Flash Cards 2
How did we setup process group detection? What process was it for?
Declarative Process Grouping
How did we update the host names we discovered?
Host naming rules
How do automated baselines work? What two entities do they work with.
Fast changing Value = 5 minute comparisons
if the value doesn’t change = 15 minute sliding window
This is applied to indivdual applications and serverice!!!
Needs 1.5 days or 20% before slowdown and error rate problems
Application and services need a week for traffic spikes/drops
Start to build baselines as little as 2 hours.
How do automated baselines work? How often are they evaluated?
How do problems and RCA relate? Does it use entities like Processes and hosts?
How do services relate to process group? Are service request-centric?
Services are logical groupings that run on a Process Group or Process Group Instance
Yes, Services are request-centric and span across multiple machines in the datacenter.
How do you automatic baseline thresholds get adjusted for web applications?
How do you add the Linux “top” process to be detective by Dynatrace?
Declarative processing grouping
How do you deploy agentless RUM?
Deploy Dynatrace page on the left –> or plug in browser extension
How do you instrument iOS and Android for Mobile RUM?
Instrumentation options for iOS:
Swift Package
OneAgent SDK (Developer)
How does Dynatrace correlate multiple user actions into one user session?
This information is erased when the following occurs:
- The browser is closed
- The user clears their browser cookies
- The user cleans up their local storage
Dynatrace stores information in session cookies and local storage. This enables the correlation of user actions into one user session.
How does process group detection work? What are 5 important key factors?
How does RCA (Root Cause Analysis) work?
How does synthetic monitoring work for HTTP Monitor? Can you do it on windows?
HTTP monitor:
-Uses simple HTTP requests
-Frequency up to 1-minute
-It can be used to check if a website or API endpoint is available
-Executed from an ActiveGate and require a special ActiveGate configuration.
How does synthetic monitoring work for browser monitors? Difference between browser click paths and single-URL-browser monitor
Browser Monitors:
-Real Browser (Chrome)
-Run from any of the 70+ Dynatrace global locations or dedicated cluster ActiveGate
-Frequency up to every 5 minutes
Single-URL browser monitor is equivalent of a simulated user visiting the application webpage using a modern, updated web browser.
Browser clickpaths are simulated user visits that monitor the application’s business critical workflows. The Dynatrace synthetic recorder allows to record an exact sequence of clicks and user input.
How is a user session geolocation detected? Does Dynatrace store information in session cookies and local storage?
IP Address from the HTTP headers – locations can also be customized with custom IP mappings or even by importing a csv file
How is browser info collected? What are the three ways to do it? (RUM Question)
JavaScript code is placed in the HTML header to collect web browser data
- OneAgent auto does it
- Web Server Admin can manually instrument with code from Dynatrace site (deploy page)
- RUM Browser Extension (only on Chrome)
How long will entities stay in the Smartscape topology for? What are dotted lines?
First 2 hours - live
2-72 = dotted
>72 = removed
How many types of preconfigured reports are there?
How often are OneAgent updates? What is the default setting for updates? Supported?
Every 4 weeks, defaults to auto-updates
9month/12months for premium
How often does a SaaS cluster update?
Every 2 weeks automatically
How often is data buffered by the agent?
Data is buffered locally and sent once a minute
How to check the ApDex rating for user actions?
Under User Action Settings
How to monitor SaaS 3rd party apps for RUM?
Like office 365, we had to use RUM Browser extension
or put JavaScript code in webserver
use OneAgent collects data automatically