Flashcard ap lit feb. 27
Never right. Ex, also known as tex mex or border music because of (its’/its) origins on both sides. Answer its
Right 50% of the time. Ex. In 1958 in san antonio (where/omit) mendoza family recorded their first recording.
Singular possesion
’s. Ex. Ground made careful measurements fot the (days/day’s) work. Answer day’s
Shortest simplest answer. Ex. today for his(invention of creation/ invention). Answer invention
Colon rule about lists
Use a colon before an announced list.ex. The following teachers report to the office: andrea humphries, Tommy Thompson, and Nikki Gilliam
Semi colon
Connects 2 complete thoughts. Ex. The wires were replaced with under ground cables(./;)
Never right. Ex, also known as tex mex or border music because of (its’/its) origins on both sides. Answer its
Right 50% of the time. Ex. In 1958 in san antonio (where/omit) mendoza family recorded their first recording.
Singular possesion
’s. Ex. Ground made careful measurements fot the (days/day’s) work. Answer day’s
Shortest simplest answer. Ex. today for his(invention of creation/ invention). Answer invention
Colon rule about lists
Use a colon before an announced list.ex. The following teachers report to the office: andrea humphries, Tommy Thompson, and Nikki Gilliam
Semi colon
Connects 2 complete thoughts. Ex. The wires were replaced with under ground cables(./;)
there, their, they’re
there- referencing a place. their- shows posession. they’re- they are. Ex. Hey, look over ( there, they’re, their)! answer: there
Whom and who
Who-he Whom-him
Subjects and prepositional phrases
subjects cant be placed in prepositional phrases
(It's') their birthday. A) as is B) It's C) its D) Its'
It is (there) ball. A) as is B)their C)they're D) theres
I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets (waiting by the back door;) hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the refrigerator door A.NO CHANGE B. waiting, by the back door, C. waiting by the back door, D. waiting by the back door
a microscope( was sitting) on the kitchen table. A. NO CHANGE B. would sit C. sitting D. sat
Having studied, my mother is a marine biologist
B. As my mother’s interest is science, she is
C. My mother’s occupation is that of
D. My mother is
(Our household might have been described as uncooperative. )
Which choice would most effectively introduce the rest of this paragraph?
B. There seemed to be no explanation for why Mom ran our household the way she did.
C. Our household didn’t run according to a typical schedule.
D. Mom ran our household in a most spectacular manner.
Everything was (subservient to the disposal )of the tides. A.NO CHANGE B. was defenseless in the face of C. depended on D. trusted in
(I have great respect for my mother.)
Which choice most effectively signals the shift from the preceding paragraph to this paragraph?
B. Our lives were likewise affected by the phases of the moon.
C. A relationship exists between the moon and the tides.
D. The moon is a mysterious orb afloat in the sky.
(The moon being )closer to the earth when full,
(its )gravitational pull is stronger F.NO CHANGE C. one’s C. it’s D. its’
9 I didn’t have to wait to learn these things in school. In our house they were everyday knowledge.
If the writer were to delete the phrase “sixteen hours for a complete cycle of tides” from the preceding sentence (ending the sentence with a period), the essay would primarily lose a detail that:
A. shows how the narrator’s interests are different from the mother’s interests.
B. contradicts a point made earlier in the paragraph.
C. helps establish the setting for the essay.
D. displays the narrator’s knowledge of tides.
Often, my( brother and I,) joined our mother on her adventures into tidal lands. A.NO CHANGE B. brother, and I, C. brother, and I D. brother and I
At the very low tides of the full moon, when almost all the water was sucked (away, we) found the hideaways where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins hid in order not to be seen. A.NO CHANGE B. away. Then we C. away. We D. away; we
At the very low tides of the full moon, when almost all the water was sucked away, we found the (hideaways where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins hid in order not to be seen.)
B. hideouts where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins concealed and hid themselves.
C. places where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins were stashed away.
D. hiding places of crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins.
[1] Often, my brother and I, joined our mother on her adventures into tidal lands. [2] At the very low tides of the full moon, when almost all the water was sucked away, we found the hideaways where crabs, snails, starfish, and sea urchins hid in order not to be seen. [3] Sometimes we would dig with shovels in the mud, where yellow and white worms lived in their leathery tunnels.
Which of the following sequences of sentences makes this paragraph most logical?
