Flaps Flashcards
Scalp rotational TPF Trap ------ ALT Latiss Rectus Omentum ------ 1. Superficial temporal 2. Facial 3. Occipital 4. External jugular vein 5. Internal jugular vein
- bilobed flap
- dorsal nasal flap
<1cm → primary closure.
1-1.5cm → bilobed flap,
>1.5cm → forehead flap
-forehead flap, dorsal nasal flap, FTSG
Total nasal recon → 2 stage: FRF lining, ear cartilage support, forehead flap coverage.
- 1st is FRF with extra fascia extension, fascia is lining. 2nd stage rib cartilage is used as cantilever dorsal nasal graft and BL conchal alar batten grafts for alar support, then fold flap (with skin paddle over cartilage. 2nd stage remove majority of skin paddle but leave lining and add cartilage and cover with forehead flap.
\_\_\_\_\_\_ Forehead flap Nasolabial \_\_\_\_\_ FRF
-1cm or less → Primary closure.
-2cm or less: Antia buch
Dissect skin off cartilage in front of ear and completely posteriorly as well. Ie just move soft tissue around the cartilage framework which doesn’t move
Middle ear:
-<2cm: Postauricular island flap (flip-flop):
raise flap from retroauricular area down through muscle to fascia, then raise up and suture into defect. Leave pedicle at inferior aspect of flap intact .
->2cm: TPF + STSG
Total ear recon (microtia):
Nagata 2 stage technique.
-Harvest ribs 6-9 and make ear, then place into skin pocket. Come back for 2nd stage (ear projection stage)→ raise skin / cartilage construct, then use pedicled TPF flap to cover posterior cartilage and take new rib cartilage block to place behind ear for projection. Then STSG over TPF flap.
- Superficial temporal
- Facial
- Lingual
- Superior thyroid
- External carotid
Primary closure \_\_\_\_ FRF VRAM ALT
\_\_\_\_ (non workhorse pedicled: pec major, deltopectoral, supraclavicular) \_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Superficial temporal 2. Facial 3. Lingual 4. Superior thyroid 5. External carotid
Upper: - <1/3: close - >2/3: - Abbe (philtrum) - Advancement w/ burrows (mid lat) - Estlander (commissure) - Total: - Bernard Burrow - Gracillis --> marge +STSG or FAMM (lining) - FRF with PL (static) Lower: - <1/3: close - 2/3: Karapandzic, Abbe, Estlander (comm) - Total: same ^^
- Superficial temporal 2. Facial
- Lingual
- Superior thyroid
- External carotid
- Transverse cervical
Pec Major
tongue, FAMM, supraclavicular, deltopec, nasolabial)
- Superficial temporal 2. Facial
- Lingual
- Superior thyroid
- External carotid
- Transverse cervical 7. External jugular vein 8. Internal jugular vein
Skull base
Free muscle + skin
- Superficial temporal 2. Facial
- Lingual
- Superior thyroid
- External carotid
- Transverse cervical 7. External jugular vein 8. Internal jugular vein
Pec major Supraclavicular Deltopectoral Submental Trap Latissimus \_\_\_\_\_\_ ALT FRF Jejunal
- Superficial temporal 2. Facial
- Lingual
- Superior thyroid
- External carotid
- Transverse cervical
- Thoracoacromial
- Cephalic vein turnover
- External jugular vein 10. Internal jugular vein
Latiss Pec Major Scapular / Parascap \_\_\_\_ Free flap
(Others: Trap, Serratus muscle, Intercostal a perforator)
1. Thoracodorsal
2. Thoracoacromial
3. Lateral thoracic
4. Axillary
