Flash Cards
Min crew
One pilot
Passenger seating limitations
Part 91 says 15
Flight load factor limit with flaps up
3.1 positive and 1.24 negative
Flight load limit with flaps down
2 positive and 0 negative
Altitude limitation using aviation gasoline with standby fuel pumps operative
35k ft
Altitude limitation using aviation gasoline with either standby fuel pump inoperative
Flight prohibited
Altitude limitation using aviation gasoline without cross feed capability
20k ft
Max operating altitude normal operation
35k ft
Maximum operating altitude if yaw damper system is inoperative
5k ft
Maximum allowable takeoff weight
15k lbs or as limited by takeoff climb requirements or tire speed or takeoff field length
Maximum landing weight
15k lbs or as limited by max landing weight to achieve climb requirements or max landing distance with flaps down
Max ramp weight
15100 lbs
Max zero fuel weight
12500 lbs
Max weight in baggage compartment
550 lbs
One engine inoperative best angle of climb Vxse
125 kias
One engine inoperative best rate of climb Vyse
125 Kias
One engine inoperative enroute climb Emergency air speed
125 kias
Air minimum control speed Vmca with flaps up
94 kias
Air minimum control speed Vmca with flaps approach
93 kias
Emergency descent speed
184 kias
Maximum range glide speed
135 kias
Max demonstrated crosswind
20 kias
Max demonstrated wind components for coupled approaches with a cross wind
32 kias
Max demonstrated wind components for coupled approaches with a tailwind
14 kias
Maneuvering speed Va
184 kias
Max flap extended speed Vfe approach
202 kias
Max flap extended speed Vfe full down
158 kias
Max landing gear operating speed Vlo extension
184 kias
Max landing gear operating speed Vlo retraction
166 kias
Max landing gear extended speed Vle
184 kias
Max operating speed Vmo in knots and Mach number
263 kias and .58 Mach
Aircraft height
14 ft 4 in
Aircraft length
46 ft 8 in
Aircraft wingspan
57 ft 11 in
Aft facing seats
Seat back of each occupied aft facing seat must be in upright position with headrest fully extended for takeoff and landing
The pilot and Co pilot air data computers must be what for takeoff
The multi function display must be what prior to engine start
The pilot PFD and MFD and Co pilots PFD must be installed and operational in what mode for takeoff
AHRS 1 and 2 must be what for takeoff
Operating in the composite mode is limited to what and what conditions
Training and display failure
Auto pilot coupled intercept angle for back course
70 degrees
Autopilot max coupled intercept angle for NAV/LOC
Less than 90 degrees
During what type of operations a pilot must be seated at the controls with seat belt and shoulder harness fastened
When must an autopilot preflight check be conducted
Must be conducted and found satisfactory prior to each flight on which auto pilot is to be used
Min autopilot engage height after takeoff
400 ft
Min autopilot use height during cruise
1000 ft
Min autopilot use height during approach
79 ft AGL
Min autopilot use
Height during steep approach
160 ft AGL
When must the auto pilot and yaw damper not be used
During takeoff and landing
Operation of the auto pilot with a what is prohibited
Pitch trim malfunction
When Should you not manually override the autopilot
During normal flight
Below X volts, battery must be recharged or replaced with battery indicating at least 20 volts before connecting external power
External power amps limit momentary
1000 amps
External power amps limit continuous
300 amps
External power volt range
28 to 28.4
Generator load limit in flight up to 34k ft
Generator load limit in flight above 34k ft
Generator load limit on the ground with N1 from 62 to 70%
Generator load limit on the ground with N1 from 70 to 100%
Min battery volts for battery start
23 VDC
Starter limits
30 seconds on and 5 min off
30 seconds on and 5 min off
30 seconds on and 30 min off
Do not put any fuel in the blank tanks unless the blank tanks are full
Don’t put fuel in the aux tanks unless the mains are full
For fuel system don’t takeoff if fuel quantity gauges indicate blank arc or less than blank lbs in each wing system
Yellow arc or less than 265 lbs in each wing
Fuel cross feed is permitted only when blank
One engine is inoperative