B. 2, 1, 3
C. 2, 3, 1
D. 3, 1, 2
For plankton tows, we would stand on the bridge while Mom lowered a cone-shaped net that is often used by marine biologists.
Given that all of the choices are true, which one provides information that is relevant and that makes the rest of this paragraph understandable?
B. had a specimen bottle attached to its smaller end.
C. was woven from cotton and nylon material.
D.was shaped like a geometric figure.
Later, we would see her sitting at the kitchen table, peering at a drop of water through the lenses of her microscope from the bottle—watching the thousands of tiny swimming organisms.
The best placement for the underlined portion would be:
A. where it is now.
B. after the word lenses.
C. after the word microscope.
D. after the word bottle (but before the dash).
My father was an avid( gardener, he still is:)
and every Saturday morning he would put on his work
B. gardener—he still is—
C. gardener, he still is—
D. gardener and he still is
Saturday morning he would put on his work
clothes,( pick up his hoe and trowel,) and would head
out the back door
G. picked up his hoe and trowel, and headed
H. pick up his hoe and trowel, and head
J. picking up his hoe and trowel, and headed
When I was a boy growing up in Delhi, India,
we had a kitchen garden behind our downstairs
apartment. My father was an avid gardener, he still is:
and every Saturday morning he would put on his work
clothes, pick up his hoe and trowel, and would head
out the back door.
If the word Saturday were deleted from the preceding sentence, the essay would primarily lose:
A. evidence that the father was an avid gardener.
B. a detail that changes the meaning of the sentence.
C. support for a point made earlier.
D. a crucial link to the following paragraph.
(Having tried and failed,)
my father was unable to make a gardener of me.
Which of the choices best emphasizes how much the father wanted his son to share his avid interest in gardening?
G. Because of my indifference to his hobby,
H. Contrary to this thinking,
J. Despite his repeated attempts,
(I had no qualms), of course, about enjoying the
results of his labor: the potatoes, squash, cucumbers,
B. More important, I had no qualms
C. It stands to reason, then, that I certainly would have no qualms
D. I had no qualms, as a consequence of it,
results of his labor: the potatoes, squash, cucumbers,
and cauliflower that he (pursued) out of the earth.
G. coaxed
H. surrendered
J. enlisted
To me, it was much more fun( to reap than sowing.)
B. the most fun to reap than to sow.
C. much more fun to reap than to sow.
D. the most fun reaping than if I’d had to sow.
I am (more often sorry) I didn’t follow my father out to the
The best placement for the underlined portion would be:
F. where it is now.
G. after the word sorry.
H. after the word follow.
J. after the word garden (ending the sentence with a period).
The few times that I’ve helped a friend with
yard work( has given) me the joy of touching the soil
with an open palm,
B. have given
C. has gave
D. have gave
, (to get) the earth under my fingernails,
of patting down the berm around a newly transplanted
G. with getting
H. of getting
J. got
, I wish I’d spend) more time with him in the garden. A. NO CHANGE B. wished I had spent C. wish I had spent D. wish to have spent
My favorite photograph of my father shows him
squatting on his heels, trowel in hand, behind a golden
heap of onions freshly pulled from the ground.
At this point, the writer is considering adding the following true statement:
I have many photo albums, and each one includes pictures of my father in various poses.
Should the writer make this addition here?
F. Yes, because it informs the reader that the photograph he describes in the preceding sentence is not the only one he has of his father.
G. Yes, because it informs the reader that the writer is more than an amateur photographer.
H. No, because it contradicts the writer’s claim that the photograph he describes in the preceding sentence is one he also treasures.
J. No, because it distracts the reader from the main focus of the paragraph and does not logically fit at this point in the essay.
His glowing smile (are) evidence of his pride in the onions—the proof of his labor and love A. NO CHANGE B. is C. were D. OMIT the underlined portion.
Whether( its) bright and jaunty or haunting and
melancholic, the music of the Andes highlands has a
mellow sound unique in the musical world.
he antara has its origins in the Incan civilization, once the (more richer and more ) powerful empire in South America. F. NO CHANGE G. one of the richest and most H. the richest and most J. the richer and more
The pipes, which can vary( numerously) from three to F. NO CHANGE G. in quantity of numbers H. number-wise J. in number
ach pipe is individually rolled to create the
proper pitch before (being bound) to the other pipes.
B. being binded
C. been bounded
D. been bound
Evidence about how musicians played the instrument
(have come )from painted images on Incan ceramic pottery.
G. are coming
H. comes
J. come