FOM Flashcards
How many hours must the captain have to conduct takeoffs with below standard minima?
100 hrs PIC.
The specified minima for captains/FOs is…
CA: RVR 600
FO: RVR 1200 or 1/4 mile
Can line indoc be counted towards the 100 hr PIC time requirement for low vis takeoffs?
What is standard takeoff minima?
RVR 2600 or 1/2 sm
Prior to conducting CAT II/III approaches, the captain must have ___ hrs turbo jet PIC time.
How long after retrieving a flight plan must you check weather and NOTAMS for validity?
2 hrs.
The final decision on changes to the OFP is the PICs responsibility at what point?
Once t/o thrust is applied.
Can you be dispatched without a valid TAF at the destination?
Yes, provided there is a TAF for you alternate and no known factors precluding a safe landing at destination.
Does an inflight OFP include additional fuels? Ie. WX, ATC?
No, only RES and ALTN.
After t/o, who has sole discretion in management of fuel?
Can you burn into ALTN fuel without proceeding to your alternate?
Yes, if the PIC seems a safe landing can be made at the destination.
ALTN fuel is based on cost index___.
Flights shall not takeoff with less that CONT ___.
5 min.
XFOB is fuel that…
Was boarded for another flight and a fin swap took place.
Can you burn MEL fuel for purposes other than it’s intended use?
Yes, only after t/o.
NAIFR SAP is ___ min of fuel.
RESERVE fuel is enough fuel to…
Hold for 30 min at destination, at estimated landing weight and 1500’ ASL.
What constitutes a fuel emergency?
Burning into reserve fuel.
Is fuel for taxi in after landing included in the flight plan?
If planned at or near max t/o weight, fuel for ground delays may be put in the ___ category. Why is this?
WXX. If it is not burned prior to t/o, weight will be be effected.
Block fuel is the sum of…
Flight fuel, extra fuel and taxi.
MIN T/O FUEL does not include…
WXX or ATC fuel.
If at any point after TOC, dispatch shall be consulted on a revised fuel plan if…
AFOB is less than MFOB over an OFP waypoint.
Can you push back without extra fuels on board?
Yes, if you’ve consulted dispatch or if unreachable, the PIC is satisfied with fuel remaining.
When is a t/o alternate required?
Less than standard vis (RVR 2600 or 1/2)
Or weather is below CAT I landing mins
Do t/o alternate distance calculations take wind into account?
What is the 737 max t/o alternate distance?
343 nm.
Alternate distance does not take into account…
Climb, descent and approach.
T/o alternate distances assumes…
Max continuous thrust
Max single engine altitude
NAIFR cannot be planned at these airports…
Washington (DCA)
St. John’s (CYYT)
Standard missed approach climb gradient is…
Under normal circumstances, the APU should not be started more than…
10 min prior to pushback
If the aircraft is powered down and a Warning- Maintenance in Progress card is on the thrust levers, what should you do?
Don’t touch anything!
If power is on the aircraft and a Warning- Maintenance in Progress card is on the thrust levers, what can you touch/not touch?
Do not touch:
Hydraulic systems
Engines including APU
Flight controls
Fuel systems
If there is a Notice of Customs Inspection in the flight deck indicating panels were removed, what shall the flight crew do?
Liaise with maintenance to ensure panels are properly secured.
Date and time entries in the logbook are based on what time?
Local date
UTC time
If the document pouch seal is missing, can the aircraft depart?
Yes, as long as the CofA and CofR are present.
What is the minimum cabin crew compliment for the 737?
What positions can an IFS gate support agent not act as?
The in charge flight attendant.
Life vest videos/demonstrations are required when…
Flight is planned to be more the 50 nm from shore.
Can the narrow body fleet use Acting FAs if one of the 4 is incapacitated?
Who’s decision is it to hold for missing service items?
Can you depart with bald tires?
Yes, as long as there’s no more than 3” of reinforcing fabric exposed.
What is the track tolerance when checking waypoints?
1 degree.
When are intersection takeoffs allowed? Not allowed?
When WAT data is available.
Below standard t/o minima.
The US requires a phone number for any flights carrying DG. Whose number suffices?
Are pen and ink corrections to the NOTOC acceptable?
Yes, if there is a last minute change.
If the LDP is not received within ___ min of pushback, it should be requested.
When can the main cabin door be closed?
After fuelling is complete and cabin is secure.
How can the cabin secure call be made?
Verbally face to face or via the inter phone.
What must you have prior to brake release?
If passenger count is off, but within tolerance, how shall the TOW be adjusted?
+80 kg per extra pax.
Can you leave without an ACARS passenger count?
Yes but only if the count is done manually.
If the ACARS pax count is out of tolerances, what must be done?
A manual count.
Can engines be started if the ground crew does not have a headset for pushback?
Not until pushback is complete.
How shall departure delays be relayed to company?
Via a Hawkeye.
If the shear pin on the tow bar is broken during pushback, what is required?
A maintenance inspection.
Can an aircraft be towed onto a gate with engines running?
What frequency should the Captain monitor on the ground?
ATC only.
If flight is not airborne within ___ min of pushback, an ETO should be sent workload permitting.
Can an aircraft depart with a VFR clearance?
Yes, but only during the day.
Does engine out acceleration altitude need to be temp comped?
Yes, and ACARS does this automatically.
How often must fuel checks be done?
Every 1.5 hrs.
If ETA varies by more than ___ min of the DFM, a revised ETA should be sent.
Prior to TOD the captain shall review what with the in-charge?
TOD time and ETA
Expected weather/seatbelt use
Cabin defects
If there is an emergency during pushback, how shall the captain advise the ground crew?
