Flurosis Flashcards
What is it?
slow, progressive, crippling disease which affects every organ, tissue and cell in the body.
What According to WHO,is the apporpriate level of fluoride concentration in drinking water?
should not exceed 1.5mg/l.
adversely affects the foetal cerebral function and neurotransmitters. Reduced intelligence in children is associated with exposure to high fluoride levels.
what is Dental fluorosis?
defect in the tooth enamel caused by excessive fluoride consumption, is not treatable and the strains are permanent.
what is Skeletal fluorosis?
developed by the disturbance of calcium metabolism in the formation of bones in the body. It results in the softening and weakening of bones, resulting in deformities.
What are the main source of fluoride in groundwater?
rocks such as charnockite, quartzite, pegamatite, laterite etc.
States affected by this disease are?
Highly affected:Rajsthan,Gujrat,Andhra
Moderately affected:Punjab,haryana,U.P.,Bihar,M.P.,Karnataka,Tamilnadu,Maharashtra
Mildly affected:Odisha,bengal,kerala
What are the various measures taken by government?
- Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission(1987-1993)
2. National Programme for prevention and control of flurosis(NPPCF) 2008-09.