Fleas and control (Yr 2) Flashcards
what is the generally morphology of fleas?
six legs with distinct body regions (insects)
what are the fleas of dogs and cats?
Ctenocephalides felis
Ctenocephalides canis
what disease can possibly be transmitted by Ctenocephalides felis?
tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum)
(important cause of flea allergic dermatitis)
what is the most common type of flea?
Ctenocephalides felis
how long is the rough lifecycle of Ctenocephalides felis?
3-8 weeks (depends on the temperature)
what is the rough lifecycle of Ctenocephalides felis?
adults lay ovoid egg on the host which then fall to ground
they then hatch (temperature dependant)
3 stages of larvae feed on flea dirt and organ debris to eventually form a puparium
the adult flea emerges and jump onto host
what causes fleas to jump onto a host?
stimuli such as vibrations, shadows, temperature, carbon dioxide
how long does Ctenocephalides felis survive on the host?
around 21 days
what are the challenges of controlling fleas?
majority of lifecycle is in environment
pupa isn’t affected by chemicals (insecticides)
what causes flea allergic dermatitis?
hypersensitivity to allergens found in flea saliva
how does Ctenocephalides felis become infected with Dipylidium caninum?
mature tapeworm proglottids disintegrate and produce eggs
flea larvae ingest the eggs and then develop to an adult flea
flea ingested by grooming
what is the typical treatment for fleas?