is made from the hydrolysis of fruit pectins
choose which one
All monosaccharides are reducing or nonreducing sugars
All are reducing sugars
describe the config
When sucrose (table sugar) is hydrolyzed, what happens to its configuration?
config changes
Hydrolyzed sucrose will be an invert sugar which has a negative or S configuration
a type of sugar
When sucrose (table sugar) is hydrolyzed, what kind of sugar will be formed?
Sucrose that is hydroylyzed is called an invert sugar
Table sugar vs. Invert sugar
invert sugar is sweeter than sucrose does not form crystals; it remains in syrup form
invert sugar is formed from the hydrolysis of table sugar while table sugar naturally occurs in sugar canes, beets
What enzyme cleaves the beta-1,4 glycosidic bond in lactose
it’s the absence of a catalyst
What makes poeple lactose-intolerant
what makes their body not digest lactose
Lactose-intolerant people are incapable of producing lactase, so lactose cannot be absorbed and digested by their bodies
type of rxn involving water
Maltose is produced from what
It is produced from the hydrolysis of starch by the enzyme amylase
name the enzyme
Enzyme that digests starch
name the disaccharide
____ is present in malt, germinating grains, corn syrup, and products of carbohdyrate digestion
name the disaccharide
Used in the manufacture of hard sweets and frozen desserts
Examples of trisaccharides
Raffinose and stachyrose
name the monosaccharide units
Raffinose is made up of ____ + ____ + ___
Glucose + Galactose + Fructose
Stachyrose is made up of ____ + ____ + ___
Galactose + Galactose + Glucose
name the homopolysaccharide
The most abundant organic compound after cellulose & main source of energy for man
Starch is composed of ____ and _____
include percentage
amylose (20%) and amylopectin (80%)
Why is the structure of amylose and amylopectin coiled?
Because of the alpha linkage
describe the characteristic of its structure
What makes cellulose water-insoluble?
Cellulose has a linear structure because of the beta linkage, meaning that only few OH groups on the surface can H-bond with water. This makes cellulose water insoluble.
Even if daghan ang OH groups, interaction comes from the surface raman
Function of cellulose in the food industry
It is used as an anti-caking agent, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, gelling agent, dispering agent among others
compare the two; focus on their composition
Simple vs. Complex carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates - composed of monosaccharides; cannot be broken down into smaller sugars through hydrolysis
Complex carbohydrates - made of 2 or more simple sugars linked by a glycosidic bond
give a short description
What is a derivative of cellulose? How is it prepared?
focus on the reaction of cellulose between an acid and a base
CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose). It is prepared by reacting cellulose with an alkali and chloroacetic acid
What are the food uses of CMC?
Water retention, gelling, emulsifying, stabilizing, among others
Is composed of complex polysaccharides abundant in the green parts of terrestrial plants
This polysaccharide is rich in **galacturonic acid **
What are the food uses of pectin?
It is used mainly as a thickening agent, gelling agent, and stabilizing agent
Known as hydrocolloids, they are very versatile biopolymers used in the food industry as an ingredient or additive
Function of gums in the food industry
Gelling, thickening, moisture retention, emulsification, stabilization
What is the animal analog to starch?
Known as a polysaccharide derived from D-glucose; comes in alpha and beta structure
Give examples of alpha-glucans
Dextran, glycogen, starch