The active binding sites to which myosin cross bridges attach during muscle contraction are found on the
Actin filaments
When a muscle fiber is stimulated by a motor nerve, the muscle fiber either will contact maximally or it will not contract at all.
All or none principle
The structure within skeletal muscle that spreads the nerve impulses rapidly throughout individual myofibrils
T tubules
The muscle that provides most of the force required for a movement
The specialized network of membranous tubules that stores calcium ions in a muscle fiber
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
The thick filaments of a myofibril are composed mainly of
The muscle fiber that constitutes for approximately 50% of the total muscle fibers in most muscles of the body, in the normal, non athletic population.
Type I fibers
A muscle action in which the muscle generates force but does not change in length
Isometric contraction
low oxidative capacity, high glycolytic capacity, fast contraction speed, and a low level of fatigue resistance are characteristics of
Type II fibers
The striated appearance of skeletal muscle fiber is mainly due to the arrangement of
The A-band of a sarcomere contains
Actin and Myosin myofilaments
primary contractile proteins in muscles are
The muscle lengthens as contractile force is generated
Acentric contraction
During a progressive increase in exercise intensity, motor units
with small motor neurons are recruited first
The smallest functional unit of a muscle
The process by which free fatty acids are broken down to yield multiple molecules of acetyl COA
Beta oxidation
The major source of energy for running a 440 yard race
The primary source of energy during a marathon is
Oxidative system
The two enzymes most commonly measured in order to assess the oxidative capacity of muscle tissues are
Succinate dehydrogenase
Citrate synthase
Anaerobic glycolysis begins with either glucose or glycogen and ends with
Lactic acid
The major metabolic waste product that causes the muscles and blood to have a lower ph during exercise of increasing intensity is
represents depolarization of the atria
P wave
The volume of blood ejected from the heart with each contraction is called
Stroke volume
what phase of the cardiac cycle does the diastolic pressure reflect
Skeletal muscles receive approximately ___% of the total cardiac output under resting conditions, but they can receive as much as ___% cardiac output during heavy endurance exercise.
15, 80
The structures within heart tissue that anchor individual cells together so they do not pull apart during contraction
The volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of ventricular filling is called
End diastolic volume
Resistance vessels are also called
Represents repolarization of the ventricles
T wave
Represents depolarization of the ventricles
QRS complex