Food and Drink Flashcards
the breakfast
o pequeno almoço
the lunch
o almoço
the dinner
o jantar
the bowl
a bacia / a tigela
the cup
o copo
the fork
a forquilha / o garfo
the knife
a faca
the plate
a placa / o prato
the spoon
o colher
the beer
a cerveja
the coffee
o café
the juice
o suco
the milk
o leite
the tea
a chá
the water
a água
the wine
o vinho
the dessert
a sobremesa
the ice cream
o creme de gelo
the cake
o bolo
the pie
a torta
the butter
a manteiga
the jam
o atolamento
the sugar
o açúcar
the salt
o sal
the pepper
a pimenta
the soup
a sopa
the bread
o pão
the pasta
a massa
the cereal
o cereal
the fruit
a fruta
the apple
a maçã
the banana
a banana
the orange
a laranja
the grapes
as uvas
the peach
o pêssego
the tomato
o tomate
the watermelon
a melancia
the meat
a carne
the chicken
a galinha, o frango
the turkey
o peru
the ham
o presunto
the fish
os peixes
the egg
o ovo
the cheese
o queijo
the vegetables
as vegetais
the lettuce
o alface
the broccoli
os bróculos
the carrot
a cenoura
the celery
o aipo
the cucumber
o pepino
the salad
a salada
the vegetables
os vegetais
the lettuce
a alface
the cabbage
o repolho
the carrots
as cenouras
the zucchini
a abobrinha
the radishes
os rabanetes
the beets
as beterrabas
the sweet peppers
as pimentas doces
the parsley
a salsa
the spinach
o espinafre
the cucumbers
os pepinos
the squash
o squash
the turnips
os nabos
the broccoli
o brócolis
the cauliflower
a couve-flor
the scallions
o cebolinha
the eggplants
as beringelas
the peas
as ervilhas
the artichokes
as alcachofras
the potatoes
as batatas
the yams
o inhame
the tomatoes
o tomate
the asparagus
os espargos
the string beans
o feijão cadeia
the mushrooms
os cogumelos
the corn
o milho
the onions
as cebolas
the garlic
o alho
the can opener
o abridor de latas
the grater
o ralador
the steamer
o vapor
the frying pan
a frigideira
the pot
o pote
the ladle
a concha
the double boiler
the garlic press
o espremedor de alho
the casserole dish
o caçarola
the carving knife
a faca de trinchar
the roasting pan
a assadeira
the roasting rack
o rack torrefação
the vegetable peeler
o descascador de legumes
the pairing knife
a faca de emparelhamento
the colander
o coador
the kitchen timer
o temporizador de cozinha
the spatula
a espátula
the eggbeater
o eggbeater
the whisk
o whisk
the strainer
o filtro
the tongs
as pinças
the lid
a tampa
the saucepan
a panela
the cake pan
a bandeja de bolo
the cookie sheet
a assadeira
the pie pan
a panela torta
the pot holders
os agarraderas
the rolling pin
o rolo
the mixing bowl
da tigela
the supermarket
o supermercado
the shopping cart
o carrinho de compras
the canned goods
os enlatados
the baked goods
os bolos
the tuna
o atum
the beans
o feijão
the spaghetti
o espaguete
the rice
o arroz
the cookies
os biscoitos
the yogurt
o iogurte
the eggs
os ovos
the sour cream
o creme de leite
the margarine
a margarina
the cash register
a caixa registradora
the snacks
os lanches
the oil
o azeite
the soda
o refrigerante
the bottled water
a água engarrafada
the plastic wrap
o envoltório de plástico
the aluminum foil
a folha de alumínio
the spices
as especiarias
the cake mix
a mistura de bolo
the ice cream
o sorvete
the meat
a carne
the roast beef
o rosbife
the steak
o bife
the ground beef
a carne moída
the pork
a carne de porco
the liver
o fígado
the pork chops
as costeletas de porco
the bacon
o bacon
the sausage
a salsicha
the lamb
o cordeiro
the duck
o pato
the breasts
o peito
the wings
as asas
the thighs
as coxas
the drumsticks
as pernas
the gizzards
a moela
the trout
a truta
the seafood
os frutos do mar
the salmon
o salmão
the halibut
o alabote
the crab
o caranguejo
the lobster
a lagosta
the shrimp
o camarão
the scallops
as vieiras
the mussels
os mexilhões
the oysters
as ostras
the clams
as amêijoas
the breakfast
o café da manhã
the beverage
a bebida
the appetizer
o aperitivo
the scrambled eggs
os ovos mexidos
the toast
o brinde
the waffles
os waffles
the syrup
o xarope
the pancakes
as panquecas
the mashed potatoes
o purê de batatas
the baked potato
a batata cozida
the pasta
o macarrão
the garlic bread
o pão de alho
the fried fish
o peixe frito
the pudding
o pudim
the tea
o chá
the fork
o garfo
the soupspoon
a colher de sopa
the teaspoon
uma colher de chá
the wine glass
o copo de vinho
the napkin
o guardanapo
the saucer
o pires
the soup bowl
o prato de sopa
the salad plate
o prato de salada
the dinner plate
o prato de jantar
the place setting
a definição de lugar
the dishwasher
máquina de lavar louça
the chef
o chef
the kitchen
a cozinha
the busperson
o auxiliar de garçom
the bread basket
a cesta de pão
the dessert tray
a bandeja de sobremesa
the tip
a gorjeta
to pay
the tray
a bandeja
to clear the table
limpar a mesa
to order
a pedida
to serve
to pour
to set the table
colocar a mesa
the patron
o patrono
the waiter
o garçom
the menu
o cardápio
the dining room
a sala de jantar
the hostess
a anfitria
the pineapples
os abacaxis
the bananas
as bananas
the apples
as maçãs
the peaches
os pêssegos
the pears
as peras
the apricots
os damascos
the plums
as ameixas
the grapefruits
as pamplonas
the oranges
as laranjas
the lemons
os limões
the limes
o limão
the tangerines
a tangerinas
the avocados
os abacates
the cantaloupes
o melão
the cherries
as cerejas
the strawberries
os morangos
the raspberries
as framboesas
the blueberries
os mirtilos
the papayas
os mamões
the mangoes
as mangas
the coconuts
os cocos
the nuts
as castanhas
the watermelons
as melancias
the dates
as datas
the prunes
as ameixa secas
the raisins
as passas
to break
to beat
to grease
to stir
to cook
to cut up
to peel
to slice
to mince
to boil
to add
to simmer
cozer em fogo lento
to fry
to roast
to broil
to stir-fry
to grill
to chop
to steam
cocinar a vapor
to grate
to mix
to bake
the bottle
a garrafa
the jar
o frasco
the can
a lata
the carton
a embalagem
the container
o recipiente
the box
a caixa
the bag
o saco
the package
o pacote
the six-pack
o pacote de seis
the loaf
o pão
the roll
o rolo
the tube
o tubo