Fixed phrases and usage rules Flashcards
To tell the truth
a dire la verità or a dire il vero
Soon (as in “see you soon”)
a presto
Later (as in “see you later”)
a dopo
di nuovo
amazing place
posto da favola
dream vacation
vacanza da sogno
fame da lupi
tennis court
campo da tennis
bathing suit
costume da bagno
Note: “da” is often used for words with a specific purpose.
wine glass
bicchiere da vino
Note: “da” is often used for words with a specific purpose.
chewing gum
gomma da maticare
Note: “da” is often used for words with a specific purpose.
reading glasses
occhiali da lettura
Note: “da” is often used for words with a specific purpose.
occhiali da sole
Note: “da” is often used for words with a specific purpose.
alone, by myself, by ourselves
da solo/a/i/e
for a long time (usually having wanted to do or be something for a long time)
da sempre
as a child
da bambino/a
since I was a little boy/girl
da ragazzo/a
for [ ] years
da [ ] anni
“To retire” and “to be retired”
“Andare in pensione” and “Essere in pensione”
A period of time coming up. Translate: “I will be leaving to Italy in a year in order to study Italian.”
Preposition is “fra” (or “tra”) “Partirò per Italia FRA un anno per studiare l’italiano.”
A period of time coming up when whatever you are doing will be done within that time. Translate: “I will be at your place in half an hour.°
Preposition is “in”. “Sarò da te IN mezz’ora.”
To go visit (someone) - I have an uncle that lives in Riomaggiore, so I would like to go visit him.
Andare a trovare - Ho un zio che vive a Riomaggiore, quindi, vorrei andarlo a trovare.
To come visit (someone) - Come and visit me in Malyasia, if you dare!
Vienimi a trovare - Vienimi A trovare in Malesia, se hai coraggio!
On the rocks - Would you like a whiskey on the rocks?
Vuoi un whiskey CON ghiaccio
Diamond ring - Natalia doesn’t want a diamond ring. She has simpler tastes.
Natalia non vuole un anello CON diamanti. Lei ha gusti più semplici.
Article usage: I would like to drink and espresso with cream.
Vorrei bere un espresso con LA panna. (The article is used when ingredients or foods are used in a full sentence but omitted on a recipe or as a menu item)
Streets - I am going to via Garibaldi
in - Vado IN via Garibaldi
Describing a style of cooking - “grilled” or “on the grill”
a - ALLA griglia
“Origins” (used loosely) of something - This restaurant makes the best ribollita in the city.
di - Questo ristorante fa la migliore ribollita DELLA città.
The way something is done - To write with pen (by hand).
a - Scrivere A penna
Public transportation - I got on/in a train
su - Sono saltato SU un treno
Kindness to someone - You’re so nice to me
con - Sei così gentile CON me
When referring to generic points in a day. - Usually, I work at (in the) morning.
di - Di solito, lavoro DI mattina.
When referring to a precise time, month, or holiday. - Usually I work at 7 am.
a - Di solito lavoro ALLE sette.
To describe the way something was done - Example 1: To go by foot
a - Andare a piedi.
To describe the way something was done - Example 2: I learned the song by heart.
a - Ho imparato la canzone a memoria.
Going to or returning from a specific place that is associated with a person (doctor, lawyer, various types of food stores and retailers). - I am going to the milk and cheese shop for buffalo mozzarella.
da - Vado DAL lattaio per la mozzarella di bufala.
Transportation when talking about going “by” some form of transportation. - I went by train on a trip around Europe.
in - Sono andato IN treno in giro per l’Europa
Fixed phrase: In the end
a - ALLA fine
Fixed phrase: Thanks for everything
di - Grazie DI tutto
Fixed usage: To take a ride - Let’s take a ride to Chianti
per - Facciamo un giro PER il Chianti.
When you are going through a town or area and not stopping. - We passed through Rome on our way to Milan.
per - Siamo passati PER Roma sulla nostra strada per Milano.
When you are stopping at a place in the course of other travel. - “Listen Barbara, in a few days I’ll be passing through Los Angeles. Do you want to get a coffee?”
da - Senti Barbara, fra un paio di giorni passerò DA Los Angeles. Ti va di bere un caffè?
Comparing 2 different people or objects. - Lucia is taller than you
di - Lucia è più alta DI te.