5. Circumflex scapular 6. Transverse cervical 7. Cephalic vein
Scap / parascap
(others: intercostal a perf, lat arm, serratus m)
1. Thoracodorsal
2. Axillary
3. Circumflex scapular 4. Lateral thoracic
5. Brachial
6. Transverse cervical 7. Cephalic vein
Upper arm
Scapular / Parascap
Free flap
Others: lat arm, RF \_\_\_\_\_ 1. Brachial 2. Posterior circumflex humeral 3. Superior ulnar collateral 4. Radial collateral 5. Cephalic vein 6. Basilic vein
Reverse lat arm
Others: Latiss, FCU (ulnar a perfs), ulnar forearm, Groin \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Brachial 2. Radial 3. Ulnar 4. Cephalic vein 5. Basilic vein
AC fossa
Reverse lat arm
Others: FCU, ulnar forearm \_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Brachial 2. Radial 3. Ulnar 4. Cephalic vein 5. Basilic vein
Others: Ulnar forearm, Rev lat arm, PIA, groin, BR \_\_\_\_\_ 1. Radial 2. Ulnar 3. Cephalic vein 4. Basilic vein
Rev RF
Others: groin, ulnar forearm, BR \_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Radial 2. Ulnar 3. Cephalic vein 4. Basilic vein
Hand (dorsal, volar to MP, webspaces)
Dorsum: - small: rotational, rhomboid - large: Rev RF, PIA, Groin Volar: - Groin Webspaces: - 1st: F lat arm - 2-5: Rev dorsal MC a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ FRF Latiss F lat arm
Fingers (distal to MP, digits 2-5, volar vs. dorsal)
- tip:
- Atasoy (dorsal oblique, transverse)
- Cross finger (DP + MP)
- Thenar (volar oblique)
- Tegaderm
- Rev homodigital Island
- prox:
- Cross finger (DP + MP)
- Homodigital island
- tip: same^^
- prox:
- Rev cross finger (MP + PP)
- Homodigital island
- Rev dorsal MC a (PIP is distal limit)
Thumb (tip vs. MP level vs. CMC level)
Thumb: need ⅔ length of proximal phalanx for function. 40% function of hand.
- Tip:
- Tegaderm (<1.5cm)
- Moberg (<2cm), O’brien modification
- FMDA (>2cm)
- Littler (ulnar side of 4th digit)
- MP level:
- Osteoplastic: Chest tube filled with
methylmethacrylate, then cut off tube, then groin
flap same day, then come back and place iliac
crest bone graft and plate in place of meth.
Then littler later.
- MC distraction osteogenesis: ( Matev, Sofia,Bulgaria)
gain 3cm bone. Need ⅔ native MC length.
- CMC level:
- Pollicisization
- Groin flap all levels
Anterior Chest
Pec Major
(others: external oblique, intercostal a perf, serratus, deltopec) \_\_\_\_\_\_ Free flap \_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Internal mammary 2. Transverse cervical 3. Thoracodorsal 4. Thoracoacromial 5. Axillary 6. External jugular turndown 7. Cephalic turnover 8. Lateral thoracic vein
(others: pec major, free TUG / SGAP) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Internal mammary 2. Thoracodorsal 3. Serratus branch, thoracodorsal 4. External jugular turndown 5. Cephalic turnover 6. Transverse cervical 7. Thoracoacromial 8. Axillary 9. Lateral thoracic vein
Chest Wall
Lining: ADM
-Nonrigid: <4 ribs or <5cm, defect posterior beneath
scapula Muscle or musculocutaneous flaps.
- Semi rigid: same as above. Mesh (synthetic or
- Rigid: if > 4 ribs resected or >5 cm defect. Defect is
anterior or lateral chest wall. Have CT do this.
Spanning plates or Polymethylmethacrylate
sandwich with polypropylene mesh on either side.
