Foetal Growth Flashcards
What is SGA & LGA?
SGA <10th centile
LGA >10th centile
What is LBW & macrosomia?
LBW <2500g
Macrosomia >4kg
Describe the different patterns of growth in SGA.
Symetrical- head and body small, due to early insult means poor cell hyperplasia
Asymetrical- Head large body small, due to later insult, placental insufficiency so blood is shunted from liver to brain.
Describe how you could tell clinically asymmetrical growth?
Brain to Liver ratio of 6:1 or higher.
Is usually 3:1
What are the risk factors for IUGR?
>35, Smoker High or low BMI Coccaine Pre-eclampsia HTN DM
Describe the potential causes of IUGR.
1) Maternal :Chronic disease, Pre-eclampsia, Malnutrition
Infection, Drugs/alcohol.
2) Foetal: Multiple pregnancy, Infection, congential (trisomy)
3) Placental : Poor invasion, TTTS, Lateral chord insertion, abruption
How is foetal growth assessed?
1) RF screen
2) Symphosiofundal height + maternal weight
3) USS- AFI, foetal growth
4) Uteroplacental doppler
5) genetic analysis
How can IUGR be prevented
Low dose aspirin in women with RFs
Decrease RFs
What are some of the risks of macrosomia?
Maternal diabetes
Foetal demise
Shoulder dystocia–> erbs palsy
Neonatal hypoglycemia