Flight controls Flashcards
What is controlled by the ELAC ? And how many are there ?
Normal elevator and stabiliser
Ailerons control
How many SEC are there and what are they for ?
Spoiler control
Standby elevator and stabilizer control
3 SECs
How many FAC and what are they ?
2 FACs
Electrically control rudder
They have 4 mains functions :
- Yaw function
- flight envelope function (PFD speed scale)
- Low energy aural alert
- windshear detection
What HYD system power the Left aileron and Right aileron ?
Left : BG
Right : GB
Controlled by ELAC 1 then ELAC 2 if failed
The order reflect which is the primary HYD system.
ex : Left primary is blue when controlled by ELAC 1, if controlled by ELAC 2 then HYD G.
What HYD system power the spoilers ? Which computers ?
All the three HYD system
HYD GYBYG = Spoiler 54321 = SEC 21133
Which spoiler are used for ROLL, SPEED BRAKES, GROUND SPOILER ?
ROLL : 5-2
Speed brakes : 4-2
Ground :5-1
What HYD system power the Elevator and which computers ?
L elevator
R elevator
All three HYD
L elevator : GB
R elevator : YB
ELAC 2 is the primary control of the elevators
ELAC 2 then 1 then SEC 2 then 1
Blue HYD control the elevator if ELAC 2 fail, otherwise it’s with it associated HYD so L is G hyd, R is Y.
What HYD System control the THS and what computers ?
ELAC 2 then 1, SEC 2 then 1
What HYD System control the rudder ? Which computer ?
Computers : FAC 1 then 2
On a RTO when will the ground spoiler deploy ?
- If the ground spoilers are armed and the wheel speed exceeds 72 kt, the ground spoilers will automatically extend as soon as both thrust levers are reset to idle.
- If the ground spoilers are not armed and the wheel speed exceeds 72 kt, the ground spoilers will automatically extend as soon as reverse is selected on one engine (the other thrust lever remains at idle).
What is the High speed protection in normal law ?
Activated when above VMO/MMO
When high speed protection is activated, positive spiral static stability is introduced to 0 ° bank angle (instead of 33 ° in normal law), so that with the sidestick released, the aircraft always returns to a bank angle of 0 °. The bank angle limit is reduced from 67 ° to 40 °.
As the speed increases above VMO/MMO, the sidestick nose-down authority is progressively reduced, and a permanent nose-up order is applied to aid recovery to normal flight conditions.
Therefore, in a dive situation:
What is the load factor protection ?
The load factor is automatically limited to:
+2.5 g to -1 g for clean configuration.
+2 g to 0 for other configurations.
What is the pitch attitude protection in normal law ?
pitch attitude protection limits pitch attitude:
30 ° nose up in conf 0 to 3 (progressively reduced to 25 ° at low speed).
25 ° nose up in conf FULL (progressively reduced to 20 ° at low speed).
15 ° nose down (indicated by green symbols “=” on the PFD’s pitch scale).
The flight director bars disappear from the PFD when the pitch attitude exceeds 25 ° up or 13 ° down. They return to the display when the pitch angle returns to the region between 22 ° up and 10 ° down.
What is the High angle of attack protection ?
When the current AOA becomes greater than αPROT, the high AOA protection activates.
Without flight crew input, the F/CTL computers maintain the AOA equal to αPROT.
With flight crew input, can be increased up to αMAX.
When the High AOA protection is activated, sidestick input is an AOA demand, instead of a load factor demand.
Between the αPROT and αMAX, αFloor protection may automatically set the go-around thrust. The αFloor will usually be triggered just after entering αPROT, and the go-around thrust will automatically be applied.
When active the max bank angle become 45°
What is the bank angle protection in normal law ?
Max bank is 67°
if bank more than 45° AP disconnect and the FD Bars disappear, they return when bank less than 40°
Up to 33° maintain the bank and auto pitch trim, above 33° if released return automatically to 33° bank.