Comparing 2 traits of the same person or object - Mario is smarter than he is handsome.
che (not a prep, but rule reviewed in course) Mario è più intelligente CHE bello.
A comparison and preposition follows the [correct] word. - It’s cheaper to buy meat from the butcher than AT the supermarket. (prep in caps)
che - È più economico comprare la carne dal macellaio CHE al supermercato.
A comparison and preposition follows the [correct] word. - In my opinion, it’s more fun to go to the beach than TO the mountains. (prep in caps)
che - Secondo me, è più divertente andare in spiaggia CHE in montagna.
A comparison using 2 full verbs or the same verb. - It’s more interesting to visit Orvieto than Milan
che - È più interessante visitare Orvieto CHE Milano.
A comparison using 2 full verbs or the same verb. - Walking is more tiring than going by bike
che - Camminare è più faticoso CHE andare in bici.
When talking about the way an action is done. (e.g. on credit) - They bough the house and the car on credit.
a - Hanno comprato la casa e l’auto A credito.
When talking about the way an action is done. (e.g. in a low voice) - They are speaking in a low voice.
a - Parlano A bassa voce
When talking about the way an action is done. (e.g. in a loud voice) - They are speaking in a loud voice.
a - Parlano AD alta voce.
When talking about the way an action is done. (e.g. handmade) - Last weekend, I made some pasta by hand.
a - Lo scorso fine settimana, ho preparato della pasta fatta A mano. (Could also say, “Il weekend scorso…”
When talking about the way an action is done. (e.g. an open mind) - We discussed politics with an open mind.
a - Abbiamo discusso di politica a mente aperta.
Comparing 2 different people or objects. - His car is more comfortable than mine.
di - La sua macchina è più comoda della mia.
Fixed phrase: “Homemade” - Homemade bread
in - pane fatto IN casa (contrast with “made by hand” whic is “fatto A mano”)
Fixed phrase: “Incredibly beautiful” - That dress is incredibly beautiful. (literally “beautiful to death)
bello da morire - Questo vestito è bello DA morire.
Fixed phrase: “To die (from) laughing” - When I watch Benigni’s films, I die from laughing.
morire dal ridere - Quando guardo i film di Begnigni, muoio DAL ridere.
Fixed phrase: “Good to eat” - Right now a fig gelato would be good to eat.
buono da mangiare - Adesso, un gelato ai fichi sarebbe buono DA mangiare.
Fixed phrase: “Like crazy” or just “crazy” in describing a positive quality.
I missed you like crazy.
You’re crazy beautiful and incredibly smart.
da matti
Mi sei mancato da matti. (reflexive-ish, really, “you were missed to me”)
Sei bella da matti e incredibilmente intelligente.
Fixed phrase: “Responsibly”
It’s time to start making adult-like/responsible decisions
Try to behave like an adult/responsibly
da adulto
È tempo iniziare a fare decisioni da adulto.
Cerca di comportarti da adulto.
To leave “for” a place - In for month’s I’ll be leaving for Africa.
Partire per - Tra quattro mese, partirò per L’Africa. (could also have used present tense).
Fixed phrase: “To take a walk” (similar to fixed phrase of “to take a ride”) - Every day I take a walk around the city
per - Ogni giornata faccio una passeggiata per la città.
When you talk about doing something at a specific age.
At 17, I went to Italy for 6 months.
a - A diciassette anni sono andato in Italia per sei mesi.
When you talk about having a relative/friend/etc that is a specific age.
I have a daughter who is 28 (lit. of 28 years)
di - Ho una figlia di ventotto anni.
Fixed phrase and everyday expression: can be translated a few ways, “could you go for…” and “do you want to…” probably the best.
Example 1
Could you go for going to the movies?
2 common responses to such a question that translate something like the following:
- Of course!
- Yeah, that sounds right to me.
Example 2
Do you want to go on a trip to Canada (with me)?
Ti va di…
Example 1
Ti va di andare al cinema?
2 responses:
- Volentieri.
- Sì, ma va.
Example 2
Ti va di fare un viaggio in Canada?
When talking about something that has a certain quality.
I would like something (of) sweet to eat.
di - Vorrei qualcosa DI dolce da mangiare.
