Flagellates Flashcards
What are flagellates
Flagellates are organisms that has a tail called flagella
What are the types of flagellates
Giardias lambia
Trichomonas vaginalis
giardias lambia parasite causes what diesease
This is a parasite that cause food borne diarrhea
Giardia lambia is found where
In the intestine
Mode of transmission for the giardias lambia parasite
By feaco-oral transmission
Ingesting feaces containing the cyst
Giardia lambia affect what age range of pple
Affect children under 3 that are usually mal nourished
What is the lifecycle of giardia lambia
The cyst is ingested and gets to the stomach
The acidity opens the cyst and trophozites emerges
The trophozites duplicates and enters the proximal small intestine
It has a suction tube that attaches to the small intestine and causes inflammation leading to malabsorption which causes diarrhea
The trophozites are secreted in the feaces
Clinical findings of giardias lambia on a patient
Patient has a
Waterey foul smelling diarrhea with nausea anorexia and abdominal cramps
Laboratory findings of giardias lambia
Trophozites and cyst are found on stool
Giardia lambia is resistant to
To chlorination in water and temp of 4-6 Celsius
Which of these flagellates does not have a cyst
Giardias lambia
Trichonomas vaginalis
Trypanosomias brucei
Trypanosomiasis giardiasis
Trichonomas vaginalis
Which of these causes sleeping sickness
Giardias lambia
Trypanosomas cruzi
Trypanosomas tsevi
Trypanosomas brucei
Trypanosomas brucei
Trypanosomas cruzi causes
Chagaz disease
Which of these causes chagaz diesease
Giardias lambia
Trypanosomas cruzi
Trypanosomas tsevi
Trypanosomas brucei
Trypanosomas cruzi
A pear shaped trophozites with a central nuclei and four anterior flagellates that causes a yellow greenish frothy foul smelling discharge in women but asymptomatic in men is
Trichonomas vaginalis