Folding motifs of protein Flashcards
Thermodynamic hypothesis
The native structure is the global minimum of free energy
Advantages of folding motifs
Information about function
Information for protein design
Prediction from amino acid sequence
Folding motif more conserved the amino acid sequence
The helix bundle
The most usual way of packing α-helices in globular proteins
Usually ridges in grooves model
Can be either parallel or antiparallel
Globin fold
One of the most important α helical structures
present in many proteins with unrelated functions
All organisms contain protein with globin fold
Evolved from a common ancestor
Human: myoglobin and hemoglobin
contain 8 α-helices forming a pocket for active site
DNA binding protein
HTH-motif : C-terminal domain involved in protein dimerization.
α/β Domains
Rossman fold
Core of twisted parallel β-strands arranged close together. The α helices that connect the β-strands are on the outside of this barrel
closed α/β
Almost all closed α/β barrel observed have 8 parallel strands. strand nr.8 adjacent and H-bond to nr.1
minimun of 200 residues are required
Found in many different proteins, most enzymes with completely different amino acid sequences and functions.
β-strands and α-helices form structural framework and the active site is situated in a pocket created by 8 loops that connect carboxy end of the β-strand with the amino end of the α-helices
Rossman fold
Twisted β-strand surrounded by α-helices on both sides
open α/β
Predictive rule exists to predict active sites in open α/β sheets.
The crevice occur when the strand order is reversed and the connections from β-strand go in opposite directions.
Loops connecting the top ends of the β-strand to helix are frequently associated with substrate binding sites.
No geometric restriction on the number of strands involved.
Proteins folds which consists almost entirely of β-sheets exhibit completely or mostly anti-parallel arrangement. Many of these consists of 2 sheets packed against each other, with hydrophobic side chains forming the interface.
Greek key barrel
4 β
see notes
Upp and down barrel
8 β
see notes
Gamma crystallin
two domains of gamma crystalline have sam topology, each composed of 2 greek key motifs.
Staphylococcus nuclease
Greek key motif
Jelly roll barrel
see notes
Immunoglobulin fold
Typ of protein domain that consists of 2 layer of 7-9 antiparallel β-strand arranged in 2 β-sheets with a Greek key topology.
Whole subunit structure is a six blade propeller. Each blade consists 4 up and down antiparallel β-strands.
Forms Funnel like active site.
Parallel β-helix
Tandem protein repeat structure formed by association of parallel β-strands in a helical pattern either 2 or 3 faces.