Max fuel imbalance
300 lbs
Total useable fuel
3611 lbs
Each main fuel tank quantity useable
1273 lbs
Each aux fuel tank quantity useable
533 lbs
Operation of either engine with its corresponding fuel pressure annunciator (L FUEL PRESS LO or R FUEL PRESS LO) illuminated is limited to blank hours before overhaul or replacement of engine driven fuel pump (windmill time doesn’t count)
10 hours
Engine anti ice shall be on in ambient temperatures of blank or below when flight free of visible moisture can’t be assured
5 degrees Celsius
The left and right engine anti ice shall be off for takeoff operations in ambient temperatures above blank
10 degrees Celsius
Min ambient temperature for operation of de icing boots
-40 degrees Celsius
Min airspeed for sustained icing flight
140 kias (no flaps except takeoff and landing)
Prop de ice ammeter normal operating range
26 to 32 amps
Brake de ice temp operation limit
Not above 15 degrees Celsius
Landing gear cycle limits
1 cycle every five minutes for 6 cycles followed by 15 min cool down
Cabin differential pressure gauge green arc
0 to 6.6 psi
Cabin differential pressure gauge red arc
6.6 psi to end of scale
The CABIN ALTITUDE light illuminates when
Cabin altitude is above 10k ft
CABIN ALTITUDE HI lights illuminates when
Cabin altitude above 12000 ft
Above what altitude do oxygen masks automatically deploy
12500 ft
Pressure where CABIN DIFF HI light illuminates
6.9 PSID
Outside air temperature limit up to 25k ft PA
ISA plus 37 degrees Celsius
Outside air temperature limit above 25k ft PA
ISA plus 31 degrees Celsius
Engine model number and type
PT6A-60A, turbo prop
Propeller type
Constant speed Full feathering Reversing Counter weighted Hydraulically actuated
When must Auto feather be armed
Takeoff and climb and approach and landing
Engine torque for takeoff
100% (102% for 7 minutes)
Engine torque max continuous
100% (102% for 7 minutes)
Engine torque transient
156% (limited to 20 seconds)
Engine torque below 1000 RPM N2
Engine max ITT during start
1000 degrees Celsius for 5 seconds
Engine max ITT at idle
820 degrees Celsius
Engine max ITT max continuous
820 degrees Celsius
Engine max ITT max cruise
820 degrees Celsius
Engine max ITT cruise climb
785 degrees Celsius
Engine max ITT max reverse
760 degrees Celsius
Engine max ITT transient
850 degrees Celsius for 20 seconds
Engine gas generator (%N1) at idle
62% min
Engine gas generator (%N1) at takeoff
Engine gas generator (%N1) max continuous
Engine gas generator (%N1) cruise climb
Engine gas generator (%N1) max cruise
Engine gas generator (%N1) transient
Engine prop RPM (N2) at idle
1050 min
Engine prop RPM (N2) at takeoff
1700 (up to 1735 for 7 minutes)
Engine prop RPM (N2) max continuous
1700 (up to 1735 for 7 minutes)
Engine prop RPM (N2) at cruise climb
1700 (up to 1735 for 7 minutes)
Engine prop RPM (N2) at max cruise
1700 (up to 1735 for 7 minutes)
Engine prop RPM (N2) at max reverse
Engine prop RPM (N2) transient
1870 for 20 seconds
Engine oil pressure starting
0 to 200 psi
Engine oil pressure at idle
60 psi min
Engine oil pressure at takeoff
90 to 135 psi
Engine oil pressure at max continuous
90 to 135 psi
Engine oil pressure at cruise climb
90 to 135 psi
Engine oil pressure at max cruise
90 to 135 psi
Engine oil pressure at max reverse
90 to 135 psi
Engine oil pressure transient
200 psi
Engine oil temperature starting
-40 degrees Celsius minimum
Engine oil temperature idle
-40 to 110 degrees Celsius
Engine oil temperature takeoff
0 to 110 degrees Celsius
Engine oil temperature max continuous
0 to 110 degrees Celsius
Engine oil temperature cruise climb
0 to 110 degrees Celsius
Engine oil temperature max cruise
0 to 110 degrees Celsius
Engine oil temperature max reverse
0 to 99 degrees Celsius
Engine oil temperature transient
0 to 110 degrees Celsius
Engine oil temperature min for fuel heat at takeoff
55 degrees Celsius (recommended)
Range of primary Governor
1450 to 1700 RPM
Over speed Governor governs to x RPM
1768 RPM
Why should power lever not be lifted in flight
Leads to nose down pitch and descent rate that could lead to aircraft damage or injury to personnel
When must the rudder boost be operational
All phases of flight
Max wind any direction
50 kts