Flight Management Flashcards
The B737-800 has a ______ FMC installation?
With the FMC Source Select Switch in the NORMAL position, CDU’s and autothrottles are controlled by the _____ FMC.
Placing the FMC Source Select Switch to BOTH ON R selects the______ for all FMC operations. The ______ map will annunciate _______.
right FMC; Left; “FMC R”
On the FANS Multi-Purpose Control Display Units (MCDUs), the _____ key replaces the CLB, CRZ, and DES keys. Selecting this key will display the active performance page for the active phase of flight. Using the PREV PAGE and NEXT PAGE keys allows access to the other performance pages.
Flight plan and load sheet information provides performance information to initialize ________.
The takeoff phase of the FMC begins with __________ and extends to the thrust reduction altitude where climb thrust is normally selected.
the selection of TO/GA
VNAV can perform a descent in either of two modes - ____________________.
path descent or speed descent
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the pages for data initialization or for reference data.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the page to input or change origin, destination, or route.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the page to input or change departure and arrival procedures.
Pressing the ______ key on the FANS Multi-Purpose Control Display Unit, MCDU shows currently active performance page (CLB, CRZ, DES)
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the page to create reference points on map display.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the page to evaluate or modify lateral and vertical route data.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the page to create holding patterns and show holding pattern data.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the page to view dynamic flight and navigation data, including waypoint and destination ETAs, fuel remaining, and arrival estimates.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the page to choose subsystems controlled by CDU.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the page to view or change N1 thrust limits.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows the previous page of related pages (for example, LEGS pages).
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU shows next page of related pages (for example, LEGS pages).
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU makes data modification(s) active, and extinguishes the light.
The ________ is illuminated white when active data is modified but not executed
execute light
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU is used to view or change climb data.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU is used to view or change cruise data.
Pressing the ______ key on the CDU is used to view or change descent data.
The ______ are the aircraft’s sole source of attitude and heading information, except for the standby attitude indicator and standby magnetic compass.
During IRS alignment, when the ______ light extinguishes and the ______ light illuminates, the IRS has begun the alignment process.
If IRS alignment is lost in flight, the navigation mode (including present position and ground speed outputs) is ________________.
inoperative for the remainder of the flight
Should either IRS fail, the _________ is used to switch all associated systems to the functioning IRS.
IRS transfer switch
Should either VOR receiver fail, the _________ enables selection of the opposite VHF NAV receiver for display
VHF NAV transfer switch
Backup power to the _____ IRS is automatically terminated if ___ power is not restored within 5 minutes.
right; AC
The TEST position of the display selector on the IRS Display Unit ______________.
may only be used during alignment
The TK/GS position of the display selector on the IRS Display Unit displays present true track course in the left window. The right window displays ____________.
present ground speed
The PPOS position of the display selector on the IRS Display Unit displays ____________.
() all answers are correct
() present longitude
() present latitude
The WIND position of the display selector on the IRS Display Unit displays ____________.
inflight true wind direction and speed
The HDG/STS position of the display selector on the IRS Display Unit displays true present heading in the left window. The right window displays ____________.
applicable maintenance status codes
The System Display Selector on the IRS Display Unit selects the left (L) or right (R) IRS for
Data Display
If the IRS Mode Selector (Left or Right) is placed in the OFF position ___________.
respective IRS alignment is lost
When placing the IRS mode selector to ALIGN for initial alignment, the aircraft must be ________.
With the IRS mode selector in _________, the IRS provides full data to aircraft systems for normal operations.
With the IRS mode selector in _________, the IRS provides attitude and heading only.
An illuminated flashing ALIGN Light on the Aft Overhead Panel indicates that alignment cannot be completed due to IRS detection of __________.
() all answers are correct
() a significant difference between previous and entered positions or an unreasonable present position entry
() no present position being entered
The _______ light illuminates when a system fault affecting the related IRS ATT and/or NAV modes has been detected.
The _______ light illuminates when DC power for the respective IRS is not normal.
The B737-800 has ______ independent GPS receiver(s).
An illuminated amber GPS light indicates ______________.
failure of both GPS sensor units
An illuminated amber ILS light (as installed) indicates ______________.
failure of both ILS sensor units
An illuminated amber GLS (as installed) light indicates ______________.
failure of both GLS sensor units
Placing the transponder selector to 1 selects ___________.
transponder No. 1
The Air Traffic Control (ATC) Code Indicator is shown on the transponder and the code is set via the ___________.
Pushing TEST on the Transponder Mode Selector ________________.
starts an ATC transponder functional test
Placing the Transponder Mode Selector to ALT RPTG OFF (altitude reporting off) ________________
operates the transponder without altitude reporting
Placing the Transponder Mode Selector XPNDR (transponder) ________________.
operates the transponder with altitude reporting
Pushing the Identification (IDENT) switch the Transponder Panel ________________.
transmits an identification signal
How is a transponder malfunction indicated?
an illuminated transponder (XPNDR) FAIL light on the transponder panel
Placing the altitude (ALT) SOURCE selector to 1 enables ___________.
altitude reporting from air data computer No. 1
Does the weather radar automatically limit the detection of turbulence regardless of the selected range?
A displayed color of magenta on the radar indicates ___________ .
heavy turbulence
A displayed color of red on the radar indicates ___________ .
strong returns, areas of heaviest rainfall
A displayed color of yellow on the radar indicates ___________ .
medium returns, moderate rainfall
A displayed color of green on the radar indicates ___________ .
light returns, light rainfall
If the RGT (right) tilt on the weather radar panel is inoperative, pushing the right ________ will transfer the other (left) map display selections to the related (right) map.
Pushing the WX/T (turbulence) switch on the weather radar, displays __________.
weather radar returns and turbulence
Pushing the WX switch on the weather radar, displays __________.
weather radar returns
Pushing the MAP switch on the weather radar, displays __________.
ground returns at selected gain level
Pushing the IDNT switch on the weather radar, __________.
suppresses ground return in WX and WX/T modes
Pushing the TEST switch on the weather radar, __________.
() all answers are correct
() tests weather radar system operation without transmitting
() if on the ground with and the thrusts levers are not advanced for takeoff, tests the predictive windshear system
The illumination of a Gain Uncalibrated (GAIN UNCAL) light, indicates ______.
the related gain control is in an uncalibrated position
To tilt the radar antenna up, rotate the TILT Control ________.
In the ________ mode, the MultiScan WXR operates like a traditional weather radar with full operator control over tilt and gain settings.
On the MultiScan Weather Radar, the pushing GC switch ___________.
temporarily displays ground clutter in the auto mode
On the MultiScan Weather Radar, the pushing AUTO switch ___________.
() all answers are correct
() automatically controls tilt
() allows the weather radar to automatically increase gain as the outside air temperature decreases
On the Multi-Mode Navigation Control, pushing the _________ moves the standby frequency and mode to the active frequency and mode.
transfer switch
On the VHF Navigation Control, pushing the TEST switch with a VOR frequency tuned and a course of _________ selected will display a VOR fail flag.
On the Multi-Mode Navigation Control, pushing the mode switch manually inserts _______ into the standby indicator window.
On the VHF Navigation Control, pushing the _________ moves the frequency in the standby window to the active frequency window.
transfer switch
On the VHF Navigation Control, rotating the frequency selector manually selects the ________ frequency.
Each pilot has a set of marker beacon lights that show the outer marker (OM) as cyan, middle marker (MM) as amber, and the inner marker (IM) as _______.