Max bank angle of 60° if flaps are extended due to the load factor limitation of 2g with flaps
if AOA protection is active max bank become 45°
If high speed protection is active max bank 40*
What are the normal law protection ?
The normal law protects the aircraft throughout the flight envelope, as follows :
Bank angle protection
( AOA) high-angle-of-attack
load factor limitation
pitch attitude protection
high-speed protection.
Alpha floor but it’s an AutoThrust protection
What are the alternate law reduced protections ?
- load factor limitation
- low speed stability (gentle nose down that can be overide)
- high speed stability (gentle nose up that can be overide)
Draw the PFD bottom speed scale in normal law
Vls at the top of orange line
Valpha prot top of orange and black strip
Valpha max top of solid red bar
draw the bottom of the PFD in alternate law
Top of amber line is VLS
then. VSW is the top of red and black strip
Name the flight controls laws ?
- normal law
- alternate law
- direct law
- mechanical backup
- abnormal attitude law
What is the purpose of mechanical backup
manage temporary and total electrical loss, flight computer, both elevators or ailerons and spoilers
What is the purpose of the abnormal attitude law ?
provide maximum efficient to recover normal attitude.
Pitch is alternate with no protection and no load factor limitation
Roll is direct
In normal law what is the max bank angle ?
67° can be reduced to Max bank angle of 60° if flaps are extended due to the load factor limitation of 2g with flaps
In normal law what is the max bank angle in case of alpha protection active ?
In normal law what is the max bank angle in case of high speed protection active ?
What is the positive spiral static stability ?
the aircraft will return to a set bank angle when the side stick is released.
Normal flight enveloppe => return to 33°
When in alpha prot, what happens when you release the sidestick ?
the aircraft maintain the AOA equals to alpha prot
What is Alpha Prot, Alpha Max, Alpha floor ?
Alpha prot: angle of attack protection speed => Angle of attack at which AOA protection become active
Alpha Max= Max angle of attack speed => Max angle of attack that may be reach in normal law (full backstick)
Alpha floor: when AOA exceed the threshold => TOGA is applied
When out of alpha floor protection what THRUST mode would you expect and how would you recover ?
Toga lock
To recover disconnect the ATHR using the instinctive disconnect PB
(No longer the case on new A/C => Revert to previous thrust setting)
When will you see USE MAN PICTH TRIM
Direct law
Can the High speed protection be overridden ?
No, if no input => slight overshoot of VMO/MMO and then back to flight enveloppe
Input => Significant overshoot of VMO/MMO then pitch down authority reduced to zero.
What is Alpha lock and when will you might see it ?
Inhibits slats retraction at high angle of attack and low speeds.
Basically trying to move flaps lever to zero too early
What protection do you have in direct law ?
What control surfaces have a mechanical link ?
What is the purpose of aileron droop ?
The purpose of aileron droop is to use the ailerons as wing flaps. Wing flaps increase the lift generated by the wings at low speed.
5° down on A320/A319 10° A321N when flaps are extended
How long does it takes to transition from Ground to Flight mode on takeoff ?
What is the ground mode ?
direct relationship between side stick deflection and elevator deflection
What is the flare mode ?
A/C memorises attitude at 50ft then passing trough 30ft gentle nose down to -2° over 8sec
What computes the characteristic speeds on the PFD ?
What is the purpose of beta target
In case of single engine, when center allows to achieve the best climb perf.
In case of flaps/slats jammed, on what is based VFE and VFE next ? What about VLS and overspeed ?
VFE/VFE next are based on flaps lever position
Overspeed and Vls are based on actual flaps/slats position
What happen if one SFCC is inop ?
Flaps/Slats travel at half speed
What control the Flaps/slats ?
2 SFCC with two channels, one for the flaps and one for the slats
What is the purpose of the WTB ?
To avoid runaway, overspeed and asymmetry
Which flaps lever position doesn’t change the position of the slats ?
Flaps 2 and 3 have the same slats position, so going from 2 to 3 won’t change the slats position