- TRAM / VRAM, Latiss, pec major (turnover / advancement), serratus, omentum
- Free DIEP, Latiss, ALT
1. Internal mammary
2. Thoracodorsal
3. Thoracoacromial
4. Transverse cervical
5. Cephalic vein turnover
6. Lateral thoracic vein
Rectus Femoris
Others: Rectus abdominis, SIEA, External oblique, Omentum
- Deep inferior epigastric
- Superficial epigastric
- Superior epigastric
- Superficial circumflex iliac
- Deep circumflex iliac
- Right and left epiploic
- Greater saphenous vein turnover
Rectus Femoris
Others: ALT, Vastus, Rectus abdominis, Gracilis \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Deep inferior epigastric 2. Superficial epigastric 3. Superficial circumflex iliac 4. Deep circumflex iliac 5. Femoral 6. External iliac 7. Greater saphenous vein turnover
Vaginal vault
Singapore (pudenal-thigh)
Others: gracilis, ALT, groin, SIEA, jejunal \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Deep inferior epigastric 2. Superficial epigastric 3. Superficial circumflex iliac 4. Deep circumflex iliac 5. Femoral 6. External iliac 7. Greater saphenous vein turnover
Back (upper vs. lower)
Upper: - Latiss - Scapular - Paraspinous Others: trap, intercostal a per \_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Thoracodorsal 2. Circumflex scapular 3. Intercostal artery 4. A-V loop (axilla, neck)
Lower: -Latiss -Paraspinous Other: lumbar perf, glut max, external oblique \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Superior gluteal 2. Inferior gluteal 3. Intercostal artery 4. A-V loop (groin, thoracodorsal)
Glut max Biceps Femoris Others: TFL, gracillis, gluteal thigh, vastus \_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Superior gluteal 2. Inferior gluteal 3. A-V loop (groin)
Sartorius Gracilis TFL Rectus femoris Vastus Biceps femoris ALT \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Superficial femoral 2. Lateral circumflex femoral 3. Medial circumflex femoral 4. Superficial epigastric 5. Superficial circumflex iliac 6. Profunda femoris 7. Greater saphenous vein
Others: rev ALT, rev vastus lateralis, rectus femoris \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Popliteal 2. Sural 3. Genicular 4. Descending lateral circumflex 5. Superficial femoral 6. Greater saphenous vein 7. Lesser saphenous vein
Prox 1/3: - Gastroc Middle: - Soleus, regional FC flap (AT, PT, peroneal) Distal: - FF, other: ant tib, reverse sural \_\_\_\_\_\_ 1. Posterior tibial 2. Anterior tibial 3. Peroneal 4. Popliteal 5. Dorsalis pedis 6. Greater saphenous vein 7. Lesser saphenous vein
Heel: Reverse sural, medial plantar artery flap (off PT), free muscle (gracilis)
Lateral: Lateral calcaneal (lat calcaneal a from Peroneal a )
Dorsum: dorsalis pedis
- Dorsalis pedis
- Anterior tibial
- Posterior tibial
- Peroneal
- Greater saphenous vein
- Lesser saphenous vein
Partial thickness: <50% primary closure, >50% FTSG contralat lid
25% - [Both] primary closure +/- canthot + cantholysis
UPPER –> cutler beard bridge flap + conchal cartilage
(ie separate lamellae of flap and put catilage between. Incision is 4mm from lower lid margin, ie no tarsus included as its 4mm on lower.)
LOWER –> Hughes tarsoconjuctival flap + FTSG
(ie start incision 4mm from upper lid margin as to include 6mm of tarsus with flap as its 1cm on upper lid, cover with FTSG
75% - [Both] Fricke flap + hard palate mucosal graft
(leave periosteum down when harvesting)
100% - [Both] contralateral forehead flap with hard palate muscosal graft (ok to take 2 big strips for both lids if you need. Leave strip of palate intact between. No size limit per MN)
PS (Ischial, sacral, troch)
-inferior gluteal rotational, TFL, posterior thigh V-Y (hamstring musculocutaneous or FC)
- Glut max V-Y, sup gluteal rotation flap, SGAP, TFL, paraspinal transposition flap
- TFL, SCIP, ALT, Rectus femoris, +/- Girdlestone (proximal femurectomy and obliteration of dead space with vastus lateralis)