Fluids & Transfusion in Peds Population Flashcards
weight 0 - 10 kg
4 mL/ kg / hr
10 - 20 kg
2 mL/kg/hr (+ 40 mL)
> 20 kg
1 mL/kg/hr ( + 60 mL)
what’s your fluid bolus dose
10 - 20 mL/kg
buretrol holds
150 mL
fill it up to 10 mL/kg
hypoglycemia risk patients - what do you give
D5 in 0.45% NS
1/2 the MIV rate
fluid overload
be careful - the neonate kidney cannot excrete large amounts of excess water or electrolytes
always filter
always warm
estimating blood replacement
(desired hct - current hct) x EBV / 0.6
ebv x (starting hct - target hct)/starting hct
premie EBV
100 mL/kg
term EBV
90 mL/kg
6 mo EBV
80 mL/kg
< 1 yo EBV
75 mL/kg
> 1 yo
70 mL/kg
adult EBV
55 - 65 mL/kg
when do you administer FFP
when EBL is greater than 1-1.5 EBV
observed coagulopathy
PT/PTT or rotem prolonged
ITP or chemo pt are ok if plt >15k
dilution causing thrombocytopenia?? tx if <50k
cell saver adr
coagulopathy b/c dilution of coags
calcium supplements?
head trauma or MTP will cause hypocalcemia d/t rapid transfusions
FFP + PRBCs contain calcium citrate
neonates + calcium
decreased ability to mobilize calcium to metabolize citrate
prevent tx related graft vs host disease
important in ca and immunocompromised patients
filtered blood products
eliminate CMV infection (important for CA and sickle cell pt)
washed products
life-threatening allergic reactions - unforunately decreases life span of RBC and its effectiveness
bye bye WBC and K
wake up safe recommendations hyperK & PRBCs
tx before significant HD compromise
large bore catheeters > 23 G
fresh RBC and wash RBC
maybe keep PRBCs < 5 days old
how do we treat hyperK?
- hyperventilate
- ca cl (20 mg/kg) or caglu (60 mg/kg)
- insulin 0.1 u/kg and dextrose 0.25 - 1 g/kg
- bicarb 1 - 2 meq/kg
- albuterol
- lasix 0.1 mg/kg
when do we start ECMO
if arrest > 6 m
PRBC dosing, the indication
I: 30 - 40% for infants
25% for child
10 - 15 mL/kg
how much does 10 - 15 mL/kg increase hgb
2 - 3 g/dL
FFP dosing, the indication
10 - 15 mL/kg
FFP bolus increases factor levels by
15 - 20%
platelet dosing, the indication
I: < 100 k
5 - 10 mL/kg
plt bolus increases by
50 - 100 k
cryo indication, dose
I: peersistent bleeding
dose: 10 - 20 mL/kg
cryo increases ____
fibrinogen by 60 - 100 mg/dL