Fluid Dynamics Flashcards
What is hydraulics?
The study of the practical laws of fluid flow and resistance in pipes and open channels.
What is the continuity equation?
The mass flow rate and volumetric flow rate are constant in a frictionless pipe for an incompressible fluid.
What is the Bernoulli equation?
States that the total energy of a fluid flowing without friction losses in a pipe is constant.
What kind of flow is needed for the Bernoulli equation to be valid?
incompressible frictionless flow.
What is the total energy or Bernoulli equation equal to?
It is equal to the sum of its pressure, kinetic, and potential energies.
What is the Reynolds number?
Is a dimensionless number interpreted as the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces of the fluid.
What is laminar flow?
If all of the fluid particles move in paths parallel to the overall flow direction.
What is turbulent flow?
Three dimensional movement of the fluid particles superimposed on the overall direction of motion.
What is the critical zone or transition flow?
When the flow is said to be between laminar and turbulent.
What limits does the critical zone create?
This zone or region sets the upper and lower critical limits. Which are the Reynolds number before turbulent flow and the Reynolds number before laminar flow.
What are non Newtonian fluids?
Fluids that have viscosities that change with shear rate.
What are pseudo plastics?
Non Newtonian fluids that exhibit a decrease in viscosity the faster they are agitated.
What are dilatant fluids?
Non Newtonian fluids that exhibit an increase in viscosity the faster they are agitated.
What is the power law?
Is the equation to calculate the Reynolds number for non Newtonian fluids.
What is the bulk velocity?
It is the average velocity.
How is shear stress and flow related?
The shear stress created by the flow varies with location.
How is the pressure effected when analyzing reservoirs or large tanks for steady incompressible flow?
The gauge pressure is commonly used so that the reservoirs surface pressure can be zero.
How is the velocity effected when analyzing reservoirs or large tanks for steady incompressible flow?
The surface fluid level of the reservoir ot tank changes slowly when drawing from it making the velocity of the fluid surface zero.
What head loss due to friction do?
It causes a pressure drop for a pipe of constant cross sectional area and elevation.
What is the Darcy Weisbach equation?
A method for calculating the frictional energy loss for fluids.
What kind of flow can the Darcy Weisbach equation be used for?
It can be used for laminar and turbulent flow.
What factors effect the Darcy Weisbach friction factor?
The fluid flow and the relative roughness of the pipe surface.
How does flow effect the Darcy Weisbach friction factor?
The friction factor is not constant and decreases as the Reynolds number increases.
What happens to the Darcy Weisbach friction factor when full turbulent flow is reached?
When full turbulent flow is reached the friction factor is no longer effected by flow.
What is the Moody chart?
Its a chart used to obtain the friction factor.
What is the Hagen Poiseuille equation?
Its the equation used to calculate the flow rate when there is a pressure drop and the flow is through a pipe and laminar.
What is the hydraulic radius?
Its defined as the area in flow divided by the wetted perimeter.
What is the area in flow defined by?
Its the cross sectional area of the fluid flowing.
What is the wetted perimeter defined by?
Its the length of the line representing the interface between the fluid and the pipe or channel. It does not include the free surface length.
What is the free surface?
The interface between the fluid and atmosphere.
What is the characteristic dimension?
The physical length of an object that the process is dependent on.
What is the hydraulic diameter equal to?
Its equal to 4 times the hydraulic radius.
How to calculate the frictional energy loss by a fluid in a non circular duct?
The frictional energy loss is calculated from the darcy equation by using the hydraulic diameter in place of the normal diameter.
What are considered minor losses?
Frictional losses resulting from fittings in the line, changes in direction, and changes in flow area.
What is the method of loss coefficients?
The method for calculating the minor losses in the energy conservation equation. This is usually ignored.
What is the loss coefficient?
A coefficient associated with a specific fitting or pipe exit and entrance in tanks.
What is a pipe loop?
A set of two pipes placed in parallel, both originating and terminating at the same junction.
What is the head loss in each branch or pipe in a pipe loop?
The flow divides in such a manner to make the head loss in each branch the same.