‘Emergency, emergency, stop push back, stop push back.
What are the standard calls for a prepared emergency landing?
At 2 min: ‘emergency stations, emergency stations’
At 30 sec: ‘brace for landing, brace for landing’
How shall a rapid deplanement be initiated?
‘Deplane immediately and leave your personal belongings’
If intending to evacuate after landing, what classification of landing shall be used?
Either Abnormal or Emergency.
In the event of a major incident, who shall the PIC call?
Chief pilot, MLO, or duty pilot.
Duty pilot during off hours.
If a PAN PAN is declared, are the crew removed from subsequent duties?
What is the procedure for a smoker on board?
Advise dispatch and have a CSM meet the aircraft.
What ARRF capability is optimum for the 737?
CAT 7.
Can a flight divert to an airport with no ARFF?
If Medlink and an onboard medical volunteer disagree on the decision to divert, whose decision shall be final?
If a passenger is suspected to be ill or becomes ill prior to departure, can EMS clear that person to fly?
No, MedLink must contacted.
Anytime oxygen is required for pax or crew…
MedLink shall be contacted.
The PIC shall record the following if a presumed death occurs…
Cabin altitude
If you have issues with DG, who should you contact?
A load specialist or
CANUTEC (Canada)
How shall the PIC advise ATC of a minimum fuel situation? What is minimum fuel?
By declaring ‘minimum fuel’.
If any changes to the clearance may result in landing with less than reserve fuel.
What is considered a fuel emergency?
Landing with less than reserve fuel.
How shall a fuel emergency be declared?
‘Mayday mayday mayday, fuel’ and state FOB in minutes.
Is AC policy to foam runways if landing with damaged gear?
What are the 3 stable approach policy gates?
1000’ configuration gate
500’ stable gate
200’ go around gate
If RVR drops or fluctuates below minima inside the FAF on a CAT II/III approach, can you continue to land?
What approach visibility requires the captain to fly it?
Reported vis below 1/2 sm or RVR 2400.
Some CAT I approaches list a lowered RVR of 1800. Is this authorized? How shall it be flown?
Yes- with FDs and/AP to at least the DA.
For a CAT 1 approach, RVR 1800 is authorized provided…
DA is 200’ or less
RVR A required
CA must fly it
CAT II landing minima are…
RVR A: 1200
RVR B: 600
RVR A: 1400 or
RVR A: 1200
RVR B: 600
RVR C: 300
Below DA or DH on a CAT II/III approach, if the RVR falls below mind can you continue the approach?
Yes, if visual reference has been established, or it is not required (ie. alert height)
What are the lowest approved minima for a CAT III fail operational approach?
RA 0 with AH of 100’
RVR 150’
What are the lowest minima approved for a CAT III fail passive approach?
RA 50’
RVR 600’
Are night visual approaches authorized?
Yes, but not at mountainous airports.
For approach procedures that require lateral maneuvering below minimums, what altitude shall the aircraft be established on the extended centerline?
300’ AAE.
Are LAHSO clearances authorized for AC?
If visibility drops below the airport level of service after landing, can you taxi in?
Workload permitting, when should flight crews revise ETA via ACARS?
When ETA differs from the DFM by 5 min or more.
Prior to deplaning, the flight crew shall select the audio control panel to…
Intercom and speaker
Takeoffs are not authorized in the following conditions…
Heavy ice pellets
Moderate or heavy freezing rain
Landings are not authorized in the following conditions…
Moderate or heavy freezing rain
What is the emergency hand signal for ‘evacuate’?
Beckoning gesture with one arm
What is the emergency hand signal for stopping evacuation?
‘X’ above head
What is the emergency hand signal for emergency contained?
‘No goal’ hand signal
When is a US Permit to Proceed required?
If you’ve landing in the US without deplaning and go to another US destination (ie. diversion)
If a tamper proof seal or screw is missing, what shall the flight crew do?
Contact MOC through dispatch and have the cabin crew write it up.
How shall the PIC confirm identity of a senior executive requesting the jumpseat?
Contact the Duty Pilot.
What must all jumpseat occupants be briefed on?
Critical phase of flight policy
Flight deck entry/ exit
Location/use of emergency equipment
Emergency egress procedures
When the emergency door code is entered, what shall the flight crew do?
Immediately deny access and attempt communication via inter phone
If arriving in Canada, a deportee or inadmissible passenger is not escorted, what shall the PIC do? Shall they be allowed to leave the plane?
Notify STOC. Yes, if Canada customs does not meet the flight.
Armed Canadian Peace Officers who are undercover shall not have their ID and presence disclosed to anyone other than the…
ACPOs will not initiate any peacekeeping or policing action unless…
Requested by the PIC.
Any intervention by an IFSO is at whose discretion?
Their own.
Can IFSOs request access to the flight deck?
They will never do so.
What will IFSOs expect if they initiate contact with the flight crew via inter phone?
The flight crew to challenge them for their name and phone number. Crew should verify this with dispatch.
If an IFSO has taken control of the cabin, can the flight deck door be opened?
Not for any reason, for the duration of the flight.
How will the crew be notified of an IFSO and how shall their seat assignments be obtained?
It will be noted on the OFP. Contact dispatch by phone or ACARS (no radio).
Dispatch should be notified if IFSOs have not arrived within ___min of departure.
How shall a hijacking be construed to ATC?
‘Ongoing attempted hijacking’ if flight crew are still in control,
‘Hijacking’ flight crew has lost control
If a PTI has not been confirmed, who shall the PIC seek guidance from time permitting?
SOC and corporate security via dispatch.
Upon receipt of a NOTOC, what shall be checked?
Flight number
Departure station
Lead’s signature