FOM Flashcards
When would you require a Flight Plan Revision ?
An increase of 1000 LBS from the initial planned take off weight
2 hour delay from original departure time
Adding or taking away items that are MEL’d ( convince items don’t count )
Alternate change
Any factors that would change the fuel requirements
When would you need an Enroute Flight Plan revision ?
Any time a change is made that no longer keeps the Original valid
When a change to the alternate is necessary
When a change to the destination is necessary
When a significant change to the flight plan, for example delays and route changes that are 15 min
Fuel Policy ( general )
What may we depart with in terms of fuel and what must the dispatcher and myself be satisfied with ?
sufficient fuel for the following ;
Fuel to be able to arrive at the destination with not less then the MIN DIV.
At any point decent to the lower of the one engine ions service ceiling or 10,000 ft and cruise to a suitable alternate
Arrive at the destination, conduct and approach and missed approach
Hold for 30 Minutes at 1,500 ft above aerodrome elevation
Taxi Fuel (TAXI)
Taxi fuel is the fuel calculated for engine start and taxiing to the runway. Some airport have increase taxi times.
Delays are allowed when it comes to taxing but if uncritical, I must let Dispatch know.
Fuel to the destination ( DEST )
Take off and climb to cruise, descend to the missed approach altitude.
Conduct one instrument approach
One departure and arrival manuver fuel
En route contingency fuel ( ENRT CONT )
5 % of the destination fuel.
Its a contingency fuel for anything from weather, unforeseen delays, unforeseen route delays…etc
Any other reason that would cause a delay.
Alternate Fuel (ALT FUEL)
this fuel is calculated based on the miss approach at the the destination runway, climb to cruise and descend for an approach at the alternate and land.
this also includes manoeuvering fuel for the arrival at the alternate.
I can choose to use the ALT FUEL if i feel it safe to. However the weather must be good at both the alternate and destination with more then one usable runway.
VIA Alternate Fuel ( VIA ALT )
This is the fuel to the alternate that dispatch would like you try first after the final attempt at the destination.
The VIA ALT airport does not have the meet the alternate weather minimums, however the second alternate must be at or above alternate MINS
MIN Reserve ( MIN RSRV )
Holding fuel at 1500’ for 45 minutes above the alternate airport.
Additional Fuel ( ADDTL )
This may be added for any operational reason, including weather or airport operations…etc
If additional fuel is planned, it will say on the flight plan.
Ramp Fuel ( RAMP )
Extra Fuel ( EXTRA )
This is the fuel added foe economic reasons like fuel might be cheaper at the departure airport or no fuel is available at the destination.
in any case the, if the aircraft is tankerd , there will be a 1000 lbs buffer between the planned landing weight and the maximum structural weight.
Total Fuel ( FOB )
Ramp Fuel plus Extra fuel.
Arrival Fuel ( ARR )
This is the Fuel to the missed approach point at the destination, then have the planned fuel to go the the alternate and reserve.
Minimum Divert Fuel ( MIN DIV )
This is the fuel that remains after a missed approach at the destination , then fly to the alternate and gold for 45 minutes at 1500’