City Flashcards
the city
a cidade
the town
a cidade
the fire station
o posto de bombeiros
the coffee shop
a cafetería
the bank
o banco
the hotel
o hotel
the church
a igreja
the hospital
o hospital
the park
o parque
the synagogue
a sinagoga
the theater
o teatro
the movie theater
o cinema
the gas station
o posto de gasolina
the furniture store
a loja de móveis
the hardware store
a loja de ferragens
the barber shop
a barbearia
the bakery
a padaria
the city hall
a prefeitura
the courthouse
o tribunal
the police station
a delegacia de polícia
the market
o mercado
the health club
o clube
the motel
o motel
the mosque
a mesquita
the school
a escola
the post office
os correios
the library
a biblioteca
the parking space
o espaço de estacionamento
the traffic light
o semáforo
the pedestrian
o pedestre
the crosswalk
faixa de pedestres
the street
a rua
the curb
the newsstand
a banca de jornais
the mailbox
a caixa de correio
the bus
o ônibus
the bus stop
a parada de ônibus
the corner
o canto
the parking meter
o parquímetro
the motorcycle
a motocicleta
the streetlight
o poste de iluminaçao
the sidewalk
a calçada
the sign
a placa
the fire hydrant
o hidrante