Foetal Circulation Flashcards
What is the main differences between adult & foetal circulation?
Oxygenated blood from placenta bypasses liver & lungs
What is the maternal blood supply to the placenta?
Uterine arteries = oxygenated blood
Uterine veins = deoxygenated blood
What vessels supply (de)oxygenated blood to the placenta?
Deoxy = 2 umbilical arteries
Oxy = Umbilical vein
How does most of the blood in the umbilical vein bypass the liver?
Via ductus venosus
How is oxygenated blood supplied to the foetal heart/brain upper circulation?
- Blood from IVC shunted through FO into LA
- Then enters LV & ascending aorta
How is blood supplied to the lower foetal circulation?
- Blood returns to RA from upper circulation via SVC & coronary sinus
- Into RV
- Ejected into pulmonary artery - most shunted through DA
How much blood enters the foetal pulmonary circulation?
10% due to high pulmonary vascular resistance
90% through DA
Where does deoxygenated blood return to?
Descending aorta into umbilical arteries
What are the pO2 sats for the UV, AA, RA Lower circulation?
UV: 90%
AA: 65%
RA: 40%
LC: 50%
What happens when a baby takes its first breath?
- O2 exposure of pulmonary vessels causes vasoDilation
- Rapid decrease in PVR
- Inc blood flow into pulmonary circulation
- Inc flow into LA = inc LA pressure
- Closure of foramen ovale
What happens once the cord is clamped?
- Placental blood flow ceases
- Inc SVR
- Reversal of flow through DA
- Exposure to high O2 tension & reduced prostaglandin E2 production
- Constriction of DA = closed within 24hours of delivery
What factors can trigger reversal from adult back to foetal circulation?
- Hypothermia
- Acidosis
- Hypoxia
- Hypovolaemia
What would happen with persistently raised pulmonary vascular resistance post-delivery?
R-L shunting across FO +/- DA
Can lead to death
What factors can cause a persistently patent DA?
- Drugs: Phenytoin
- Maternal ETOH
- Rubella
How does Eisenmenger Syndrome occur?
- Chronic exposure to high blood volume = CCF
- Inc LV load
- Inc pulmonary artery flow = pulmonary HTN
- Reverse L-R shunt