Army History Flashcards
What date was the Army flag dedicated?
14 June 1956
it was approved 12 June 1956
What is the oldest part of our army?
The army national guard
In December 1636 the Massachuttes Bay Colony organized America’s first militia regiments
When did the US Army begin?
June 14, 1775
When was the start of the Revolutionary War
April 19, 1775
When was the Declaration of independence signed?
July 04, 1776
The Army recieved it’s first real training from what former Prussian Officer at Valley Forge in the winter of 1778?
Baron Fredreich Von Steuben
What did Baron Fredreich Steuben teach the Continental Army at Valley Forge?
He taught the continental Army:
- drill formations and movements
- proper care of equipment
- the use of the bayonet
- he impressed upon officers their responsibility to take care of the soldiers
- taught NCO’s how to train and lead those soldiers
What is the name of the document that originally governed the United States and was later replaced by the “Constitution”
The Articles of Confederation
The nation nearly doubled in 1803 when it purchased a huge expanse of territory from France in what became known as what?
The Louisiana Purchase
Who wrote “The Army Regulations of 1821” the first written regulation following the “Blue Book”
General Winfield Scott
What were some of the areas covered in “The Army Regulations of 1821”
- The hand salute
- How to conduct a march
- How to make a good stew for the company
What is the bloodiest war in American History
The Civil War
With over 600,000 deaths on both sides
When and where did the Civil War actually begin?
The Civil War began in April 1861 when South Carolina militia forces fired on Fort Sumter
The Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run showed the need for more what?
More thorough preparation and for more soldiers
President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation on 22 September 1862 freed the slaves in any areas still under Confederate control as of what date?
01 January 1863
Congress authorized the creation of the Medal of Honor on what date?
12 July 1862
Who was the first Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
George Washington
Who received the first Medal of Honor ever awarded?
Private Jacob Parrott, Company K, 33d Ohio Volunteer Infantry on 25 March 1863
The Battle of Gettysburg started on what date?
July 01, 1863
General Lee surrendered his Army on what date, marking the end of the Civil War?
09 April, 1865
Who was the only female to receive the Medal of Honor?
Dr. Mary E. Walker
Congress declared war on Spain on what date?
25 April, 1898
When did World War 1 begin?
August 1914
What event sparked the start of World War 1?
A Bosnian separatist murdered the Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife during a visit to Sarajevo.
On what date did President Wilson ask Congress to declare war on Germany? (World War 1)
02 April, 1917
The armistice ended the fighting at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918. Known for many years as Armistice Day, what is it now called in the United States?
Veteran’s Day
One result of WW 1 was the creation of what International body roughly similar to the United Nations of today?
The League of Nations
National Defense Act of June 4, 1920 governed the organization and regulation of what until 1950?
The Army
On what date did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor?
December 7, 1941
The Woman’s Army Corps was created in what year?
When was D Day?
June 06, 1944
Just after dawn on D Day, the 1st, 4th and 29th Infantry Divisions assaulted what beaches?
Utah and Omaha
President Truman authorized the use of two atomic bombs agains Japan, destroying Hiroshima and Nagasaki on what dates?
Hiroshima - 06 August 1945
Nagasaki - 09 August 1945
The National Security Act of 1947 was a sweeping reorganization of the US military. What did it establish?
Department of Defense
Air Force
What year marked the start of the Korean War?
What year did President Johnson begin a process of escalation that put 184,000 American troops in South Vietnam by year’s end?
What is the longest war in US history
The war in Afghanistan
After a US Marine was shot in 1989 in Panama, what Operation was launched?
Operation Just Cause
General H. Norman Schwarzkopf and his Saudi counterpart sent their multinational ground forces across the border into Iraq in February of what year?
1991 (Gulf War?)
On what date did the United States enormous support from the global community, respond to the attacks on September 11th, 2001 with attacks on the al-Qaeda network and the Taliban-Controlled government of Afghanistan that was supporting it?
October 07 2001
With a coalition that included Great Britain, Australia, Poland and 44 other nations, the United States began offensive military operations to remove Saddam Hussein from power and liberate Iraq on what date?
March 20 2003
When was Saddam Hussein captured?
December 13 2003