Flight Control System Flashcards
(B) What is the only primary flight control that is not Fly-By-Wire?
Ailerons (Ailerons are mechanically actuated)
(B) What is the difference between normal mode and direct mode?
Normal mode has FCM data which provides higher level functions, Direct mode has no protection.
(B) What are the higher level functions associated with pitch?
- Gain on Airspeed
- Elevator Thrust Compensation
- AOA limiting
(T) Is there a back-up battery for the FBW system?
A dedicated lead acid battery charged by the DC ESS
(T) How much time can the FBW back-up battery provide
At least 15 minutes
(T) Can the FWB back-up batteries provide power back to the buses?
No. Internal Rectifier assures isolation in case of failure of the main electric power system and has its own heater to meet the minimum guaranteed temperature.
(T) How is Elevator Thrust Compensation Function (ETC) computed?
- N1
- Mach
- Pressure Altitude
Through the FADEC by TLA angle
(B) What are the higher level functions associated with yaw?
- Yaw Damper
- Turn Coordination
- Gain on Airspeed (as airspeed increases, rudder deflection decreases
(B) What is the priority for the trim system?
1 - Back-up
2 - Captain
3 - First Officer
4 - Autopilot
(B) How is roll controlled?
Ailerons and multi-function spoilers
(B) How many multi-function spoilers are on each wing? What are their functions?
- Total 5 on each wing
- 3 MF Spoilers : Roll, Speed Brake, Ground Deployment
- 2 Ground Spoilers: Dedicated for ground only
(I) When will the speed brakes automatically close even if the lever shows deployed?
This is a climb protection
- Slat/Flap 2 or more
- TLA greater than 70º
- Below 180 Knots
(I) What is the flap/slat extension/retraction sequence?
- Slats extend first and Flaps retract first
(B) Will lose of airspeed data cause the flight controls to go into “Direct Mode”?
- Yes ( No data sent to the FCM to provide protection)
(B) Can a FCM override pilot input?
- No, the pilot always has supreme control
(B) What happens to artificial feel if flight controls are disconnected?
- Artificial feel is felt at 1/2 the normal load
(B) Will the multi-function spoilers function in DIRECT MODE?
- Yes, for roll only and at a defaulted fixed gain
(B) What happens to the flight control system when the RAT is the only AC power source?
- Horizontal stab trim operates at 1/2 speed
- Slat/Flap system operates at 1/2 speed
- Slat/Flap is limited to position 3 to allow adequate airspeed for the RAT
(I) Which flight controls are electrically actuated?
- Slat/Flaps (using Power Driver Units)
- Horizontal Stabilizer (2 DC motors)
(T) What is the function of the standby PCU?
- Incase of an active PCU failure
- Acts a damper to avoid flutter
(T) What kind of flaps does this aircraft have?
- Double-slotted Flaps
(T) How many flap actuators?
- 4 per side
(T) How many Actuator Control Electronics
- 9 ACE
(I) How is the electrical P-BIT performed? and for how long?
- Automatically during power up by any AC source
- 3 minutes