Flashcard set - 3
situational power
change in leadership based on the situation
ex: PM leaves the team, another PM promoted
referent power
the stakeholders have worked with the PM before
-respected and admired bc of the past
“time to market” factor
how long it takes to create a product before it gets to the marketplace
8 leadership skills
1 guide
2 motivate
3 negotiate
4 resilience
5 communicate
6 solve
7 think
8 interpersonal
laissez-fairs leadership style
hands off. let the team make their decisions
servant leadership style
-makes sure the team has what they need
-seen in agile
transformational leadership style
inspiring and motivating leader, motivates the team to get work done
positional power
“formal role”
position of a project manager
avoiding power
laissez fairs
refuses to act, get involved or make decisions
3 roles of a project manager
- manage things, lead people
- active listened
- get things done
guilt based power
guilt tripping the team into getting work done
persuasive power
persuades people toward an outcome or decision
informational power
PM can control data and distribution of information
everything goes through the PM
pressure based power
restricts choices to force the project team to do work
ex: you will have to work the weekend if this is not done
intersectional leadership style
-coaching & motivational
- charismatic, transactional & transformational hybrid