FK-14, FK-15: 2Types Of Behavior Chapter 1 Flashcards
Chapter 1
Elicited means …
To Bring out by a stimulus that immediately follows them (antecedent stimuli).
Derived rules that describe predictable relations between a biological response, objects or events that can influence behavior.
3 principals of behavior
What are the principals of behavior ?
What is not behavior ?
The deadman’s test….if a deadman can do it then it’s not behavior.
When you learn from your environment…. this is called….
Define phylogeny
Behavior that is genetically inherited.
Eliciting stimulus (unconditioned stimulus US) & the behavior it produces (unconditioned response UR) that is part of an organisms genetic endowment.
The behaviors probability is contingent on the history of consequences.
Must be defined by the function and not by the topography.
Uses reinforcement and punishment
Operant behavior
Respondent conditioning includes
US - unconditioned stimulus UR - unconditioned response NS -neutral stimulus CR - conditioned response CS - conditioned stimulus
Ivan Pavlov generated this term….
Respondent conditioning
When a stimulus is presented repeatedly over a short time, the strength of the responding diminishes is know as…
Reduces rates of responding that is evoked by the antecedent stimulus over repeated amounts of time.
During an observation a client no longer reacts to the presence of the observer is an example of ….
WhAt unit of Analysis is used with ABA?
3 term contingency (ABC)
2 primary types of behavior….