Fluoro For Upper Gi Flashcards
Superficial lacerations from reflux of stomach contents to distal oesophagus, strictures + hiatus hernia
BArrats oesophagus?
Precursor to oesophageal ca.
Damage to squamous cells → columnar epithelium - damage to mucosa, fibrotic healing
Line of density across oesoph.
Oesophageal carcinoma
Dismal prog.
Mainly squamous cell carcinoma - or adenocarcinoma directly linked to barratts
Flat plaque regions with central ulceration - 1 wall
’ Hiatus hernia
Sliding. 90 %
Hiatus abnormally widened normal upper limit is 15mm
Incidental on barium meal
Achalasia is…?
Functional obstructed of the distal oesophagus
Bird beak
Sphincter neuronal abnormality
Zenckers diverticulum is?
Posterior upper oesoph.
Can occlude lumen
Barium swallow can demonstrate at cs-c6
Oesophageal varices are?
Dilated veins is wall of oesoph _ increased pressure-in portal venous system
Link to cirrhosis.
Barium swallow not sensitive _ 50% - refer to ct!
Multiple diffuse rounded, oval filling defects demonstrated
Pud is?
Erosive concave crater in stomach - pitting fills with baso4
Convex polyp-type too
Barium → endoscopy - but Ct 1st choice to assess acute abdo pain
Gastric Adeno carcinoma is?
- Most common gastric malignancy - pyloric, lesser curvature, cardia
Barium meal - endoscopy- most sensitive and specific, Ct - all used