Fixed Income Flashcards
Excess Spread
(define and calculate)
Spread in excess of the fair spread for suffering credit losses; an unannualized excess return over a specific holding period (NOTE: may need to deannualize to match hold period)
important to analyze source of mgr’s excess return
goal of any mgr is to earn excess return over fair mkt returns by finding mispriced securities
E [ExcessSpread] ≈ Spread0 − (EffSpreadDur × ΔSpread) − (POD × LGD)
***NOTE: the first term (Spread0) might need to be adjusted for periods in the year (eg 6 month hold would be x 0.5), AS DOES THE PODxLGD TERM
CDS Spread
(define and calculate)
standardized fixed coupon adjusted by an up-front pmt/receipt to freflect FV of the protection
essentially a premium paid to party who has credit risk of the bond
CDS Price ≈ 1 + (Fixed coupon − CDS spread) × EffSpreadDurCDS
Inflation-linked Bonds
Principal expands in line with an inflation index
exhibit lower return volatility than conventional bonds and equities
returns depend on volatility of REAL, not NOMINAL interest rates
–> volatility of real rates typically lower than that of nominal rates, which impact returns of conentional bonds and equities
Calculate Bond Portfolio Returns
given key rate durations and a change in yield curve, use the change in yield curve for the specified rate duration
Sum of Durations for each tenor times the change in yield
Modified Duration
% change in bond price for a 1% change in yield
Macaulay / (1+ periodic discount rate)
NOTE: make sure to divide by coupon frequency for periodic discount rate
if MD is 7, value of bond expected to decrease by 7% with a 1% increase in yield
Effective Duration
used for embedded options
HINT: think E for effective and E for embedded
if no options, effdur will be same as Modified Duration
Money Duration
(Modified Duration) x (change in yield) x (mkt value)
–> Multiply by 1/1002 to get BPV (price value of a basis point)
related to dollar sensitivity
Spread Duration
measures a credit-risky bond’s sensitivity to changes in credit spreads
Key point: NOT looking at underlying benchmark rates, just the spread movement
Higher effective spread duration = higher sensitivity to changes in spread
Empirical Duration
takes step back and looks at how prices move in actual terms (“empirical,” duh)
how muc hdoes bond price ACTUALLY move from shift in rates
just looks at regression of historical price and int rate changes
Return Decomposition
FS1, v important
- Yield income: coupon / price
Rolldown Return: return bond will have if the yield curve does not change
- think of upward sloping curve (maturity horizontal yield vertical axis)
- Rolling Yield = #1 + #2 (note difference, it’s NOT rolldown return)
- once you have 1&2 you can think about what is attributable to changes in benchmark rates and and spreads (ie changes in the yield curve), steps 3 and 4:
- Manager predicted change based on duration, convexity, and benchmark rates
- first component of this formula is the duration change, second is the “second order” change, due to shape:
- see photo
- mgr predicted price changed based on D, C, and yield SPREADS
- projected foreign currency G/L
- if foreign currency strengthens you benefit
- LESS expected credit losses
Structural Risk
the risk of non-parallel shifts in yield curve
causes assets to act differently from liabilities –> might not be able to meet liabilities when they come due
non-parallel shifts = diff rates move by diff amts
Convexity = bad from an immunization point of view –> dispersion –> higher dispersion = higher exposure to non-parallel yield shifts = higher structural risk
Immunizing Multiple Liabilities
BPVa = BPVL (so assets move the same amount as liabilities with changes in yield curve)
convexity of assets slightly exceeds Convexity of liabilities –> look for the minimum convexity you can get because you DO need dispersion of asset cash flows to be slightly wider than that of liabilities because asset cash flow needs to happen before Liability cash flow
MD x V x 0.0001
Duration Gap
if <0, need to increase duration of assets
can do so by going long futures
of futures needed = desired change in BPV / BPVfutures (of one futures contract)
BPV of one futures contract = BPVCTD / CVCTD
conversion factor maps the CTD to a notional bond underlying the futures contract
similar with swaps:
Size(NP) = change in BPV / BPVswap
Butterfly Spread and Formula
butterfly trade = leveraged way to cpature value when curvature changes
take long and offsetting short position in the bullet and offsetting barbell
short funds the long so no investor capital is required
long and short duration CANCEL each other for 0 net duration
profit primarily from change in curvature
- (ST yield) + (2 x medium-term yield) - LT yield
Forward Rate Bias
defined as an observed divergence from IRP, where active investors seek to profit by borrowing in lower-yielding currency and investing in a higher-yielding curency
lower-yielding currencies trade at a forward PREMIUM
fully hedged foreing currency FI invmts will tend to yield the domestic RfR
G Spread
the bond’s YTM minus an interpolated YTM of the two adjacent maturity OTR gov bonds
estimates a gov benchmark YTM that exactly matches the maturity of the bond
YIELD SPREAD = just the corp bond’s yield minus the nearest dated gove bond
to get to G-spread need to interpolate:
(M - S) / (L-S) –> easier way, M = target in the middle –> gives the weight of the LONGER dated benchmark bond
target = (1-weight) x shorter + (weight x longer)
if gov bond yield curve is flat, it will equal the Yield Spread
(example p.103)