FM 7.22.7 NCO Duties, Responsibilities and Authority Flashcards
What FM covers the duties, responsibilities and authorities of a NCO
FM 7-22.7
What is responsibility
Responsibility is being accountable for what you do or fail to do
What does individual responsibility make a soldier accountable for?
It makes them accountable for personal conduct
What is command authority
Command authority is the authority leaders have over soldiers of virtue of rank or assignment.
What are the two most important responsibilities of a leader?
Mission accomplishment and the welfare of the soldiers
What does command responsibility make the soldier accountable for?
Refers to collective or organizational accountability and includes how well the unit performs their missions.
Where would a soldier find a non commissioned officer’s rold in reference to the chain of command
AR 600-20
The authority of command that one individual exercises over others is acquired as a result of what?
Grade and assignment
What is a NCO’s principle duty and responsibility
Name some basic responsibilities of a NCO
- Maintaining Discipline
- Maintaining government property
- Training soldiers
- Ensuring the welfare of the soldiers
- Executing the mission
What is authority?
Authority is the legitimate power of a leader to direct those subordinates to him or to take action within the scope of his position
Every soldier has two responsibilities, what are they?
- Individual responsibilities
- Command responsibilities
What is power?
Power is the ability, either physical, mental or moral to have a positive control over the actions of others
What are the 5 types of power?
Legal Reward Coercive Referent Expert
What is legal power?
The power derived from law and regulation
What is reward power?
The power derived from the capacity of the leader to provide desired rewards to a soldier for good performance
What is coercive power?
The power which influences a person to perform or behave in a manner contrary to how that person desires to behave at that time.
What is referent (charismatic) power?
The power derived from the leader’s personality and is effective as a means of influencing soldiers to the extent they respect and admire the leader
What is expert power?
The power derived from the leader’s accumulation of knowledge, skills and capabilities
How do you determine the amount of supervision needed to accomplish a task?
By considering your soldiers’ competence, motivation, and commitment to perform the task.
To ensure your soldiers understand and are carrying out the task, you should do what?
Supervise the task
What is general military authority?
General military authority is authority extended to all soldiers to take action and act in the absence of a unit leader or other designated authority. It originates in oaths of office, law, rank structure, traditions and regulations. This broad-based authority also allows leaders to take appropriate corrective actions whenever a member of any armed service, anywhere, commits an act involving a breach of good order or discipline. For example, if you see soldiers in a brawl, you have the general military authority (and the obligation) to stop the fight. This authority applies even if none of the soldiers are in your unit.
What are the four fundamental steps in supervising subordinates in the accomplishment of a task?
- Assign the task
- Set standards
- Check progress
- Determine if standards have been met (Follow up)
What is supervision
Keeping a grasp of the situation and ensuring that plans and policies are being followed; the are of checking without undue harassment
What are the three different types of duties?
Implied duties
What is a specified duty?
Specified duties are those related to jobs and positions. Directives such as Army regulations, Department of the Army (DA) general orders, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), soldier’s manuals, Army Training and Evaluation Program (ARTEP) publications and MOS job descriptions specify the duties. For example, AR 600-20 says that NCOs must ensure that their soldiers get proper individual training and maintain personal appearance and cleanliness
What is a directed duty?
Directed duties are not specified as part of a job position or MOS or other directive. A superior gives them orally or in writing. Directed duties include being in charge of quarters (CQ) or serving as sergeant of the guard, staff duty officer, company training NCO and NBC NCO, where these duties are not found in the unit’s organization charts.
What is an implied duty?
Implied duties often support specified duties, but in some cases they may not be related to the MOS job position. These duties may not be written but implied in the instructions. They’re duties that improve the quality of the job and help keep the unit functioning at an optimum level. In most cases, these duties depend on individual initiative. They improve the work environment and motivate soldiers to perform because they want to, not because they have to. For example, while not specifically directed to do so, you hold in-ranks inspections daily to ensure your soldiers’ appearance and equipment are up to standards.