FMF Flashcards
Battle of Chapultepec, Halls of Montezuma, Blood Stripe of e-4 and above, 1” officers, 3/4 enlisted
storm harpers ferry, begin wearing quatrefoil
national security act 1947 creates USMC official mission, amended in 1952
types of e-8s
master sgt= crossed rifle, mos specific
first sgt=diamond, admin
cant go from master sgt to sgt major
types of e-9s
master gunnery sgt= exploding bomb
sgt major=star
sgt major of usmc=ega
nco vs staff nco
nco=e4 and e5
staff nco = e6 and above
adm nimitz saying
uncommon valor was a common virtue, iwo jima
types of offensive air support
close=detailed integration with pilot on ground
deep=further distance
first use of dive bombing
wat is the LCE of meu or meusoc
What is LCE of MEB
what is lce of mef
explain task organized
MAGTF is organized trained and equipped for a specific mission (task)
magtf examples
mef, meb, meu, SPMAGTF
mcpp oplan
plan for military ops with actual and potential contingencies
mcpp funcplan
military ops in peacetime or permissive environment
mcpp integrated planning
coordination of action toward a common purpose
mcpp conplan
abbreviated oplan
mcpp top down planning
commander drives process and is in charge
mcpp single battle concept
battle space is 1 entity
mcpp transition
shift from planning to execution
mcpp orders development
translate commanders intent into oral or graphic communication to implement
mcpp coa comparison and decision
commander selects coa to best accomplish mission.
- select coa with mod
- modify coa
- create new coa
- reject all coas and resume problem framing
mcpp coa war game
improve the plan based on enemy capabilities
steps of mcpp
problem framing, coa development, coa wargaming, coa comparison and decision, orders development, transition
tactical fire direction
if and how to attack target
fire support
first that directly supports operations
helo support team
lfsp, manages activities of help LZ
helo support element
lfsp, helo guidance, arming, refueling
rules of engagement
circumstances to initiate or continue combat engagement. limit collateral damage and civilian casualties and limits use of specific weapons
fpcon normal
possibility of threat`
fpcon A
increased general threat
fpcon B
more predictable threat
fpcon C
likely attack, sustainment causes hardship
fpcon D
imminent attack or area where attack just occurred, not sustainable for long
who provides general logistics support for entire I MEF
CLR 15, 1st dental, 7th ESB
radio transmission ranges
lo 200-400 m
m 400m-5km
hi 5k-10km
pa 10-40 km
marine aviation logistics squadron (MALS)
aviation logistics, intermediate maintenance, supply, class 5 (ammo)
marine wing support group (MWSG)
support expeditionary airfields- comms, refueling, engineering, weather analysis, messing, CBRN, medical firefighting
marine tactical air command squadron (MTACS)
coordinate MAGTF Air ops, operational command post for ACE
tactical air control center (TACC)
marine air control group (MACG)
c2 and air defense
marine air control squadron (MACS)
radar and air traffic control
marine wing comms squadron (MWCS)
comms support for ACE
marine air support squadron (MASS)
direct air support center, routes and heights of aircraft
low altitude air defense btn
ground to air defense
counter terrorism
offensive action to neutralize or respond to terrorism
counter insurgency
efforts to defeat and contain insurgency
stability ops
maintain or re-establish a safe and secure environment for gov’t services, humanitarian relief
gce of meu
battalion landing team, infantry battalion
3 mardiv location
camp courtney okinawa
3 mlg location
camp smedley butler okinawa
which meu is always forward deployed
marforpac mefs
1 and 3
marforcom mefs
is title 10 federal or state
meu direct action operations
neo, mio, vbss, trap, mootw, other supporting ops
usmc units large to small
division, regiment, battalion, company, platoon, squad, fire team
7 categories of assault support (CAAAATB)
combat assault transport, aerial delivery ops, aerial refueling, air evac, air logistical support, TRAP, battle space illumination
6 MC aviation functions (AACORE)
assault support, anti-air warfare, control of aircraft and missiles, offensive air support, recon (aerial), electronic warfare
6 areas of naval doctrine (COWLIP)
c2, ops, warfare, logistics, intel, planning
6 principles of OMFTS
focus on operational objective, use sea as maneuver space, generate overwhelming tempo and momentum, pit strengths against weaknesses, emphasize intel/deception/flexibility, integrate all assets
10 supply classes
- subsistence, 2. clothing/tools/weapons, 3. petrol, 4. construction, 5. ammo, 6. personal items, 7. major end items, 8. medical materials, 9. repair parts, 10. non-military items
usmc functions per NSA 1947/52
fleet marine forces, detachments for armed naval ships and installations, doctrine/tactics/techniques for amphibious ops and airborne ops, personnel for airborne ops, expand peacetime component to meet wartime needs, other duties POTUS directs
steps to load SINCGARS
load, single channel, manual, freq, clr, enter # of new frequency, sto, sq on
amphibious ops sequence (PERMA)
planning, embarkation, rehearsal, movement, assault
MPF operational phases (PMMAR)
planning, marshalling, movement, arrival and assembly, reconstitution
lensatic compass parts (12)
luminous sighting dots, fixed index line, sighting wire, graduated straight edge, luminous magnetic arrow, short luminous line, lens, floating dial, bezel ring, sighting slot, rear sight, thumb loop
article 1
I am an american fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. i am prepared to give my life their defense
article 2
i will never surrender of my own free will. if in command I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist
article 3
if i am captured i will continue to resist by all means available. i will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. i will accept neither parole nor special favor from the enemy
does article 3 apply to medical or chaps?