What is the head loss between the two junctions in a pipe loop?
The head loss between the two junctions is the same as the head loss in each branch.
What is the total flow rate equal to in a pipe loop?
It is the sum of the flow rates in the two branches.
What is an open channel?
An open channel is a fluid passageway that allows part of the fluid to be exposed to the atmosphere.
When is the Manning’s equation used?
Is used to find the flow velocity of any open channel.
What is Hazen Williams equation used for?
It is used to calculate the flow velocity in pipes and to find the head loss in circular pipes.
What is specific energy equal to and what is it associated with??
It is associated with open channel flow and it is equal to the total head with respect to the channel bottom.
What are the contributors to specific energy?
Kinetic and pressure energy.
Why doesn’t potential energy contribute to specific energy?
Because the channel bottom is the reference elevation for potential energy.
What is uniform flow?
Flow with constant width and depth.
How does uniform flow effect specific energy?
Total head decreases due to frictional effects (elevation increases), but specific energy is constant.
How does non uniform flow effect specific energy?
Total head also decreases, but specific energy may increase or decrease.
What is critical depth?
The depth of flow that will minimize the energy of flow in a channel.
What is the critical depth dependent on?
Its dependent on the shape of the channel.
What is the critical depth independent of?
It is independent of the channel slope.
What is the unit discharge?
It’s the ratio of the flow rate to the channel width.
What is the Froude number used for?
It is used to determine whether the flow is subcritical or supercritical.
What does a Froude number of less than one tell us?
The flow is subcritical.
If flow is subcritical. What does that tell us about the depth and velocity?
The depth of flow is greater than the critical depth and the flow velocity is less than the critical velocity.
What does a Froude number of greater than one tell us?
The flow is super critical.
If flow is supercritical. What does that tell us about the depth and velocity?
The depth of flow is less than the critical depth and the flow velocity is greater than the critical velocity.
What happens when the Froude number is equal to one?
The flow is critical.
What is momentum equal to?
A vector quantity defined as the product of the object’s mass and velocity.
What is impulse equal to?
It is the product of the force’s magnitude and the length of time the force is applied.
What is the impulse momentum principle?
States that the impulse applied to a body is equal to the change in that bodies momentum.
What is the result from applying the impulse momentum principle to a control volume?
The resultant of all external forces acting on the control volume is equal to the difference of momentum of the fluid entering and leaving the control volume.
When is fluid momentum conserved in the impulse momentum principle?
When the forces of gravity, gage pressure, friction, and turning forces from walls and vanes are absent.
What is assumed if the friction between a fixed blade and fluid is ignored?
The absolute velocity at the beginning will be equal to the absolute velocity at the end.
What is an impulse turbine?
A series of blades mounted around a wheel.
How is the powered transferred from a fluid jet to the blades of a impulse turbine calculated ?
It is calculated from the x component of force on the blades.
What is done with the y force component on a impulse turbine blade?
It is ignored, as the turbine is stationary.
What is the velocity for an impulse turbine?
It’s the tangential blade velocity.
What is the runaway speed?
The maximum theoretical tangential blade velocity which is the velocity of the jet.
When can the runaway speed occur?
It can only occur when the turbine is unloaded.
What is the power from an impulse turbine dependent on?
The velocity of the blade and the deflection angle.
At what velocity does the maximum power occur from an impulse turbine?
The maximum power will be found to occur when the blade is traveling at half of the jet velocity.
At what deflection angle does the maximum power occur from an impulse turbine?
The maximum power will be found to occur when the deflection angle of the blade is 180.
What is drag?
The frictional force that acts parallel but opposite to the direction of motion.
What is the drag coefficient dependent on?
It depends primarily on the Reynolds number and the shape of the object.
What is the chord length of an airfoil?
The front to back dimension of the airfoil.
What is the aspect ratio of the airfoil?
Its the ratio of the wing length to chord length.
What is lift?
Lift is the force that is exerted on an object as the object passes through a fluid.
What does the coefficient of lift measure?
It measures the effectiveness of the airfoil.