Fixed phrase/expression: “old friends”
We’re old friends. (masculine)
Amici/amiche di vecchia data
Siamo amici di vecchia data.
Talking about clothing sizes. - I wear a dress of size 36.
In causal conversation, you probably just say, “I wear a 36.” That would be…
If someone asked what size shoes you wore, you would respond “I wear a 39 in shoes” (literally “I wear the 39 of shoes”) which is……
di - Porto un vestito DI taglia 36.
Porto la 36. (it is “la” because it is referring to the size - taglia)
Porto il 39 di scarpe. (it is “il” because you referring to “il numero 39. Like English, shoes don’t really have a “size”)
When people want you to explain something in further detail, someone might ask you “in what sense” or “in what way°. You answer “in the sense that…”
2 situation dialogues are below:
Situation 1
Person 1: I like living in Bologna, but I prefer Orvieto.
Person 2. In what way?
Person 1. In that I prefer smaller cities. Bologna is too big.
Situation 2
Person 1: I want to enroll in that Italian course, but I heard that the teacher is really strict.
Person 2. In what way?
Person 1. Like, she expects that you pass all of the exams with a score higher than 90%.
in che senso
nel senso che
Situation 1
Person 1: Mi piace vivere a Bologna, però preferisco Orvieto.
Person 2. In che senso?
Person 1. Nel senso che preferisco le città più piccole. Bologna è troppo grande.
Situation 2
Person 1: Voglio iscrivermi in quel corso d’italiano, però ho sento che l’insegnante è rigida.
Person 2. In che senso?
Person 1. Nel senso che, si aspetta che superi tutti gli esami con voto superiore al 90 per cento.
When you are talking about GOING TO or BEING AT the beach.
The weather is great. Let’s go to the beach!
in - Il tempo fa bellissimo. Andiamo IN spiaggia!
At the same time. Usage implies a short, fixed time.
We called each other at the same time.
allo - Ci stavamo telefonando allo stesso tempo.
Same period of time. Usage implies a longer period of time.
I didn’t know we would study in Italy in the same period of time.
nello - Non sapevo che studieremmo in Italia nello stesso periodo.
When you are talking about the material something is made out of.
Conventional use, emphasis is on the object itself: A sculpture of marble.
di - Una scultura DI marmo.
When you are talking about the material something is made out of.
When emphasis is on the material because of the material’s importance or rarity: A sculpture in marble.
in - Una scultura IN marmo
Fixed phrase: To pick someone up
“I’ll pick you up at 8, alright?
passare A prendere
Ti passo a prendere alle 8, va bene?
When you are talking about something that is literally on the surface of something.
There are so many restaurants on the beach.
su - Ci sono tante ristoranti SULLA spiaggia.
Fixed phrase: “what’s the use?” (literally, “to what use?”
a che serve?
Fixed phrase: I’m dying of hunger!
di - Muoio di fame! (“di” often used to describe the causes or reasons behind something)
Fixed phrase: due to, because
Because of a technical fault, the train to Padua has been cancelled.
But because of the train strike (literally “strike of the trains”) , we arrived late.
a causa di
A causa di un disguido tecnico, il treno per Padua è stato sospeso.
Ma a causa dello sciopero dei treni, siamo arrivati in ritardo.
Let’s go to dinner
a - Andiamo A cena
vicino a
Everything is good
tutto a posto
To play soccer
Giocare a calcio
To write by hand
Scrivere a mano
Made from, containing
A base di
Each other
a vicenda
To go grocery shopping
Andare a fare la spesa
To which
a cui
alla - alla TV
To address someone with the “tu” form
del - Dare del tu
Prima di
di - di recente
To be in a hurry
di - Essere di fretta
To hope not/so
di - Sperare di no/so
To not think so
di - Pensare di no
To think so
Pensare di sì
At night
di sera
To want more
Volere di più
Of which
di cui
sul serio?
On which
su cui
Out of curiosity
per curiosità
for which
per cui
for rent
in affitto
in the meantime
nel frattempo
in anticipo
in ritardo
to trust someone
avere fiducia in qualcuno
In (someone’s) head
in testa
by car
in macchina
in piedi
To arrive/be on time
arrivare in tempo
on the plate
in piatto
in which
in cui
maiden name
il nome da nubile
From my point of view
dal mio punto di vista