article 4
if i become a prisoner of war i will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. i will give no information nor take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. if i am senior i will take command. if not, i will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me.
article 5
when questioned should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will give no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause
article 6
i will never forget that I am an american, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and the United States of America.
38th CMC
Gen David H Berger
Gregory Boyington
CO VMF 214 black sheep, MOH, 26 kills
Presely O Bannon
27apr1805 attack at battle of derna. shores of tripoli, barbary pirates, given mameluke sword (officers)
john basilone
1st to get moh in WW2 at guadal canal. KIA iwo jima. awarded MOH, navy cross, purple heart
joe foss
highest scoring USMC ace
regional combatant commands
centcom-tampa, eucom-stuttgart, pacom-hawaii, northcom-colorado, southcom-miami, africom-stuttgart, spacecom-colorado
functional combatant commands
socom-tampa, stratcom-omaha,NE, transcom-scott AFB, IL, Cybercom-fort mead, md
personnel inspection (CNRD)
conduct, note, report, determine
5 paragraph operations order SMEAC
situation, mission, execution, admin/logistics, control/signals
define hazardous material
flashpoint below 200F, 50% first pass mortality in test animals, strong oxidizer or reducer, first degree burns, irritating effects, radioactive, harmful if stored improperly, gas/dust/fumes which may be harmful
usmc mission
marines are trained, organized and equipped for offensive amphibious employment and as a force of readiness
infantry regiment mission
locate close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver of to repel the enemy assault
artillery rgt misson
furnish close and continuous fire support by neutralizing destroying or suppressing targets
light armed recon btn mission
conduct recon, security and economy of force ops and conduct limited offensive and delaying ops that exploit the units speed mobility and firepower
assault amphibian btn mission
land the surface assault elements of the landing force and their equipment in a single lift
tank btn mission
close and destroy by using armor protected firepower, shock effect, and maneuverability
combat engineer btn mission
enhance mobility, countermobility and survivability of the mardiv thru close combat engineering support
MC aviation mission
participate as the air component of the magtf in the seizure and defense of advance naval bases and to conduct such land operations as may be essential for the prosecution of a naval campaign
amphibious task force mission
ship to shore movement, controlled by ATF commander
6 functions of LCE (SMETHS)
supply, maintenance, engineering, transportation, health services, service (legal, postal, PX, mortuary affairs, MWR, security, billeting, messing, religious)
war reserve material
major and principal end items gathered during peacetime to meet war time needs
usmc environmental program
allows usmc to operate effectively worldwide in an environmentally responsible manner
commander landing force
responsible for conduct operations ashore once sufficient combat power is ashore. USMC
commander amphibious task force
responsible for elements once embarked and ship to shore movement. USN
admin, support, training, personnel, readiness, discipline
employ commands and forces, assigns tasks and designates objectives
responsible for direction and control of movements and maneuvers
swift incursion with a planned withdrawal
contact with the enemy for the purpose of deception away from main offensive
deceive the enemy away from the main element, no contact
landing on a hostile or potentially hostile shore without a planned withdrawal
Commands that fall under combatant commands
marforcom, marforpac, marforeur, marcent
marine air ground task force. Flexible task organized forces that can respond rapidly anywhere in the world conducting a variety of missions
MEF locations
1 san diego, 2 camp lejeune, 3 okinawa
mef ce/gce/ace/lce
meb ce/gce/ace/lce
detachments from mhg/infantry regiment/mag/clr
meu ce/gce/ace/lce
