Flash Cards
When does a user session end?
After 35 minutes of Inactivity
When the user closes their browser (not just the tab)
When the user clears their browser cookies or cleans up their local storage
When the session duration reaches 8 hours
By calling the JavaScript API function dtrum.endSession()
How is user session duration calculated?
User session duration is the elapsed time between initiation of the first user action in a session and the completion of the last user action in the session.
Timeout periods (which include no user activity) aren’t factored into user session duration measurements
When is a web RUM session considered to be finished?
When the JavaScript function dtrum.endSession() is called
After 35 minutes of browser inactivity
When the user closes their browser (not the tab)
When the session duration reaches 8 hours ‘
Once the limit of 200 user actions per session is reached
What is content validation in Dynatrace?
A check against the presence or absence of a page
When does a user session start?
A user session starts when the first action is initiated
How can Dynatrace RUM know that it’s the same user that accesses an application?
Persistent Cookies
What are the different types of Synthetic Monitors that exist?
HTTP Monitor
Browser Clickpath monitor
Browser Single-URL
Why would you enable JavaScript framework in your application settings?
Get better support for XHR Request
How long does it take for a user session to be visible in the user action search?
Typically, a user session is visible in the search within 4 minutes. However, this could sometimes exceed to 10.5 minutes
What device options can be changed for synthetic browser monitors?
Screen size, screen orientation, bandwidth throttling, OS version, device type
What are the 2 types of activegates?
Environment Active Gate
Cluster Active Gate
What are the 5 pillars of dynatrace?
One Agent
Davis AI-Assistant
What are the 3 action types?
Load Actions: Is defined as an actual page loading in your browser. If you type a URL in your browser and hit enter, a load action occurs. By default, load action names are based on the underlying HTML page name. (Ex. Loading of page index.html)
XHR Actions: Used in most modern applications, including single page applications. Page is changed via JavaScript and all communication with the web server is done via API calls - XmlHttpRequest(XHR) or via fetch(). By default, XHR action names are based on the XHR URL. (Ex. http://example.com/api/login)
Custom User Actions: Can be defined through JavaScript API for Real User Monitoring. For example, you could measure how long it takes to open a JavaScript-only drop-down menu or measure the duration of some JavaScript code.
Are processes host-centric?
Processes are host-centric, associated with a single machine in your environment
Can a host be part of two groups?
No, how it would work with hierarchies – a group can only have 1 unique host
Can applications connect directly to each other?
Applications can not be connected directly to each other.
Can Applications connect to one another?
No, applications do not connect to other applications
Can dashboard reports be emailed?
Can metadata be used to define maintenance windows?
Tags are used to -
Filter lists
Define which entities you want to chart in a custom chart or dashboard
Specify where to sent problem notifications based on problem context in alerting profiles
Define custom alerts
Access metric data via the Rest API
Find and inspect monitoring results via Dynatrace search
Define a maintenance window
Can tags be used to define management zones?
No, only metadata can:
Define management zones
Apply tags to entities via rules
Apply naming rules to your process groups and services
Can we create host group in the GUI (Graphical User Interface)?
No, you have to create host groups when deploying agent
When installing oneagent it will make that inside of dynatrace.
Can you clone share and delete custom dashboards?
Under Dashboard Management
Can you create metadata then have tags created from that metadata?