Flight Controls Flashcards
How many FlightControl computers does the A320 have? What are they?
- 7
- ELAC 1/2 (Elevator Aileron Comp)
- SEC 1/2/3 (Spoiler Elevator Comp)
- FAC 1/2 (Flight Augmentation Comp)
Which three flight control computers remain active during an EMER ELEC CONFIG?
- ELAC 1
- SEC 1
- FAC 1
(All on left side of upper panel)
If one flight control, computer fails what happens?
The back up computer (ELAC/SEC/FAC) takes over automatically.
What happens if both ELACs fail?
- Flight control laws degrade from normal to alternate law
- Both ailerons are in operative and roll control is provided by the spoilers
- elevator and THS control is provided by the SEC’s
- Both auto pilots will be inoperative
Which spoilers are controlled by SEC 1/2/3?
- SEC1: Spoilers 3/4
- SEC2: Spoiler 5
- SEC3: Spoilers 1/2
Which SEC’s provide backup elevator and THS control in case both ELAC’s fail?
SEC 1 and 2
What happens if all three SEC’s have failed or are selected off?
- The speed, brakes and spoiler panels are all inoperative and roll is controlled by ailerons only
- The ability of the FCC’s to provide back up control is lost
- Flight control laws degrade from normal to alternate law
If all three, SEC’s fail or are turned off what happens to the auto pilot?
Nothing as information to the auto pilot is still provided by the ELAC’s and FACs.
What happens if both FAC’s have failed or are selected off?
- Rudder control is through the rudder pedals via mechanical connection
- Rudder trim, yaw damping, and rudder limiting are lost
- Flight control laws degrade from normal to alternate law
How long does the priority take over pb need to be pressed to maintain priority without pushing the button?
40 sec
Which spoilers also provide roll control?
Spoilers 2-5
If one spoiler servo fails what happens?
The other side spoiler servo is deactivated to maintain symmetry
If the auto pilot is activated, can the rudder trim selector be used?
No, it is deactivated
If both FAC’s fail what happens to rudder travel limit?
- It is initially frozen in the current position
- rudder travel limit removed when slats are extended for approach
Which spoilers operate as speed breaks?
Spoilers 2/3/4
Which spoilers are used for ground spoiler operation?
All 5 spoilers
What is the maximum deflection of the speed brakes when auto pilot is engaged?
1/2 deflection even if speed brake lever is set to full
If the speed brake lever is in the full position in the auto pilot disengages, what happens?
The spoilers rapidly move to full deflection
If the spoilers in the full position in the auto pilot is engaged what happens?
The spoilers rapidly moved to the half deflection position
Can the speed brakes be used with flaps full selected?
No, speed brake is inhibited with flaps full selected
How are the slats and flaps controlled?
Slats and flaps control computer (SFCC)
What is the height limitation to extend slats/flaps?
FL200 (do not extend above)
F one SFCC fails what happens?
The other SFCC takes over its function, but the slats and flaps operate at half speed
At what speed does automatic flap retraction occur?
210 kts
Do the slats retract when an over speed condition occurs?
What are the flight control laws?
- Normal Law
- Alternate Law
- Direct Law
- Back up control law
- Abnormal Attitude Law
What control are available in mechanical back up law?
- Manual pitch trim
- Rudder pedals
- Engine thrust
Beyond what bank angle does automatic pitch trim stop?
What are the normal law protections?
- Maneuver protection
- Pitch attitude protection
- High speed protection
- Alpha protection (angle of attack protection)
What is maneuver protection? What are its limits?
- It prevents the aircraft from overstressing
- +2.5 G and -1.0 G (clean configuration)
- +1.0 G and -0.0 G (other configuration)
What is pitch attitude protection and what are its limits?
- limits excessive aircraft nose up and nose down pitch
- +30° nose up and -15° nose down
How are the pitch limits indicated on the PFD?
- green equal signs at +30° nose up in -15° nose down
What happens to the flight directors if the nose pitch limits a reached?
It disappears
What is high-speed protection and what are its limits?
- it limits aircraft speed
- green equal sign just above Vmo/Mmo
What happens when the high speed protection limit is reached?
- The ELACs pitch up the aircraft to prevent further acceleration.
- nose down automatic trim is inhibited
- auto pilot disengages
After high-speed protection has been activated, and the sidestick is returned to neutral to what speed does the aircraft return?
What is alpha protection?
Aircraft flight control surfaces prevent the angle of attack from exceeding its limits.
What happens if Alpha PROT is reached?
- Pitch control changes from load demand to alpha demand
- Auto pilot is disengaged
- Nose up trim is inhibited
What speed is reached is the side stick is held to full back?
Alpha MAX
What is alpha floor protection?
- auto thrust system
- Only available in normal law
- ## commands TOG a thrust when triggered
Up to what bank angle will the aircraft maintain the angle even if side stick pressure is released?
To bank the aircraft beyond 33° what must the pilot do?
- Roll the aircraft to the desired bank angle and hold it there
- Apply back pressure to maintain altitude
If you are at angles greater than 33° and release the side stick side pressure what happens?
Positive spiral stability returns the aircraft to 33° bank angle.
Between what bank angles does the aircraft maintain positive spiral stability?
- Greater than 33°, but less than 67°
- at all Bank angles if high speed or alpha protection is active
If alpha or high speed protection is active to what bank angle does the aircraft return if the stick pressure is released?
0° bank angle
What is the bank angle protection limit?
What is the bank angle limit if high speed or aloha protection is active?
45° bank angle
What happens at 45° bank angle is exceeded?
- auto pilot disconnect
- Flight Director disappears
An approach at which altitude RA is the pitch trim frozen?
At which altitude do the ELACs add a gentle nose down command?
- 50 feet AGL
- 30 feet AGL
What Foltz in flight control computers will cause the aircraft to switch to alternate law?
- Dual ELAC faults
- Dual FAC faults
- Triple SEC faults
- Dual hydraulic faults (except HYD B+Y SYS LO PR)
- Dual ADR faults
- Dual IR faults
How can you tell if you’re in ALT LAW?
- Amber Xs at pitch and roll limits
- Airspeed indicator changes to Red/Black indicator (no Amber alpha Prot and alpha Max indication) (top of red indicates Vsw)
Is high-speed protection available in ALT LAW?
No, high speed stability is still available.
- A protection prevents you from exceeding a limit.
- Stability only discourages you from exceeding a limit. You can always manually override a stability with sidestick input.
Can the aircraft be stalled?
Yes, if in ALT LAW and the side stick is held back.
Does alternate law provide a landing mode? What happens as a result?
When landing gear is extended, alternate law changes to direct law
How can the pilot tell if the aircraft is in direct law?
- Amber Xs
After having recovered from abnormal attitude law, what law does the aircraft return to?
How can the pilot tell if they are in backup control law?
- PFD indicates red MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY
- Red SPD SEL above speed tape
- Red SPD LIM next to speed tape
- Amber Xs