detachments from mhg/infantry battalion/reinforced medium help squadron or VMM/CLB
EPW rights
housing, clothing, food, water, religion, medical care, hygiene facilities, send/receive mail, keep personal items that arent military or dangerous, elect fellow POW as representative, copy of camp regulations and geneva conventions
tripoli / iwo jima
littoral zones for USMC and USN combined service
FMF device
surf wave on sandy beach = littoral zones serving together
crossed rifles= everyone must have rifle knowledge first
scroll= FMF
first to fight
USMC has been at the forefront of every battle since their creation, 300+ landings on foreign shores
rapid response triad
expeditionary strike group, air contingency magtf, MPF
ORM Steps (I AM IS)
Identify hazards, assess hazards, make risk decisions, Implement controls (admin, engineering, PPE), supervise
Fire classes (SLEM)
A= solid=water
B=liquid=co2, PKP, AFFF
C=electrical= de-energize, CO2
D=metal=high/low velocity fog
fire team
lead by cpl, has m16, m203, and 249saw
led by sgt, 3 fire teams + squad leader
led by 1st LT, 3 squads
led by Capt, 3 infantry platoons + 1 weapons platoon
led by LtCol, 3 infantry Co, 1 weapons Co, 1 HQ Co
led by Col
led by Maj Gen
encrypted comms
scrambled voices so enemy cant understand
SINCGARS, VHF tactical radio
grenade safety
know friendly locations, know fire sector, buddy system, ensure arc is clear of obstacles. 4-5 sec delay
amphibious transport dock. transport, land troops and equipment. small deck, supports mobility triad of LCAC/AAV/MV22. Austin/san antonio class. 2 stacks, futuristic looking. 800 marines, 28 bed hospital 2 ORs
dock landing ship. small deck. anchorage/whidbey island/harpers ferry class. transport and land assault troops. limited docking space for small ships. 1 stack, pointed bow, LZ on back. Large up front with low long back
destroyer. NGFS, 5” guns (23,127m), most common for NGFS. 1 stack.
cruiser, NGFS 5” guns (23,127m), surface to surface missiles. #2 to provide NGFS, 2 stacks
LHD (multipurpose amphib assault)
Landing helo dock. big deck. wasp class( wasp, essex, boxer, iwo).embark deploy and land troops + sea power and projection. square bow, elevator both sides. Has well deck. 1900 marines, 600 bed hospital 6 ORs
LHA (general purpose amphib assault)
landing helo assault. big deck. tarawa class. embark deploy and land troops. curved bow, 1 elevator. NO WELL DECK. 1900 marines, 300 bed hospital, 4 ORs
maritime prepositioning force HQ and mission
blount island, jacksonville, FL. staged in AOR to provide COCOM with deployment flexibility and rapid response capability
MPS locations
mediterranean, diego garcia, guam/saipan
how long can MPS ships supply?
supply MEB 15k people for 30 days
1st digit= originating MEF, 2nd digit= designator of MEU
odd=west coast
even=east coast
marforcom location
norfolk, va
unified combatant command
group of 2 or more services with broad and continuing mission
marine forces (MARFOR)
assigns marine corps operating forces to each of the combatant commanders
recruit, organize, supply, equip and train entirety of USMC for total performance
equips operating forces
USMC Combat Development Center (MCCDC) = DOTMLPF
develop warfighting concepts
doctrine, organization, training, material, leadership, personnel, facilities
USMC Officer sword
mameluke sword, 1st barbary war, battle of derna, presley obannon
john sousa
USC Band leader
John Glen
oldest astronaut in space
Light armored vehicle. 8 wheeled amphibious assault vehicle. 3 crew + 6 troops
MRAP all terrain. buffalo=6x6, cougar 4x4 or 6x6
tube launched, optically tracked, wire guided weapons system. 3750m range. must keep eyes on target. anti-tank
LZ selection
visible from sky, able to support helo, relatively fee from enemy interference. avoid slopes greater than 7%
LZ sizes and landing
daytime=100 ft larger than the helo rotor diameter
night time= 150ft larger than helo rotor diameter
land 10x the highest obstacle in front of the obstacle
braided cross on officer cover, 4 cardinal directions. so can ID officer from above. started 1859
frag= produce casualties chemical= screen, signal, smoke, CS, riot control nonlethal=stun, flash bang offensive= concussive incendiary=start fire practice and training