Flight Instruments + FMS Flashcards
(88, 90) Explain the CADC NORM position on the CADC selector switch on aft overhead panel
- CA’s MACH/AS, altimeter and VSI/TCAS indicators receive data from CADC 1.
- FO’s MACH/AS, altimeter and VSI/TCAS indicators receive data from CADC 2.
(88, 90) Explain the BOTH ON 2 position on the CADC selector switch:
- CA’s and FO’s MACH/AS, altimeter and VSI/TCAS indicators receive data from CADC 2.
- FO’s BARO set knob controls both CA’s and FO’s altimeters (CA’s BARO set knob is inoperative).
(88, 90) Positions and function of EFIS selector switch on aft overhead panel:
• Selector normally positioned to NORM, but BOTH ON 1 or BOTH ON 2 may be selected as needed in event of symbol generator failure. BOTH ON 1/BOTH ON 2: corresponding symbol generator is source for both sets of EFIs.
• EFI 1/2 (amber) will be illuminated on all operable PFDs and NDs w/ BOTH ON 1 or BOTH ON selected
(88, 90) Describe the Vertical Navigation Display on ND:
- Right side of NAVIGATION DISPLAY (ND) MAP Mode displays vertical deviation from selected vertical profile in MAP mode during descent only.
- Scale indicates +/- 1000 feet deviation.
(88, 90) Positions and functions of FLT RCDR switch on overhead panel:
How is DFDR activated? How much info does it store?
GND TEST (guarded) –
• Applies power to recorder
• FLIGHT RECORDER OFF message will NOT be displayed if recorder is operating properly,
• Digital flight data recorder (DFDR) is activated with (all)
- Either FUEL lever to ON
- Parking brake released
- Normal electrical power.
• DFDR stores last 25 hrs of flight operations on crash survivable magnetic tape.
(88, 90) Describe FAST/SLOW indicator:
• F/S Display is located on left side of PFD.
• Indicates fast/slow indications referenced to
- Auto throttle SPD/MACH readout (+/- 10 knots)
- FMS generated speed
- VMO/MMO limit
- Slat/flap limit or safe stall margin (Alfa) speed
• Full deflection either way = approx 10 kts
• If selected airspeed
(88, 90) Where are expanded localizer and glideslope indications located? What is full scale deflection on expanded localizer?
- Localizer (expanded) and glideslope indications are located on PFD.
- Full scale deflection of expanded localizer = deviation of 1/3 dot of course deviation bar from LOC course
(88, 90) Where/how is radio altitude displayed? Describe height reference index.
- Radio altitude is displayed on right side of PFD
- Height Reference Index is a fixed index (tape moves) which indicates current altitude above terrain.
- Tape indicates 0 to 2500 feet.
(88, 90) Describe the heading select cursor, heading and track indicators. Where are they located?
- All on ND
- Heading select cursor (green) = heading set by HDG knob on FGCP
- Heading indicator (white) = current aircraft heading
- Track indicator (magenta) = current aircraft track
(88, 90) Where is true airspeed displayed?
• TAS Readout located on TAS/SAT Indicator on the F/O Instrument Panel
(88, 90) Where is wind direction and speed displayed?
• Lower left portion of the Navigation Display (ND) screen.
NOTE: Wind is displayed by a pointer and digital readout. Wind Direction and Speed can be seen on ND in rose, arc and map modes and indicate wind speed and direction w/ respect to map display orientation compass reference.
(88, 90) Explain heading orientation if PLAN mode is selected on the EFIS control panel
- PLAN mode displays static map background with data oriented to north.
- In PLAN Mode, top part of ND maintains a display of track and heading information as in Map Mode.
(88, 90) What display is associated with each of the MAP declutter buttons on EFIS mode selector panel:
• Push to display navaids (N-AID), airports (ARPT), data (DATA) and waypoints data (WPT).
(88, 90) Function of each position of IRS MSU (Mode Selector Unit):
- OFF – Removes elec pwr after 3 second time delay.
- ALN – OFF to ALN powers up IRU and performs internal BITE check. During BITE check, ON BAT annunciates on MSU for 15 seconds. After BITE check, IRU enters align submode until switched to NAV. Full alignment requires from 2.5 to 10 minutes.
- NAV – Normal position. If selected from OFF mode or ALN mode prior to completion of the alignment sequence, the IRU will begin alignment phase, auto terminating at end of alignment sequence. When align sequence is completed, ALIGN lights will extinguish, and EFIS attitude and heading data will be displayed.
- ATT – Selects back-up attitude mode, which may be selected directly in flight following partial failure of IRU (indicated by FAULT annunciation on MSU). When either IRS is in attitude mode, auto land is inhibited. Heading updates are required for failed system.
(88, 90) Meaning of each advisory light on IRS control panel:
- ALIGN (white) IRU is in alignment mode. Flashes if position data has not been entered after alignment completed or incorrect data entry.
- ON BAT (amber) IRU is operating from its back-up battery.
- BAT FAIL (amber) Battery voltage is less than required.
- FAULT – IRU has detected a problem in its alignment and navigation modes.
(88, 90) Explain what altitude range arc (Green arc) indicates during a climb or descent:
• The ALTITUDE RANGE ARC, when intersected with the track line, predicts the point where reference altitude will be reached at current vertical rate.
(88, 90) How is active waypoint displayed on ND in MAP/PLAN mode and on MCDU?
• Active waypoint is first waypoint displayed on the legs page. The active waypoint is magenta on the map display.
(88, 90) How is a downmode alignment (quick align) accomplished?
• Selecting ALN from NAV provides a 30” downmode alignment (quick align) which zeros all computed velocity errors and updates heading accuracy.