Fluvioglacial Landforms Flashcards
Formation of outwash plains
Formed from outwash sediment carried by meltwater streams. Made up of materials brought down by the glacier which is then picked up and sorted and dropped by running water beyond position of ice front, deposition
What are eskers
Long sinuous, winding ridges of sorted material that run in direction of ice advance. Often stratified(layered).
Meandering hills
Formation of eskers
Formed by subglacial river deposition when ice was melting away.
Mark the course of streams that once carried subglacial meltwater beneath glacier
Why do some eskers run up gentle gradients
Channel of streams would be restricted by ice walls so there would be considerable hydrostatic pressure.
Allow large load to be carried
What are kames
Deposits of sorted and often stratified sand and gravel left by meltwater along front of melting ice sheets.
Irregular undulating mounds
Can collapse when ice supporting them melts
What are outwash plains
Extensive, gently sloping areas of sands and gravel that form in front of a glaciers snout.
Formation of kames
When cracks in ice fill with sediments and the ice melts and sediments fall to form a mound
What are braided streams
When a stream splits off into little streams and material is deposited in the centre of them
Formation of a braided stream
Channel becomes choked with coarse material because of marked seasonal variations in discharge . When discharge is low excess sediment is deposited, discharge is variable
What are kettle holes/lakes
Series of small depressions filled with lakes/marshes
Formation of kettle holes/lakes
When blocks of ice buried beneath flubioglacial material melts causing surface layer of debris above buried ice to slump. The hollow can then fill with water to from a kettle Lake
What are varves
Layered deposits which reflect the seasonal flow of meltwater into lakes
Formation of varves
Sediment carried by meltwater streams is deposited when water enters a proglacial lake as the energy of the stream is lost.
They vary in thickness and this shows how much melting happens