Fm 4-01 To Fm 27-10 Flashcards
What FM covers transportation
Fm 4-01
What FM covers Army Health System
Fm 4-02
What FM covers Ordnance Operation
Fm 4-30
What FM covers Number Published as of 20130207
FM 4-40
What FM covers Logistics Operations
FM 4-95
What FM covers operational environment
FM 5-02
What FM covers Command and Staff Organization and Operation
FM 6-0
What FM covers Signal Operations
FM 6-02
What FM covers Report and Message format
FM 6-99
What FM covers Army Universal Task List
Fm 7-15
What is the movement and maneuver warfighting function?
The movement and maneuver warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that move forces to achieve a position of advantage in relation to the enemy
What is the intelligence warfighting function
The Intelligence wargihting function is the related tasks and systems that facilitates understanding of the operational environment, enemy, terrain and civil considerations
What is the fires warfighting function
The fire warfighting function is related tasks and systems that provide collective and coordinated use of army indirect fires and joint fires through the targeting process
What is sustainment warfighting function
The sustainment warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that provide support and services to ensure freedom of action, extended operational reach, and prolong endurance
What is Mission Command
Mission command is the exercise of authority and direction by the commander using mission orders to enable disciplined initiative within the commanders intent to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of full spectrum OPERATIONS
What is the protection warfighting function?
The protection warfighting function is the related tasks and systems that preserve the force so the commander can apply maximum combat power
What is tactical mission task
A tactical mission task is a specific activity performed by a unit while executing a form of tactical operation or form of maneuver. It may be expressed as either an action by a friendly force or effects on an enemy force
To measure mission accomplishment, commanders also consider if mission accomplishment was within what?
o Higher commanders intent of what the force must do and the conditions
o Specific timeline
o Commanders risk assessment for fratricide avoidance and collateral damage
o Minimum expenditure of resources
o Unit’s capacity of continuing or being assigned future missions and operations
What does FM 7-22 Cover?
The Army’s Physical Readiness Training Program
What does PRT stand for?
Physical Readiness Training
Why is PRT a mandatory training requirement
Considered by senior leaders to be essential to individual, unit, and force readiness
Required by law
Who serves as the primary trainers for enlisted soldiers, crews and small teams
To accomplish the prt mission what must NCOs do
o Identify specific tasks that prt enhances in support of the units C or D-METL
o Prepare, rehearse and execute prt
o Evaluate prt and conduct AARs to provide feedback to the commander
What are the tenets of standards based training
o Leaders Know and enforce standards
o Leaders Define success in the absence of standards
o Leaders Train to standard not time
What are the PRT systems phases
Initial conditioning phase
Toughening phase
Sustaining phase
What are the principles that the conduct of army PRT follows
What are the 8 tenets of train as you fight, as they relate to PRT
- Must support full spectrum ops and promote quick transitions between missions.
- Must support proficiency in combined arms operations and unified actions.
- Focus is on training the fundamentals first.
- Performance-oriented, under realistic conditions, and be mission focused.
- Incorporate challenging, complex, ambiguous, and uncomfortable situations.
- Incorporate safety and composite risk management.
- Conducted under conditions that replicate the operational environment
- Conducted during deployments.
What FM covers The Law of Land Warfare
FM 27-10