Board Cases Flashcards
CTS (+advanced)
EMG: 3.5 ms sensory, 4.5 ms motor
**decreased amplitude with prolonged latency +/- fibrillations –> means denervation
- Opponensplasty: FDS RF thru hemi FCU loop into AbdP
Pressure Sore
Spinal cord injury / ambulatory / sensation / spasticity?
Current wound care regimen
Imaging - MRI
Bx - tissue path (marjolins
ulcer / micro / bone bx)
Consults: IM, PT, SW, ID (+/- ortho /gen surg /uro)
1. educate
2. spasticity (baclofen/diazepam)
3. prevent contractures (PT/tenotomy)
4. Stage 3/4 –> debride /changes. Close only if social fixed, Bx negative
Ischial - inf glut rot (FC or MC- IGA), Hamstring V-Y (MC-profunda),Post thigh V-Y (based medially - profunda)
Sacral - Sup glut rot (FC or MC - SGA), BL V-Y (SGA), SGAP (FC)
Troch - TFL (MC - transv LFCA), ALT (Desc LFCA), girdlestone (with vastus lateralis interpsoition)
**Bx for Marjolins
BB is also “BB webster”
Hx: XP, Gorlin syn, rads, organ transplant
PE: full skin exam, LN
Dx: Bx (not shave)
Palpable LN –> medical oncology / CT / PET
Subunits (dorsum,sidewall,tip,ala, soft triangle,columella)
Layers (mucosa,cartilage,skin)
**2 stages: 1st is FRF with extra fascia extension, fascia is lining. 2nd stage rib cartilage is used as cantilever dorsal nasal graft and BL conchal alar batten grafts for alar support, then fold flap (with skin paddle over cartilage. 2nd stage remove majority of skin paddle but leave lining and add cartilage and cover with forehead flap.
TPF based on STA
ZMC fx
*escharotomy / fasciotomy if electrical
Parkland: 4 x kg x tbsa (goal 30cc/hr adult, 1cc/kg/hr kids)
OT / splinting / ROM
Max 30% tbsa excision at once, 10U pRBC, 2-3 hrs
Lower lid ectropion
- senile: laxity of muscle –> tarsal strip
- paralytic
- cicatricial: scar/injury –> release scar and FTSG then tarsal strip
Eyelid ptosis
Acquired - 2/2 disinsertion of levator aponeurosis
Congenital - nonfunctional levator
PE: Bells, EOM, Herrings law (cover that eye up)
**wake them up, 4:1 correction to ptosis (ie 2mm ptosis is 8mm correction)
Mild: 2mm droop, 10-15mm excursion - FS
clamp conjunctiva at superior edge of tarsus with mueller muscle, suture with runnnig chromic then resect tissue. excise 8mm tissue.
Mod: 3mm droop, 5-10mm excursion- LA transcutaneous, suture levator aponeurosis back into tarsus
Severe: 4mm droop, 5mm excursion -FA
use synthetic or TFL graft to thread thru anterior lamella then subQ up to above brow, knot and tied to subQ tissue.
Cheimosis: tobradex, patch, tape
Frontal sinus fx
Ant table –> displaced / non –> NFOT?
Post table –> displaced / non –> CSF leak?
-Coronal incision approach
-pericrainal flap through a window
Mandible fx
infection: washout and keep HW if early, remove and ex fix / bone graft later if late
malocclusion: guiding elastics vs revise later
malunion: revise
nonuion: revise with bone graft
plate exposure: remove plate
nerve injury: marge, watchful waiting unless certain you injured it
Condylar head: Dislocation out of glenoid fossa, foreign body, BL condylar
PE: submucous cleft
W/U: speech eval via nasoendoscopy, video flouroscopy to evaluate closure
-Furlow (small midline gap)
-posterior pharyngeal flap (Poor velar or posterior wall motion)
-sphincter pharyngoplasty (Poor lateral wall motion)
Posterior pharyngealwall augmentation
Poland Syndrome
PE: palpate lack of sternal head of pec, back for scars,
- brachysyndactyly, facial palsy
-Counsell: ALCL / BII / CC
-Teen –> TE initially, implant + FG as adult
-Adult –> implant
-Male –> LD