Flight Management System Flashcards
In addition to initial position date and time,
what other important information is
presented on the initialization (INIT) page?
what other important information is
presented on the initialization (INIT) page?
All of the above
A list search for airways uses a reference
waypoint. this reference waypoint is the:
Way Point preceding the current cursor
FMS data is displayed on the PFD via control
which of the following?
FMS button on the respective display
control panel
FMS navigation data is shown differently
than VOR / LOC navigation data by:
Colour-FMS data is normally white in a dual
FMS installation
What should happen when using the DTO
A window opens showing the flight plan
waypoints with the current FROM Waypoint
at the top of the display list
FMS is coupled to the autopilot by which of
the following?
Selecting FMS on the display control panel
and NAV on the flight guidance p’anel
The UNS-1 E FMS is approved for which of
the following instrument approaches?
PFD1 normally displays FMS1 while PFD2
normally displays FMS2. The indications
may be selected by pressing which of the
FMS button on the respective display panel
PFD1 normally displays FMS1 while PFD2
normally displays FMS2. The indications
may be selected by pressing which of the
FMS button on the respective display panel
Which of the following items are not on the FMS initialization (INIT) page?
FROM - TO information
To load a departure procedure from the
data base into the flight plan, what must the
Pilot do?
From the flight plan page, push the MENU
button and choose DEPART
The Learjet 40/45 FMS (white data) can be
used to fly:
GPS and VOR approaches
Which of the following navigation functions
are NOT available through the Universal
OMEGA navigation
How does the pilot know in what mode the
FMS is operating?
In terminal or approach mode a blue (cyan)
TERM or APP is displayed on the pilot PFDs
How can a waypoint be selected to navigate
“direct to”?
Press the DTO button and choose the point
from the list
How do you access the holding pattern
From the NAV page select MNVR
To turn the FMS off:
Push the ON/OFF DIM button on the FMS